The Nile and other major rivers of Africa


2018-11-10 10:00:27




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The Major rivers and lakes of Africa play a very important role for the continent, because by them it is watering and irrigation. On large streams a number of reservoirs, the total amount of which exceeds fifteen cubic kilometers. The largest of them are such as Nasser, Kariba and Volta. Most of the large lakes located on the East African plateau and has considerable depth. For example, Tanganyika in the figure on the planet, second only to lake Baikal. Its deepest point is at a distance of 1470 feet from the surface of the water. The largest lake of the continent is Victoria.major rivers and lakes of Africa

A Rating of “the largest rivers of Africa” is headed by Neil. It is equal to the total length of 6671 km, It starts in the river Kagera and after passing through several lakes flowing out of them under the name White Nile. Further, near the town of Khartoum, it flows into the Blue Nile, which emerges from lake Tana located on the Ethiopian highlands. Joined into one, these major rivers of Africa form a very wide stream which is called the Nile. In its upper part is a large number of lakes, waterfalls and rapids. On the plain there are many tributaries and sleeves, in connection with which the valley is becoming quite boggy. For marshes, downstream, along the banks formed a kind of green corridor from narrow strips of trees. Against the yellow deserts he looks pretty douche-y.the largest rivers of Africa

A Significant part of the river is surrounded by arid desert. Despite this, Neil is always flowing, especially in summer and autumn. Like other large rivers of Africa, it is very important for agriculture. The fact that after the recession of water, leaving a layer of silt, which fertilized the land. This allows you to get decent yields. Not surprisingly, the Nile valley several millennia ago has become a real cradle of humanity. Thanks to him, on the territory of modern Egypt appeared first on agriculture and formed one of the first on the planet powerful States.

Second in the list of “Major rivers of Africa” is Congo with a length of 4320 km, It is the most abundant throughout the Eastern hemisphere. Along the course of the river it is adjacent to the many tributaries of the southern and Northern regions of the continent. In the period from March to November of the Congo is fed mainly by the right tributaries, and September to March –  left. The explanation is quite simple: the fact that the rainy season in different hemispheres of the continent falls on different times. This caveat plays a positive role, because thanks to him the river throughout the year is flowing.Major rivers of Africa

At the confluence of the Congo into the Atlantic ocean formed a huge mouth, so the water gets deep river (17 miles). Under her influence  the surface waters remain fresh at a distance of about 75 kilometers from the mouth. Water of the Congo have a brown color first, then yellow. It stands out against the blue ocean waters, even three hundred kilometers from the coast.

Other major rivers of Africa – Niger (4160 km), the Zambezi (2660 km) and Orange river (1860 km).

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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