The history of new York: description, history, interesting facts, best museums


2019-01-24 01:00:35




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According to official statistics, in new York city is home to more than 8.4 million people. According to unofficial metropolis accommodates nearly 21 million citizens. Moreover, any resident of the American city can become the hero of the film. It was there every year removed more than 200 films.

Nevertheless, the history of new York almost unknown. How did the largest metropolis of the USA? Why is it special and what attractions are "must see" for every tourist who decides to visit Manhattan? It is worth to elaborate on each question.

What is known about new York?

Thanks to the developed the American film industry every Russian schoolboy knows that new York – the city that you dream to attack the aliens that there will zombiapokalipsis, and also that in the American metropolis there is one modest superhero who will save.

In fact, this is a truly unique American state. Unusual even the area where is located new York. Most part covered with hills from the North-West it is washed by lake Ontario, on the South-West close Eleganckie mountains. Upstate is the border with Canada. And the South-East it is washed by the Atlantic ocean.

And of course, the city is famous for its architecture and attractions. With your own eyes is to see the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn bridge, skyscrapers of the metropolis, and visit the American Museum of natural history in new York.

history of new York

Every day go to work about 13 thousand taxi drivers, and under the earth and on its surface operates 468 subway stations. The metro operates around the clock.

How the Dutch bought new York for $25?

According to historical records, the Indians checked in "Manhattan" 3 thousand years ago. Scientists believe that people lived on the territory of the modern city are already 10 thousand years ago. However, history of new York, as the American state began only in the 16th century.


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In 1524, the territory arrived the Italians under the leadership of Explorer Giovanni Verrazano. A scientist wanted to study the Hudson river. Later on the island came the Dutch. Science is interested a little, they seized the land and declared that this is the New Netherlands (according to another version - New Amsterdam).

Museum of the history of new York

To the indigenous people not much bothered, Manhattan was built Fort Amsterdam. A year later the Governor of New Netherlands ransomed from the Indians. Peter Minuit. bought future the largest metropolis in metal trinkets, jewelry and clothing with a total value of $ 25. After the deal of the century on Manhattan began to import slaves from Africa.

English colony

In the late summer of 1664, the British came to ‘new York”. The history of the city tells us that the Dutch surrendered New Netherlands without a fight. The Governor of the English settlement was Richard Nicholson. It was he who gave the city its modern name. The Governor called future metropolis in honor of his brother, king James 2, Duke of York.

The events Themselves occurred during the war between the Dutch and the British. 9 years after the shameful surrender of the city outraged the Dutch regained the land and called it new orange. However, a year later (in 1674) new York once again became English by the Treaty of Westminster.

Residents of the city, of course, was not satisfied with such frequent change of government, so at the end of the 17th century history of new York was closely associated with internal uprisings. The largest occurred in 1689-1691. After almost 100 years the city lived peacefully. Expanded its boundaries, has opened hospitals, schools, universities.

Independent new York

In 1775 began the War for the independence of the United States. Past new York she could not pass. Moreover, several fighting took place in the city. And the Brooklyn battle led to terrible fire that destroyed most of metropolis. The British did not give the city. Only two months after the war new York became American – November 25, 1783.

Museum of natural history in new York

This did not prevent the metropolis from becoming the first capital of the United States. In addition, it hosted the inauguration of the first President-George Washington. By the way, modern tourists can see the most important events in the life of the city, visiting the Museum of the history of new York.

Not to mention that the metropolis grew and developed thanks to the immigrants from New England and Ireland. In the early 19th century, the population of new York increased by 4 times and exceeded the figure of 1.2 million inhabitants.

The Civil war between the North and the South stopped the construction of the city, but after graduating from new York began to develop with renewed vigor. In 1886 the French gave US the Statue of Liberty. At the same time in the city appeared first skyscraper-the tower building.

What state is new York?

The City is located in the state of the same name. The official history of the state of new York began on July 26, 1788. That was the day the region became the United States.

What is remarkable: the capital of the state was not the major metropolis of America and the city of Alabany. And officially reside in the state of 20 million people, almost half are residents of the city of new York.

The state has its own motto, which in Latin sounds like the Excelsior, which means “Weight”. This is probably due to the fact thatthe land on which it is located, consists of hills.

The metropolis motto, but there are two nicknames – “the capital of the world” and “Big Apple”. In addition, new York city is world famous for the fact that it houses the headquarters of the United Nations.


At the beginning of the last century, the metropolis became one of the centers of trade and industry. Even then, land in new York was expensive, and space for the construction was not observed. The city began to grow outwards, and upwards.

History of new York is closely associated with the construction of skyscrapers. Almost every skyscraper in the city has its name. In 1907 was built the West street building height of 99 meters. And four years later the city rose 246 Woolworth.

new York city history

This new yokri not stopped, and 30 years were built the first buildings that exceeded 300 metres. The Chrysler building and Empire state building height of 319 meters and 381, respectively.

In 1971, was built by the infamous twin Towers (417 and 415 meters). For a long time they were the tallest skyscrapers in the world.

Still, new York was erecting skyscrapers. So, in 2013, in the city of “grew” the Freedom Tower with a height of 541 meters.

Brooklyn bridge and the Statue of Liberty

Almost the same value as the skyscrapers, the architecture of the city have bridges: Williamsburge, Manhattan, Queensboro bridge. But the most famous, thanks to the cinema, considered the Brooklyn bridge.

This is a unique cantilevered structure was built in 1883. At that time it was the largest suspension bridge in the world, and the only viaduct design which was steel rods.

Three years after the construction of the bridge in new York city there was a Statue of Liberty. It was a gift from France to the Americans as a sign of friendship between peoples. To the top of the statue are already 324 steps to the podium – 192.

history of new York

Today is the pride of every new Yorker. However, in the late 19th century, the builders were having financial difficulties. The Statue of Liberty didn't have enough money. The two countries staged a major campaign to raise funds. Organized concerts and lottery. And if the French gladly responded to the call to raise the remaining amount, the Americans with money be placed not in a hurry. Helped article of the famous journalist Joseph Pulitzer who criticized his countrymen. After the publication of U.S. residents rushed to donate money for the construction.

Natural history Museum

In the city operates one of the most beloved museums in the world – the natural history Museum. In new York any resident or visitor of the city can visit it.

Americans are proud of what this Museum has to be kept half a million volumes of books on the subject of natural science. Visitors tend to admire the halls of the Museum.

So, on the first floor you can see exhibits of people at different stages of human development. There is the famous “Lucy” (the skeleton of the Australopithecus), "Peking man" and many others.

the American Museum of natural history in new York

The Second floor ladies love girls – there are over 100 thousand copies of the precious stones. Also there is a hall in which to store meteorites, and the hall with the petrified skeletons of dinosaurs and other extinct ancient animals.

UPS and downs

As you can see, the history of new York knew its UPS and downs. 70-ies of the last century remembered the economic and social crisis in the 90s in the US surged a new wave of immigrants (mostly from the former Soviet Union), and the city started to develop. Then there was a boom "dotcom" (roughly similar to modern start-UPS), and the youth went into business.

history of new York

And of course, talking about the history of the city, not to say about a tragic date – September 11, 2001, when a terrorist attack has claimed thousands of lives and destroyed the two tallest skyscrapers in new York.

Nowadays, the metropolis is once again growing, increasing the number of its inhabitants, and constructing new buildings.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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