The Okavango river: feature


2018-04-02 02:25:18




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Africa is rich in natural resources. One of the largest reservoirs in the continent is the Okavango river. It is not dry all year round. The water of this river give life to many animals and plants along its coast settle people.

The Reservoir is known for the diversity of flora and fauna. Within the basin there are reserves. What is the Okavango, what features they have, is discussed later.

General information

In Africa, the Okavango river gives life to many species of animals, plants. It is known for its waywardness. Starts Okavango 300 km from the Atlantic ocean. However it sent its waters. They rush towards the Indian ocean. But before it, they do not reach.

the Length of the Okavango river

Okavango flows to the South-West of the continent. The Kalahari desert does not allow the river to reach the Indian ocean. Hot Sands drain it. In the lands of this vast, cruel desert lost all the water of the Okavango without a trace.

Before you get lost in those burning Sands, the river is flowing. Around her stretched the gardens, which many compare to the garden of Eden. Here you can watch the second largest Delta in the world. It is second only to the Niger river. Her Delta is the widest in the world. Among the inland rivers, it has no equal. Among such waters of the Okavango Delta takes the first place in the world.

General geographic data

Exploring the waters of Africa, you should consider the characteristics of the Okavango Delta. This unique body of water. The river flows inside of the continent, falling into the desert. It originates on the plateau of bié (Angola). The river ends in a marshy Delta which is one of the most extensive in the world.


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the source of the Okavango river

The River is fed largely by rain water. She falls into the ocean, a lake, a sea or another body of water. The source of the river is above sea level at the altitude of 1780 m. the Mouth (marsh) Okavango is located at the level of 700-900 m. Once this river emptied into lake Makgadikgadi. Now it is dry.

The Largest tributary is Quito. It is located on the left side of the pond. The river flows in Angola (upstream). Down South, a distance of 400 km, it is a natural and political border between this state and Namibia. After this the river flows in Botswana. In Angola, this river is called Cubango.


In southern Africa, the Okavango is a fourth in length. Her pool has an area of 721 thousand km². The length of the Okavango river is 1.6 thousand km. It is quite narrow near the source. If we move downstream further, it is possible to note the extension of the stream. Closer to the Delta, it is about 20 km away.

Feature of the Okavango Delta

Water Consumption in the middle on the river is 475 m³/s In the rainy season, this figure could reach 1 thousand m³/s. When the drought the water consumption is reduced. During this period he may be only 100 m³/s.

The Area of the Delta is about 15 thousand km². In the rainy season it spreads. During this period, the Delta covers about 22 thousand km². During the year the water flow is 10 thousand km³. If we translate this figure into tons, you get the magnitude of solid flow. It is 2 million tons To this figure is also added 2 million tons of salts that are dissolved in the river. They are deposited in the Delta when the water starts to evaporate significantly.

The water Level throughout the river varies. He dramatically reduced after the waterfalls on the border with Botswana.

Climate conditions

Having Considered where the Okavango river, you should learn the climate of its basin. The Okavango Delta is a natural oasis. Here was established a special microclimate. It differs significantly from the type surrounding arid tropics.

Where is the Okavango river?

The Most comfortable period for a person in this area lasts from March until June. At this time the day temperature is about +30 ºC. the Nights bring coolness. At this time there you can observe a lot of tourists. Hot and humid season lasts from December to March. The night is warm, and the day temperature reaches +40 ºC. the Level of humidity ranges from 50 to 80 %.

Becomes Cooler in June-August. The humidity in this period also decreases. At this time the night temperature can drop to 0 ºC. the Day warm enough. In September-November in the river basin is dry and hot. For the year in this area falls on an average 450 mm of rain.

Current Path

Sufficiently large length of the Okavango river makes the pond is diverse, different in different areas. From a narrow source, it rushes down the rapids channel. Here the reservoir surrounds the African Savannah. This is the plateau of bié. According to it, the river flowing in a South-easterly direction.

the uniqueness of the Okavango Delta?

Before the border with Botswana, the flow passes a number of waterfalls Priest. They partition off the river bed across. The flow width is 1.2 km away. More peaceful for getting on the plain of the Kalahari. Here the slope decreases. Along with this, the flow slows down. Its waters are widelybottled. There are numerous sleeves, lakes and lagoons. So formed the biggest on the planet, the inland Delta of the river.

The Path of the river ends here. However, she does not Harbor other bodies of water. Here begins the Kingdom of the Kalahari desert. This is its Northern boundary. The Delta forms an oasis in the desert. It is rich in variety of flora and fauna. This is a special and exotic world that come to see tourists.


The source of the Okavango river is quite narrow and rough. Mass of water rushes through the riverbed, overflowing after barriers of the waterfalls on numerous sleeves. South of them during flood feeds the lake Ngami. This fresh water reservoir.

the Mouth of the river Okavango

And the sleeve every few years reach the tributaries of the Zambezi, which is called Cuando. Just at this time the Okavango finds its way to the Indian ocean. This period does not last long. Then and the sleeve dry on the way to Cuando.

Sometimes the sleeve, which is referred to as Bottle, feeds the lake with salt water, Zkau. It is located on the outskirts of the marshes drainage basin of the Makgadikgadi. Here the maximum does not more than 5% water of the whole Delta.

