Fighting axes of Vikings. How to make a Viking axe


2018-03-25 01:53:18




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Axe – one of the most common types of cold weapon in ancient times. It was much cheaper and more practical than the sword, for the manufacture of which took a huge amount of scarce iron, and in the combat effectiveness of anything he is not inferior. A perfect example of this kind of weapons - axes of the Vikings, which will be discussed in this article.

How went the battle-axes?

Viking axesAnd from Thence to the time took a fighting and utility knives? Ancient axes on their modern “the descendants” was very vaguely similar, forget about the sharpened pieces of flint, fastened with ropes to a pole! More often they were in the form of drilled rock, impaled on a stick. Please put, initially axes were not slashing and crushing weapons.

And it is justified. Imagine a relatively thin, shot up a plate of flint: what will happen to it if the owner will hit the shield, the tree or stone? Right, with arms you will forget, as this mineral is very brittle. And it is in the midst of battle! So rock, mounted on a strong pole – a much more reliable weapon. And the axe in its present form could appear only after mankind has mastered the basics of Metalworking.

Basic information

Contrary to popular belief, axes of the Vikings, even the most threatening in appearance, heavy was never. Max – 600 grams, no more. In addition, the shaft never ecovillas iron! First, the metal used to cost very expensive. Second, this weighted axe, a massive weapon in the long battle could lead to the death of the owner.


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battle-axes in RussiaAnother misconception of modernity – “the ax-the weapon of the common people”. Supposedly everything is "respecting" the leaders of the Vikings used swords. It – from the category of the Hollywood myths about the Vikings. The axe is much more practical, easier, it not a pity to lose in the heat of battle. The good sword from a “good” iron cost so expensive that archaeologists have to date been able to find only a few instances of such weapons.

Proof – found the graves of military leaders and high-ranking "ordinary people”. They sometimes found whole arsenals, among whom were many of the axes. So the weapon is really versatile, it was used as the ordinary soldiers and their commanders.

The Appearance of two-handed axes

But the beloved “toy” of the Northern peoples was legendary brodax, he's two-handed axe on a long pole (that's how is called the axe of the Vikings, by the way). In periodicals it is often called “Danish axe”, but the title is too true, as it is not fully conveys the essence of this weapon. “finest hour” pradaxa came in the 11th century. Then the people who are armed, can be found from Karelia and to Britain.

the axe of a Viking with their handsIn full accordance with the ancient sagas, the Vikings just loved to give my arms a sublime and epic names. For example, “Shield”, “Combat the Witch”, “the Wolf of the Wound”. Of course, this attitude was rewarded with only the best quality samples.

Differed two-handed axes?

In appearance the blade brodacom were very large and massive, but the impression is only partly true. The blade axes when manufacturing was significantly ishonchli to save precious weight. But the "axe" and in fact could be big: the distance from one tip of the blade to the other is often reached 30 cm, and despite the fact that “working on” the axe of the Vikings almost always had a significant bend. Such weapons inflicted terrible wounds.

The Handle for the reliable swing had to be big… and such they really were! “Average” brodax, hard-nosed shaft into the ground, it got a standing warrior to the chin, but often found and more “epic” samples. These axes were an extremely powerful weapon, but one serious drawback they had. As for the shaft had to hold on with both hands, the warrior is automatically stayed without the protection of the shield. And therefore “classic” one-handed axes of the Vikings were occupied in the life of the last is not the last place.

The Impact of weapons the Vikings in the military art of Slavs

Many of those weapons were found during archaeological excavations on the territory of our country. Especially a lot of it comes brodacom, and are most common findings in Leningrad region. Approximately in the XII-XIII century, the situation in those places is becoming less “stressful”, and a list of standard weapons is gradually changing. Viking axes with wide blades gradually “transformirovalsya” in a relatively harmless farm implements.

By the Way, historians and archaeologists, that the period of maximum spread of brodacom in Russia was a real “boom” the development of domestic weaponry. Battle axes in Russia, created under the influence of Viking, has absorbed the best of European, Asian and Scythian samples. Why we pay attention to it? It's simple: the Russians evolved the later axes like descendants of the Normans.


Kievan Rus gave a second life combinedoptions with striker on the butt. Such weapons at the time were quoted by the Scythians. It is these axes in the 10-11 centuries “hog” the Vikings, and from our country this weapon will begin its March across the countries of Western Europe. It should be noted that, initially, the Vikings used a small movie with a simple, round or mushroom-shaped cross-section.

how is the axe of the VikingsBut in the 12th century battle axes in Russia acquired a Chekan square shape. This evolution can be explained quite simply: if originally, military men wore chain mail and other light armor, the armor became more and more serious. Needed him to break through, here and there Klevtsov and “punch” with a pronounced faceted cross-section. The most prominent representative of the Varangian-Russian axe is a hatchet Bogolyubsky. Most likely, the very Prince he never belonged to, but were just in the described historical period.

