Liquid salt water on Mars: a description, history and facts


2018-03-24 02:29:17




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As you explore the space more and more people intrigued by the idea of the discovery of alien life. With the development of technologies there appeared an opportunity to study the closest to Earth planets. One of them was Mars-the fourth planet in the Solar system, remarkably similar to Earth, but like the age long obsolete and was already cold. Permafrost unsuitable for biological beings, the atmosphere, severe dust storms – all this makes it inaccessible to life. However, recently found water on Mars gives hope to consider the planet as a second home for people in the distant future.

General information

Mars is almost two times smaller radius than Earth (average of 6780 km), and much less weight (only 10.7 per cent of the earth). The movement of a planet around the Sun is in an elliptical orbit. The rotation of the planet around its axis is 24 hours and 39 minutes, much like on Earth. But around the Sun, Mars moves much longer – more 686,98 of the day by earthly standards. Phobos and Deimos-the moons of the red planet small size, having the wrong form.

Before on Mars, found the water, scientists began to think about the presence of life. Theoretically there could be life, before her on Earth, but there was something that destroyed the atmosphere and all life on the planet.

Water on Mars


The Study of the planet was the Soviet Union, the USA, India and the European space community since 1960

Details and sensational discoveries were made through working there the spacecraft and Rovers “Mars”, “Mariner" Curiosity, Opportunity, Spirit. What Mars probes have managed to make new pictures from the planet's surface, to examine samples, record the existence of fog, ice and water.


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The clearest pictures of Mars were made by Hubble – the most powerful space telescope.


The Light areas of the surface of Mars are called continents, and a darker-seas.

Recent studies have shown that on Mars there is seasonality. The size of polar caps of the poles is changeable in summer are smaller, and in the winter grow. The surface of the planet is covered gorges, huge rifts, deep craters, evidence of seismic and tectonic activity.

The planet has a remarkably smooth landscape. Higher terrain in the southern hemisphere suggests that in the distant past the planet has experienced a significant collision with an asteroid, a heavy blow.

Perhaps this is a turning end of the period when Mars flowing water. The strike led to the increase of the magnetic field in the southern hemisphere due to the realignment of the nuclear mass of Mars.

found On Mars water


Discovered by the Curiosity Rover soil for research purposes and is subjected to heat, which noticed evaporating moisture. Then NASA came to the stunning discovery that a cubic meter of soil contains about a liter of water. Knowing where the water on Mars, nobody imagined that it practically everywhere.

Some of the layers of the soil dry, but most of the sites is sufficiently hydrated and contain up to 4% water in the composition. Moreover, the upper layers are more humid, and under them are the dry layers. It is unclear why the moisture, which on earth is found under the soil on Mars contains upstairs.

The Study of the deeper layers of soil, extracted by drilling in the area of the caves, found compounds of carbonates and other minerals with the clay content. This suggests that liquid water on Mars was also in the form of groundwater.

Long branching grooves on the surface of the planet, photographed from satellites, it may be dried beds of deep rivers. Permafrost turned the whole water into ice, which now presumably hidden streams of water. A thick layer of ice prevents it from freezing, allowing the streams to continue to deepen the river channel.

Where is water on Mars

Atmosphere and radiation on the planet

Oxygen-Rich atmosphere can not boast of the planet Mars. Water in the form of steam is quite a small part in it. The atmosphere is sparse, so the radiation level here is very high.

Carbon dioxide is contained in the composition of the atmosphere most of all – more than 95%, dilute it all a small amount of nitrogen and argon.

The Average temperature on the planet is equal to -50 °C, but can drop to -140 °C. Hypothetically many years ago, the climate on Mars was wetter and warmer has rained.

Hypotheses and their confirmation

The possible presence of liquid on Mars has long excited mankind. Even without specialized equipment, powerful telescopes, scientists began to put forward hypotheses about the existence of water on the planet long before sending the first satellite into space.

In the nineteenth century, Giovanni Schiaparelli took the liberty of saying that on Mars there is water. Moreover, it is claimed that on the planet there are many channels, artificially created intelligent beings. He believed that when Mars water flows, it fills a man-made channels created as an irrigation system for water saving.

A confirmationguessing the scientist was the discovery of liquid on the planet. This is the first condition of life. The first step on the path to eventual colonization of the planet people in the distant future.

The Discovery of water on Mars has become a real breakthrough in the study of the planet. The next major find may be a real organic life.

Salt water on Mars

Salt water on Mars

For the First time about the seasons on Mars are talking after the detection of white caps at the poles, which decreased the volume or increased.