Previously, the Okavango Delta fed lake Makgadikgadi. Today it is dry. In the basin in the dry season you can observe the marshes, which in the rainy season in the lowlands filled with water. At this time formed 2 lakes. At this time there full of life. When it comes to the drought the basin again becomes harsh, salty expanse.


Okavango Delta stretches thousands of kilometers across the continent. Here comes the main absorption. About 60% of the river feeds the plants, which abundantly inhabit this marshland. Here grows the papyrus, lilies, water lilies, algae, shrubs and other flora. In the North-Eastern part there is the Moremi game reserve.

Okavango river in Africa

From the water surface of the river evaporates, only 36% of water. This figure depends on the time of year. In the soil leaving about 2% water. As many of the river resources is spent on food of lake Ngami. This can be observed in years when the Okavango is the most affluent. Not enough, the lake could maintain its position on the Northern border of the Kalahari desert. Therefore, it gradually dries up.

The deficiency of LH is reflected in the composition of the water. The lake area is shrinking. It turns into the sump soda-saline type. Appear streaks of shoals, shores are covered with white bloom.

The Swamp

The Mouth of the Okavango Delta is the largest ecosystem on the planet. This section of the huge body of water called the oasis, which has no equal on Earth. Small, large Delta forms an extensive swamp areas. All year round there are a variety of life.

The Marshes of the Delta of the river overgrown with reeds, seaweed. Here you can observe on the surface of the water, delicate water lilies, and the banks spread thick bushes. Come here to drink different animals. The kilometres are giraffes, elephants, lions and antelopes, hyenas and leopards, to get to the source of life-giving water. Here you can find many species of waterfowl. In the swampy waters of the river Delta there are hippos. There are also a lot of insects.

In the Okavango Delta people live already more than 30 thousand years. However, the population pool is small. The abundance of insects that spread malaria and other infections, is greatly affected. Here live the peoples of Bantu groups, the Bushmen.

Flora and fauna

The Okavango River is home to many species of animals, birds, fish and plants. In the lower reaches of the reservoir represents a large part of the total diversity of the flora and fauna of the pool. Here are giving birth swamps contrasting with the arid vastness of the Kalahari.

In the upper part of the Okavango Delta has grown cane and papyrus. In places where the swamps do not dry up all year round, it is possible to observe a large number of water lilies. This place also elected their house miniature geese. In the swamps of the Okavango feel good, hippos, crocodiles, and certain kinds of antelope (sitatunga, lychee, bunch).

Among birds, rare species. Here you can find a kite, emerald, Kingfisher, African fishing owl, white Heron, etc. In the lower part of the river there are zebras, elephants, buffalos, antelopes. The predators here are lions, hyenas and leopards.

Economic indicators

In Africa, the Okavango river has no less value than Neal. Its waters flow along the territory of 3 countries. Angola, Botswana and Namibia in conflict over ownership of precious water of the river. On the banks of the Okavango people almost do not conduct economic activity. Therefore, the water is clean.

Angola is trying to strengthen the position of their national economy with the construction of a dam. Namibia uses the same resources that deliver the previously constructed channel. Also it is planned to construct pipeline to supply water.

Marshland of the Delta is located in Botswana. Every year the Treasury receives funds from ecotourism. He is gaining popularity in recent decades. Tourists in the Moremi game reserve. For them, organized Safari. Therefore, the importance of water resources for the state, contributing to the maintenance of life in the Okavango Delta, it is difficultbe overstated. To resolve the conflict over the water resources of the Okavango between the three countries, was organized by a special Commission.

Interesting facts

The uniqueness of the Okavango Delta? Despite the hot climate, a large number of insects it attracts a lot of tourists. There are several interesting facts on the reservoir. Scientists say that most of the Islands salt type formed in the field of termite mounds.

The surface of the Delta is almost flat. Therefore, water requires approximately 7 months to cover the distance from the source to the southern region. The huge size of the pool of water, diversity of flora and fauna here attract a lot of tourists. However, are permitted to use the reserve only 4 thousand of tourists a year. The cost of such tours is high.

Problems Okavango

The Okavango River is a precious natural resource for the countries through which it flows. The management here does not have high adaptability. Local tribes are engaged in farming, fishing, hunting. In Botswana is mined on a large scale diamonds. However, this does not save the local population from famine, epidemics, drought.

Before the cattle did not graze in the swampy areas of the Okavango Delta. The activity people were at some distance from these places. There were many insects, including the tsetse fly. The spread of disease, infections have led to the fact that cattle-breeding in ancient times was conducted closer to the beginning of the Delta, away from her.

With the development of modern technology here started to use chemicals against insects. The risk of infection was eliminated. The shepherds began to drive the cattle in pristine areas of the marshes of the Delta of the river. This has led to the displacement of native pastures of antelopes and some other animals. Their population began to decline. For this reason, began to organize the reserves. They contribute to the spread of indigenous species of animals and plants in the basin of the Okavango. Without this area faces a natural disaster.

Having Considered especially interesting facts on the Okavango river, you can get an idea about the reservoir, to assess its importance to the largest oasis on the planet.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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