Weapons called "modern Viking”

Today, by the way, produced modern replicas of these weapons. Where can you buy this axe? Kizlyar (“Viking” is one of the most popular models) – here is the new “homeland” great weapons. If you belong to the passionate re-enactors, the best choice you no longer syschete anywhere.

Why not a sword?

As we have noted, often the axe is perceived by the layman as a weapon logger and the owner, but not the warrior. Theoretically, this assumption has some logical assumptions: first, that weapon is much easier to make. Second, even in a passable mastery of the sword was required for at least ten years, while the axe was with a man in those days constantly, and improving the skills of its use occurred, that is to say, “job”.

axe Kizlyar VikingBut this point of view is fair only partly. Almost the only factor in the choice of weapons were his martial practicality. Many historians believe that the axe was supplanted by the sword because of its great weight. And it's also not quite true. First, the weight of the axe Viking is only slightly exceeded the weight of the sword fighting (and it was less – the weight of the axe was not more than 600 grams). Second, swing a sword also demanded a lot of space.

Most Likely, from a historical perspective, the axe lost his seat due to improvements in metallurgy. Steel became more warriors could provide a large number of let inferior, but technologically advanced and cheap swords, combat technique which was much easier and did not require such a significant physique from «user». It must be remembered that the fights of that time was not the elegant fencing, the matter was resolved two or three blows, the advantage had better prepared people, and because the axe and sword was a weapon of equal value.

Economic significance

But we should not forget about another reason for the popularity of axe. The axe of Viking (the name of which – brodax) had a purely economic value. Simply put, with the same sword fortified camp to build is unlikely to succeed, they don't fix combat Drakkar, not to produce equipment, and firewood, in the end, too, not to chop. Given that a large part of his life the Vikings were in the campaigns, and the house was quite peaceful Affairs, the choice of an axe was more than justified because of its high practicality.

Axe as a weapon of noble warriors

Judging by the Chronicles and archaeological finds, this type of weapon was very popular among Scandinavian warriors. So notorious at the time, king Olaf the Saint was the owner of a battle axe with an expressive name of the "Hel". So, by the way, the ancient Scandinavians called the goddess of death. Eirik per son Harald Fairhair was a respectful nickname “Bloody axe”, which is quite transparently hinted at his preference in choice of weapons.

the weight of the axe of the VikingsFrequent references to “axes, lined with silver” in the written sources, and in recent years, scientists found many archeological artifacts that testify to the truth of these words. This, in particular, was famous Namenska axe on the surface which see amazing and beautiful patterns formed hammered silver thread. Naturally, such a weapon was a status and stressed the high position of the owner in society.

The Burial at Sutton hoo also shows great respect for combat axes, as it was discovered many ornate axe. Judging by the opulence of the burial ground, there certainly was buried one of the greatest military leaders of the angles or Saxons. That is characteristic: the late buried “cuddling” with an ax, which practically no jewelry. This is a purely military weapon, so during the life of this man has clearly chosen axes.

Sacred meaning

There is another circumstance that indicates the reverence with which the northerners belonged to the axes. Archaeological and written sources clearly indicate that the tattoo is "ax" the Vikings were extremely prevalent in the period from the 10th to the 15th century. A weapon that somehow appeared in almost all combat patterns that decorated his bodyprofessional soldiers.

It is also Worth noting that the amulet "Axe of the Vikings" was no less common. Almost every second of the cervical suspension has had in the composition of a miniature action figure axes. It was believed that this decoration gives strength, the power of the mind of a true warrior.


If you – professional music, the ideal choice may be the axe “Viking” (produced in Kizlyar). But is this “toy” not too cheap, but because many fans of medieval weapons may be the idea about the independent production of these weapons. How is it really? Is it possible to make the axe of a Viking with his hands?

Yes, it is quite possible. The basis for the ancient weapons can serve as a common axe, with which using a grinder just cut off all unnecessary. Then, using all the same LBM, gently zashlifovyvayutsya the entire surface, on which there should be no burrs and protruding pieces of metal.

Other notes

As you can see, to make the axe of a Viking with their hands is relatively easy and costly it does not require. The disadvantage of this method is that the resulting instrument will have only a decorative function, as the chores they have to perform will not work.

axe Viking production KizlyarTo create an authentic sample will have to hire a professional blacksmith, so as soon as the forging will allow you to get a really full-featured axe, analogous to those of the axe, which once fought the Vikings. Here's how to make the axe of the Vikings.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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