Skagen is the place where the borders of the Baltic sea and the North sea


2018-03-26 13:17:09




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We Invite you to enjoy a cozy resort town, the most Northern point of Denmark. In addition, Skagen — a city of great scenic beauty, you can witness a unique natural phenomenon. Here border the North and Baltic sea. Border when it is visible to the naked eye. The spectacle is magnificent!Baltic sea and North sea

Skagen — small, cozy Danish town

The Sparsely populated town situated on the promontory called Grenen, he shared the Straits of Kattegat and Skagerrak. The first separates Denmark from Sweden, and the second — from Norway.

The Warm Gulf stream washes the grenen, but because there are more Sunny days in a year. Thanks to this Skagen, he became one of the most attractive Danish resorts. Here the cottages business elite of the Scandinavian Peninsula.


Sand — is the main attraction in Skagen, and at the same time, his punishment. Sand dunes move all the time, despite the fact that the locals all the time with planting trees and grass. Sand control continues for more than 200 years.

the North and the Baltic sea

In the mid-19th century, the city was chosen by the artists. Some came here for the entire summer season, in order to immortalize in his paintings the awesome beauty of nature, city life, settlers of Skagen. They were afraid that after some time everything will be under tons of sand. Unique piece of land between two seas is reflected in the works of artists such as Michael and Anna Anker, P. S. Krøyer, etc. as Skagen has always been a fishing town, many paintings depict local fishermen. Now works are in the Museum of art.


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“the edge” lived and famous storyteller H. C. Andersen. He said that here any person can visit the 'inspiration'.

One of the trademarks of Skagen is “Buried Church”. The constant pressure of the elements, she gave up in the middle of the 18th century, and now the first floor is completely buried in the sand. Today the white walls of the Lutheran Church beautiful towering sand dunes.the North and the Baltic sea border

Grenen — a must for tourists. Here it is possible to see the joining of the Baltic sea and the North sea. This is the place people consider the main attraction of the city.

Unique landscape

Only here, a few kilometers from the town of Skagen, if you walk along the coast to the grenen, one hand can be lowered into the Baltic sea and the North sea would splash under the second. The confluence of the two seas creates the effect of a certain mystery, mystique. The locals even call it the “doomsday”. Despite the fact that the temptation to take a swim in two seas is extremely high, bathing is strictly prohibited — the current is too strong, it can be life-threatening.

The nature of the phenomenon

The Baltic sea and the North sea do not mix at the point of their contact, as water currents have different density. The area of contact is relatively small. The reason is that the place where Baltic sea and North sea, shallow.

Due To the fact that in the Baltic sea flow into the numerous freshwater river, the salinity level of its waters is quite low. A large part of the waters of the sea does not flow beyond the Baltic basin. There is only a small passage to the sea North. And the Baltic sea would be a huge freshwater lake, if he had not.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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