The great John Paul 2 biography, biography, history and prophecy


2018-03-26 11:32:18




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The Life of Karol Wojtyla, whom the world knows under the name of John Paul 2, was filled with both tragic and joyful events. He became the first Pope of Slavic roots. His name is linked to a huge era. In his post, Pope John Paul 2 showed himself as a tireless fighter against political and social oppression of people. Many of his public statements that support the rights and freedoms of the individual, turned it into a symbol of struggle against authoritarianism.John Paul 2


Karol Jozef Wojtyla, the future great John Paul 2 was born in a small town near Krakow in a military family. His father, a Lieutenant of the Polish army, spoke fluent German and were systematically taught the language of the son. The mother of the future Pontiff – a teacher, she, according to some sources, was a Ukrainian. It is the fact that the ancestors of the John Paul 2 was of Slavic blood, probably, explains the fact that the Pope understood and respected everything connected with the Russian language and culture. When the boy was eight years old, he lost his mother and at the age of twelve died and his older brother. In childhood the boy was fond of theatre. He was dreaming of becoming an artist in 14 years, even wrote a play called "King-Ghost".


In 1938, John Paul II, a biography that is the envy of any Christian who graduated from the classical College, and received the sacrament of monomania. As historians, Karol studied quite successfully. After completing his secondary education before the Second world war, he continued his studies at the Krakow Jagiellonian University faculty of Polish studies.

For four years, he managed to pass Philology, literature, Church Slavonic alphabet and even the basics of the Russian language. As a student, Karol Wojtyla enrolled in the drama club. In the years of occupation, the professors of this one of the most famous universities in Europe were sent to concentration camps, and classes officially stopped. But the future Pope continued his studies, attending classes in secret. And not to be taken to Germany, and he could contain his father, whom the invaders have cut the pension, the young man went to work in a stone quarry near Cracow, and then moved into the chemical plant.Pope John Paul 2


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In 1942, He enrolled in a Ged theological Seminary which functioned clandestinely in Krakow. In 1944, Archbishop Stefan Sapieha, for security reasons, moved Wojtyla and several other “illegal” seminarians to the diocesan office where they worked in the Archbishop's Palace until the end of the war. Thirteen languages fluently spoke John Paul II, biographies of saints, one hundred philosophical and theological and philosophical works, as well as fourteen encyclicals and five books, written by him, has made him one of the most enlightened popes.

Church Ministry

The First of November 1946, the year Wojtyla was ordained to the priesthood.A few days later he went to Rome to continue his theological education. In 1948 he defended a doctoral thesis on the theme of the works of the reformatting of the Carmelite order, a Spanish mystic of the sixteenth century, St. John of the cross. Then Carole returned home, where he was appointed assistant rector at the parish of the village Niegowic in the South of Poland.

John Paul II biography

In 1953, at the Jagiellonian University, the future Pontiff defended another thesis about the possibilities of justification of a Christian ethics on the basis of an ethical system Scheler. Since October of the same year he began to teach moral theology, but soon the Polish Communist government closed the Department. Then He was asked to head the Department of ethics at the Catholic University in Ljubljana.

In 1958, Pope Pius XII appointed him auxiliary Bishop in the Archdiocese of Krakow. In September of the same year he made his consecration. The ceremony was performed by the Archbishop of Lviv Bazyak. And after the latter's death in 1962, Wojtyla was elected the local capitular vicar.

the Great John Paul 2

From 1962 to 1964 the biography of John Paul 2 are closely linked with the Second Vatican Council. He participated in all the sessions, convened by the then Pope John XXIII. In 1967, the future Pope was elevated to cardinal-priests. After the death of Paul VI in 1978, Karol wojtyła voted in the Conclave which elected Pope John Paul I. However, the latter only thirty-three days he died. In October 1978 took a new Conclave. The participants were split into two camps. Some defended the Archbishop of Genoa, Giuseppe Siri, known for its conservative views, and others - Giovanni Benelli, who was known as a liberal. Not coming to a common agreement, in the end, the Conclave chose a compromise candidate, who was Karol Wojtyla. With accession to the papal throne, he adopted the name of its predecessor.


Pope John Paul 2's biography which has always been associated with the Church, became Pope in pyatidesyatishestiletny age. Like its predecessor, it sought to simplify the position of the Pontiff, in particular, deprived her of some Royal attributes. For example, he spoke of himself as the Pope, using the pronoun “I”, refused the coronation, instead of which was the enthronement. He neverwore a tiara, and considered himself a servant of God.

Eight times John Paul 2 visited my home. He played a huge role in the fact that the change of government in Poland in the late 1980s took place without firing a shot. After his conversation with General Jaruzelski last peacefully handed over leadership of the country Walesa, had already managed to obtain a papal blessing for democratic reform.

