Noun as part of speech and its features


2018-04-01 09:20:08




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A noun as part of speech is the independent part. In a broad sense, all nouns to describe objects and answer two questions: who? what?. Taking his place in the sentence, they often act as subject to and as add-ons or circumstance. A noun in the Russian language has six categories, each of which divides all the words of this part of speech in a particular sign.

noun as part of speech

Category 1. Case noun

The First category of nouns is based on the contrasting cases. Case forms help to determine how the noun as part of speech refers to other words denoting objects, actions, or signs. Russian language has six cases, each of which responds to their questions. To facilitate awareness of the meaning of the noun used auxiliary words.

Questions for nominative - who? what?
For the genitive - no who? what?
For dative - to whom? what?
For accusative - whom to blame? what?
Instrumental - proud of who? who?
For prepositional to say about anyone? what?

Category 2. The gender of nouns

Each noun as part of speech can be attributed to one of three genera - female, male, or middle. The noun belongs to the feminine gender, if the meaning fit the words "she's mine". Accordingly, for masculine words -  "he's mine", and for the average - "it's mine".

noun in Russian

Category 3. The number of nouns

All nouns in the Russian language, except the words-exceptions that can be supplied in two forms in the plural or in the singular. These forms can be distinguished by the endings, depending on which changes the meaning of the words.


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Category 4. Nouns and declension

The noun as the part of speech changes its shape according to case and number. Depending on the nature of the change all the words of this part of speech are divided into three groups-declination. The first declension includes item names male and feminine ending in the nominative case end in the letters -and-I. In the second declension - masculine words without endings, as well as a neuter noun. And the third declension includes feminine items at the end of which stands the soft sign. In addition to these major forms, there are also words-is raznoglasiya indeclinable nouns.

the number of nouns

Category 5. Many words nouns

All the words of this part of speech are classified into two category - common and proper. The first group includes uniform titles, processes or condition and their own nouns include the names of individual, unique items. Your own words are the names, titles, etc.

Category 6. Animacy of nouns or inanimation

Each noun as part of speech refers to a group of animate or inanimate names. The first of them answer the question - who? and the second question - what?

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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