The Abel prize, its laureates and their achievements


2019-01-11 12:00:30




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The Abel prize is an analogue of the Nobel prize, but with the only difference that the latter are unable to mathematics. Specially for them in 2002 in Norway and was established this award. Since 2003, it is given the best mathematicians of our time. This award is named in honor of the famous scientist Niels Abel.

Why was the award created?

N. X. Abel made a very significant contribution to the development of mathematical knowledge. He became the founder of the so-called theory of elliptic functions and has made an enormous contribution to the theory of series. The scientist lived only 26 years. In honor of the bicentenary of his birth, the Norwegian government decided to allocate a decent amount (200 million Norwegian kroner) in order to be established the Abel prize. It was created not only to have been awarded the achievements of outstanding mathematicians. Another goal was to popularize mathematics among the younger generation.

Pierre deline – winner 2013

Who were given this award? In 2013 the Abel prize was obtained by the Belgian mathematician Pierre Delines for contributions to algebraic geometry, transformation theory of numbers, ideas, and related areas.

Deline was born in Brussels and graduated from the Brussels free University. After the researcher has defended his doctoral thesis, he began working at the Institute of Higher national studies.

the Abel prize

The Most famous of the achievements of Pierre deline – the proof of the third hypothesis, Weyl, for which he is considered one of the best mathematicians on the planet. In the period from 1970 to 1984 scientist working at Princeton University in the United States. In 2006, the king of Belgium appropriated Delinu the status of a Viscount, making him a nobleman. Now Pierre deline is a member of the French Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences of America and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. In Russia, to Pierre Delany are treated with special warmth. After all, a scholar award was established delina that in 2005-2009 could get young gifted mathematicians. After that, the support of young talents engaged in Fund “Dynasty”.

The Abel prize 2014: Yakov Sinai

In 2014, the prestigious award was received by the Russian mathematician Yakov Sinai, who is an employee of Princeton University and Institute for theoretical physics. Landau. The prize Committee indicates that Yakov Sinai has achieved significant results in areas such as dynamical systems, mathematical physics and probability. The scientist was born in 1935 in Moscow in a family of biologists. In 1957 he graduated from Moscow state University. University. Since 1971 he is Professor of Moscow state University, and also works at the Institute for theoretical physics. Landau, Yakov Sinai. The Abel prize was awarded to a scientist at the age of 78 years. Sinai has published more than 250 scientific articles and has written several books. Yakov Grigorievich Sinai is now considered one of the top mathematicians in the world. Many of his works are at the intersection of mathematics and physics.


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Yakov Sinai the Abel prize

The winner of the 2015 – John Forbes Nash

19 may 2015 the Abel prize was awarded to math named John Forbes Nash. The scientist received the award together with Louis Nirenberg. 23 may of the same year the scientist was killed with his wife in a car accident. At the time he was 86 years old. In 1994, John Nash was awarded the Nobel prize in the economic sphere for their work on the so-called non-cooperative games. The Norwegian prize was awarded to a scientist for contributions to the study of nonlinear differential equations. One of the main achievements Nash was game theory that studies the optimal strategy. And also one of his greatest discoveries was the theory of equilibrium.

the Abel prize 2014

The Scientist has gained wide popularity among the masses after became the hero of the film called “mind Game”. His biography has attracted writers as John Nash, as a brilliant mathematician was suffering from schizophrenia. The film shows the struggle of a scientist with the disease.

Unlike John Nash, who liked to work alone, Louis Nirenberg, almost 90% of its achievements made together with colleagues. He has achieved great results in the theory of differential equations. Many of the derivatives are named in honor of Nirenberg and his colleagues. Despite the fact that the Abel prize in mathematics was received by Nash and Nirenberg, they never worked together. However, their achievements have had great influence on each other and on math in General.

Andrew wiles proof of Fermat's theorem

the Abel prize in mathematics

In 2016, the Abel prize was received by the British mathematician Andrew Wiles's successful proof of Fermat's theorem. Now the scientist for 63 years. His education he received at Cambridge and Oxford. Wiles was born in the family of an English priest who was also Professor of theology in the University of Cambridge. Himself a mathematician, worked for 30 years in America, teaching math at Princeton. Wiles now works at Oxford University. At the present moment there are about 15 awards in mathematics. Andrew wiles was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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