In 2011, NASA made a sensational statement: it was discovered streams of water — perchlorates, which flowed from the slopes in the southern hemisphere of the planet along the walls of the craters. Spectral images Rreconnaissance Mars Orbiter (MRO) have left no doubt in the fact that water moves.

Water flows in the spring, forming water flows extending for hundreds, and a width of about five meters, and in winter disappears.

On the other hand, ordinary water immediately turned to ice under the action of low temperatures on the surface of Mars. There is a theory that the liquid salt, a kind of brine on the basis of perchloric acid, which due to its composition does not freeze. Yet scientists do not know for sure what it's for water. But if indeed the salt water on Mars, then it can live microorganisms which, like salt, like the earth.

The Fog over the red planet

At sunset fade in the fog around the surface of the planet. This is another confirmation that liquid water exists on Mars. Fog rises over the cold ground. It contained frozen ice particles falling to the ground from the fog under his weight. They managed to take a picture of “Phoenix”, sending up a laser. Some ice particles are immersed in the soil, thus ensuring a constant exchange between the atmosphere and surface water.

At Night the fog becomes deeper, rises higher, it falls greater number of ice particles. The intensity and height also depend on the time of year.

When on Mars flowing water

Storms and storm on the planet

Even before on Mars has detected water, scientists assumed the appearance of there dust storms and gales. The climate on Mars was always dry and cold, according to the facts and theories previously approved.

The model that displays Martian conditions about 3.5 billion years ago revealed the existence of previously giant warm lake. Steam rising from its surface, formed a cloud, which then rained down the snow flakes. This leads to the conclusion that the planet can be observed and a snow storm.

In 2015, the Rover Opportunity took panoramic shots of a huge dust storm. His brother Spirit has repeatedly made similar shots before. But this time the tornado was indeed an incredibly large size, it concealed the planet's surface.

Gusts of wind during storms carry sand, dust and reach speeds of up to one hundred meters per second.

Martian ocean

Made in the 70-ies of the pictures prove that Mars previously was the ocean that covered most of the Northern hemisphere. The presence of recesses in the surface indicates the existence of large lakes and rivers.

Studies using powerful radars showed deep under strata of soil hidden huge glaciers. MRO helped to identify stretches for hundreds of kilometers from the North pole to the equator glaciers. Water on Mars in the form of ice located deep below the foot of the rock formations inside the craters of volcanoes.

It is a system of deep channels could theoretically form in the past, the oceans. The channels themselves, probably caused by lava flows, sand, stones and glacial erosion. Volcanic activity has led to the development of a large volume of gases that caused the formation of a huge cave.

Liquid water on Mars

Drinking water on Mars

American scientists have put forward the hypothesis that earlier on Mars there was a huge amount of liquid, which gradually engulfed the cave system. After all, the natural caves were naturally formed vaults, maybe even drinking water, which is likely to be there still.

The soil samples from the planet Mars were discovered in minerals, including carbon, necessary to sustain human life. This suggests that the planet was previously drinking water. The presence of a drinkable liquid shows that Mars had conditions for the development of life similar to earth.

On the other hand, organic trace minerals could get to the planet from outer space, with asteroids, which frequently collide with its surface, as evidenced by the many craters. Therefore it is safe to say that on Mars they found water fit for drinking, not yet.

The mystery of the underground caves have yet to unravel, over her break their minds of the best scientists in the world. But the discovery of pictures of failures, holes on the surface of Mars, which could leave once the water, suggesting its presence deep in the caves.

Mars water discovered

About the Possible colonization of Mars?

Studies of the red planet continues. There are certainly still many places where water on Mars, and perhaps the biological life in the form of bacteria, exist. So searches become more efficient, it would be nicesend to the planet research expedition, but while this idea is at the planning stage.

To fly to Mars, will need a little less than a year. The astronauts will be deprived of comforts is limited in motion, will not be able to wash, and to eat they have some canned food. Man can not a long time to be in a confined space. It threatens to insomnia, long-term depression and other nervous disorders.

Yet so long in space a person was not because of the danger of loss of muscle and bone tissue under the influence of an artificially created gravity. The maximum period of stay of an astronaut on the ISS is equal to six months.

The First colonists will not be able to have children, the effect of radiation can have damaging effects on the composition of semen. Also radiation will not allow you to be on the surface without a spacesuit, may be the culprit for the development of the earth science unknown diseases.

At Least theoretically, the colonization of the planet and possible, but in order to implement the first steps towards achieving the goal, requires a long study of the planet, development of modern equipment for successful flights on it and the most effective ways to circumvent the destructive influence of Mars on human rights.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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