The industrial revolution. Features of the industrial revolution in the United States and Russia


2018-04-07 20:00:29




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The Industrial revolution that began in the late 18th century in England and spread subsequently developed States (in the 19th century), was the replacement of manual production machine, the transition to factory from factory. The leading social classes are the workers and the bourgeoisie. The basis of production are the factory and the factory is equipped with machines.

The Industrial revolution was gradual. In the first half of the 19th century revolution after England covers United States. Then came the industrial revolution in Europe. And in the Eastern part of the industrial revolution has not ended.

The Beginning of the industrial revolution affected textile industry. Then mechanizacia began to encompass other areas of production. This period was marked by technical inventions, among which lathe, sewing machine, new vehicles (locomotive and ship), communications (radio, Telegraph, telephone).

In the second half of the 19th century, the industrial revolution moved on to a new stage of development. During this period, was invented the engine of the internal combustion engine (internal combustion), the phonograph (recording and reproducing sound device), open oil, chemical industry. People started to use electricity.

The Industrial revolution took place in favorable conditions. They created the formation of the United States. Looms and mechanical spinning wheels appeared in America in 1789. After a work-emigrant from England Plater made a drawing of a loom, a year in the United States began to work the first textile factory production. After fifty years the consumption in factories of America of cotton has grown more than twenty-two times.


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It Should be noted that the greatest activity in the introduction of steam engines was observed from the beginning of the forties of the 19th century. This relatively late introduction was due to the spread of water-engine, in comparison with steam, cheaper.

Of Great importance in the development of the industrial revolution in America was given to the construction of Railways. In the period from 1830 to 1850 was more than five-fold increase in the railway network.

The Growth of the mining industry and the metallurgical industry has been associated largely with the mechanization of transport. Thus, in the first half of the 19th century saw the increase of production of cast iron 12 times, and the extraction angle – several thousand.

The Industrial revolution has allowed the United States to develop its own engineering. So, in Pennsylvania, new York, was built large factories for the manufacture of steam engines.

It Should be noted that a large contribution to the development of industry in America has made geniuses of engineering (Colt, singer, Morse). The country has gained momentum, agricultural machinery, due to the growing needs of the farm. In the period 40's-50's years in America had created a magnificent mechanical threshers, seeders, mowers and other equipment.

For fifty years the volume of imports increased by 4% and exports by 3.7. However, in the mid-19th century in the leading position in exports took still agricultural products and raw materials.

In Russia the process of the industrial revolution were inconsistent in territorial and industry sector. This was the reason for long enough, half of the country's transition from manual labor to automated production. Started mechanizacia in the cotton industry in the thirties, and ended in the steel industry in the eighties.

By the time of the abolition of serfdom more than 60% of production in manufacturing industries was made civilian workers at the factories.

In the mid-19th century, founded about a hundred machine-building industries, in metallurgy, however, continued to use manual labor.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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