Giulia Farnese: mistress us like never loved another would not


2018-03-27 09:10:10




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The Man, who was Pope Alexander VI Borgia, went down in history as the most corrupt person in the whole two thousand years of history of the Papacy. His entire life – is a chain of corruption, lack of integrity and intrigue. A vow of celibacy and pure, unburdened by relationships with either men or women life a must for every Catholic monk, and he, who should be an example for every Catholic, was the beloved, including the heroine of this story, Giulia Farnese.Giulia Farnese Alexander Borgia all their actions have hastened the time of the reformation.

At home

Don Rodrigo Borgia became a cardinal at the age of 25 years due to the fact that he was a nephew of Pope Calixtus III. He was handsome, stately, with a sharp eye and a beautiful mouth. A brilliant conversationalist and a great orator, he easily won the hearts. And it drew me like a magnet, and the young cardinal of San Niccolo and saw no need to give up pleasures.


Once in Rome, the cardinal of San Niccolo was able to strengthen for many years his position, although he was a foreigner, a native of Spain. Four popes have visited the Holy see, and cardinal all were in favor and remained Vice-Chancellor. In the Vatican, its impact is constantly growing. Allies he had, he was surrounded by servants only. While Rodrigo Borgia showed no confusion, no fear, and managed to protect their interests in the distant future.


Women worried about not only himself but his predecessors. Catarina Sforza was the wife of the son of Pope Stext VI. So the Holy see in touch with the ladies, and the recognition of their children watched through my fingers. From Rodrigo a constant passion, who gave him two sons and a daughter. The Prelate didn't care about secrecy or disguise their pleasure, and they talked at all intersections of Rome. His future love Giulia Farnese was still in diapers.


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Meeting with young lover

Aged 56-year-old cardinal met in the house of Orsini charming girl, whom everyone called La Bella. Her real name was Giulia Farnese. The age difference they had for forty years. The cardinal fell in love with the Golden-haired beauty.Alexander vi He knew how to desire and to achieve what he wanted. Immediately after marriage with the young Giulia Farnese Orsini became his lover.


And at this time died Pope innocent VIII. After 9 days of mourning for him was over, and the Conclave hedinii, walled up in the voting room. Three days later, like thunder from the sky came the news that unanimously elected Rodrigo Borgia, now Pope Alexander VI.Giulia Farnese biography It was a shock to all. The mistress of the Pope brought his brother Alessandro Farnese in 1493 purple cardinal. The star of the Farnese began to rise since that time. The Dukes of Parma – not the bright future. It will be another two and a half centuries of their greatness and brilliance. Rod Farnese will end on top of the world – Isabella, the last of their kind, and die in 1758 in Queen of Spain.

The Life of beautiful Julia

She was born in Rome, almost 250 years ago. Her father was a sovereign Lord, whose estate was located about forty kilometers from Rome. In the family of Lord Farnese had three sons and two daughters. When Giulia Farnese married Orsino Orsini cross-eyed in 1489, it had a considerable dowry.mistress of the Pope the equivalent in today's money it amounted to half a million dollars. Just Orsini was the stepson of a cousin of cardinal Rodrigo Borgia. There is no precise information about meeting the lovely Julia with the future Pope. One option has already been suggested. It is likely that they met in confession, but there is another opinion: mother Orsini gave consent to their relationship in 1493, that is, when the girl was not yet seventeen years old, and allowed her to live in a Palace built near the Vatican, where free could come at any time in love with Rodrigo.beloved the same year her brother became a cardinal, and later he will rise even higher and become Pope Paul III. Julia gave birth to a daughter, Laura, whose father, of course, called her lover. In 1494 she left Rome, than an extremely angry Dad, to be with a dying brother. When she returned back to Rome, it was captured by the French, invaded Italy. Dad paid her a huge ransom. Their amicable parting occurred about the year 1500. Julia, widowed by this time, went to the city, given to the Orsini family Alexander.

Once married Giulia Farnese. Her biography says that she is ruled their city, and in 1505 married daughter Laura for a close relative of Pope Julius II. Laura's descendants intermarried with the Royal houses of Portugal and Spain. The very same Julia died in the house of his brother-cardinal at the age of 50 years.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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