Eurasia - the continent which are washed by 4 oceans


2018-04-02 19:04:11




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This issue can get caught in the tests in geography or in a crossword puzzle: the continent that is washed by the 4 seas? An educated person knows the correct answer. Well, if you do not know, will deal with us.

the continent which are washed by 4 oceans

Decoding a geographical term “mainland”

Sometimes there is confusion in terminology as is used two designations “mainland” and “continent”. Is there a difference between them? In fact, these words-synonyms. They represent large land masses that are above sea level and surrounded by water. So, you can say or continent, or the continent that is washed by 4 oceans, the meaning of the question will not change. The only difference is that the mainland – just over the surface of the ocean, and the continent includes the underwater continental slopes and shelves. But despite this, both words used interchangeably. Although geologists might argue with this statement because they have spent many years learning this distinction.

How many continents on the planet?

To answer the question of what kind of continent washed by the four oceans, you must first figure out how many continents there are. On Earth there are 6 major landmasses, which continents are considered:

  • First is Eurasia - the largest continent on the planet, which consists of two different historical and cultural development of the parts. They are called Europe and Asia.
  • The Second continent-Africa, it occupies a fifth of the earth's land area.
  • The Third largest is in North America.
  • Fourth place belongs to South America, it occupies 12% of the land.
  • The Fifth-largest continent – Australia. Here is just one state with very low population density.
  • The existence of the sixth continent still arguing and ordinary people, and scientists. Many believe that Antarctica is not a continent.

what continent washed by the four oceans


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Mainland, which washes 4 ocean – Eurasia. It is considered supermaterial because he's the biggest of all. The total area of this landmass – more than 54 million km². In addition to the mainland, this figure includes the area of 15 of peninsulas.

Eurasia has so much length that on its territory are a whole list of climatic zones. And natural area was formed by four oceans of the world.

The Population of Eurasia-about 5 billion people. On the continent is located approximately 93 States and 10 non-recognized entities.

the continent which are washed by 4 oceans

The Oceans surrounding the continent of Eurasia. Atlantic

West and South-West of superamerica is washed by the Atlantic ocean. It's not the largest ocean (the area it is inferior to Silent), but his area is considered the most mastered of all. By the way, the area of the Atlantic more than 91 million km², and its average depth – almost 4 thousand meters in the deepest place – the Puerto Rico trench is more than 8700 m

East coast. The Pacific

The East coast of Eurasia washed by the Pacific ocean. This ocean is the largest and oldest on Earth. Its area is really huge – it is more than 178 million km². In fact, the Pacific ocean occupies a third of the earth's surface. Its area is half the area of the oceans.

The Name “Quiet” is not consistent with the nature of the ocean. It was invented by Magellan, which was very lucky with the weather during the circumnavigation.

what is the mainland which is washed by 4 oceans

Data on the average depth of the mixed. Are estimated to be 3900 m, but other researchers believe it is 4200 m. the deepest point-the Mariana trench. More than 11 km.

The East coast of Eurasia, dissected by bays and peninsulas, has a lot of Islands of different sizes.

The South coast. Indian ocean

The Southern coast of Eurasia are washed by the waters of the Indian ocean. Its value is the third in the list of the oceans. The area a little more than 76 million km². The average depth of the ocean is very decent - 3711 m. the Deepest point is more than 7 km away. the name Sunda trench.

The Coast of Eurasia from the South side of the cut is significantly less than with other parties. There are significant geographic features: the Arabian Peninsula and the Indian subcontinent and the Arabian sea and Bay of Bengal.

North coast. The Arctic ocean

From the North mainland, which washes 4 ocean limited Arctic ocean. It's small and cold, which leads to polar and sub-polar climate of the coast. An ocean area of about 16 million km² with a maximum depth of about 5500 m. But the average depth of – 1200 m.

oceans surrounding the continent of Eurasia

The Northern coast of Eurasia has a very wide shelf, which is extremely rich in minerals. The development of the shelf are Russia, Denmark and Norway.

Now you know some features of our huge continent. If you ask, Eurasia is a continent? 4 which is washed by the ocean, feel free to answer this question.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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