The Attack

The Thirteenth of may, 1981, the life of John Paul II almost broke. On this day in St. Peter's square at the Vatican, he was assassinated. The executor became a member of the Turkish right-wing extremist Mehmet Ali Agca. The terrorist seriously wounded the Pontiff in the abdomen. He was arrested immediately at the scene. Two years later dad came to Aggie the prison where he was serving a life sentence. The victim and the offender for a long time about something spoke, but to talk about the topic of their conversation John Paul 2 did not want to, though, and said that he forgave him.John Paul II biography


He Later came to believe that he shot took the hand of the Mother of God. And the reason for this was the famous Fatima predictions of the virgin Mary, who learned from John. Paul 2 the prophecy of the mother of God, particularly the latter, so interested that he devoted his study of many years. Actually had three predictions: the first one refers to the two world wars, the second allegorically referred to the revolution in Russia.

As for the third prophecy of the virgin Mary, for a long time it has been the subject of hypotheses and unbelievable speculation, which is not surprising because the Vatican has long kept him in the deepest secrecy. The higher Catholic clergy were even said it will remain forever a mystery. And only the Pope John Paul 2 decided to reveal the last mystery of Fatima prophecy. He has always been characterized by daring actions. The thirteenth of may, the day of his vosmidesyatitonnye, he stated that he sees no sense of the need to preserve the secrecy of the predictions of the virgin Mary. The Vatican Secretary of state, in General terms, said that recorded a nun Lucia, which in childhood and was the mother of God. The report said that the virgin Mary foretold the Martyr's path will be popes in the twentieth century, even the assassination attempt on John Paul II committed by the Turkish terrorist Ali Agca.

The Years of the pontificate of

In 1982, he meets with Yasser Arafat. A year later John Paul II visited Rome's Lutheran Church. He became the first Pope who dared to take this step. In December 1989 the Pontiff for the first time in the history of the Vatican takes the Soviet leader. It was Mikhail Gorbachev.John Paul 2 the prophecy

Hard work, and numerous trips around the world are undermining the health of the head of the Vatican. In July 1992, the Pope announced a future hospital admission. John Paul II was diagnosed with a tumor in the intestine, which had to be removed. The operation was successful, and soon the Pope returned to his normal life.

A year Later, he achieved that between the Vatican and Israel established diplomatic relations. In April 1994, the Pontiff slipped and fell. It turned out that he had a fractured femoral neck. Independent experts argue that it was then that John Paul 2 started the Parkinson's disease.

But even this serious disease does not stop the Pope in his peacekeeping activities. In 1995, he asked forgiveness for the evil that Catholics in the past have caused believers of other faiths. After a year and a half to the Pontiff arrives, the Cuban leader Castro. In 1997, the Pope arrives in Sarajevo, where in his speech speaks about the tragedy of the civil war in this country as a challenge for Europe. During this visit, on the way his motorcade not once were minefields.

In the same year, the Pontiff arrives in Bologna for a rock concert, which appears as a listener. A few months later, John Paul 2, whose biography is full of peacekeeping, making a pastoral visit to the territory of Communist Cuba. In Havana, meeting with Castro, he condemns economic sanctions against the country and sends to the leader a list of three hundred political prisoners. The culmination of this historic visit becomes the mass which the Pontiff conducts at the Revolution square in the Cuban capital, where more than a million people. After the departure of the Pope, authorities released more than half of the prisoners.

Pope John Paul 2

In the year two thousand, the Pope arrives in Israel, in Jerusalem, at the wailing Wall praying for a long time. In 2002, in Damascus John Paul II visited the mosque. He becomes the first Pope who ventured on such a step.


Condemning all war and actively criticizing them, in 1982-m to year, during the crisis over the Falkland Islands, the Pope visited Britain and Argentina, urging these countries to peace. In 1991, the Pope delivers a condemnation of the conflict in the Persian Gulf. When in 2003 the Iraq war began, John Paul 2 sent a cardinal from the Vatican with a peacekeeping mission to Baghdad. In addition, he has blessed another legate on a conversation with the then US President George W. Bush. During a meeting of his envoy gave the us President a sharp and rather negative attitude of the Pope for the invasion of Iraq.

Apostolic visits

John Paul 2 called forabout a hundred and thirty countries during his foreign trips. Most of all, he came to Poland – eight times. In the United States and France, the Pontiff was six visits. In Spain and Mexico, he was five times. His trip had one goal: they were aimed at promoting the strengthening of worldwide positions of Catholicism, and to establish links with other religions, primarily Islam and Judaism. Everywhere the Pontiff spoke against violence, and advocating for the rights of people and denying dictatorial regimes.

Overall, during his stay at the head of the Vatican, the Pope traveled more than a million kilometers. His unfulfilled dream and left on a trip to our country. During the reign of communism, his visit in the USSR was impossible. After the fall of the iron curtain, the visit was politically possible, but then against the visit of the Pontiff made the Russian Orthodox Church.


John Paul 2 died at eighty-fifth year of life. Thousands of people spent the night from Saturday to Sunday the second of April 2005, the Vatican, carrying in memory the deeds, words and image of this remarkable man. On St. Peter's square, candles were lit and silence reigned, despite the huge number of mourners.

The Funeral

Farewell to John Paul II became one of the most popular ceremonies in recent history of mankind. At the memorial service was attended by three hundred thousand people, four million pilgrims performed the father in eternal life. More than a billion believers of all faiths prayed for the repose of the soul of the deceased, and the number of viewers who watched the ceremony on TV, impossible to count. In the memory of their countryman in Poland there were issued commemorative coin “John Paul 2”.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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