Ancient Egypt: economy, its peculiarities and development


2019-07-01 15:20:24




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In comparison with other ancient civilizations was the most prosperous of Ancient Egypt. The economy of this state has grown and developed. And it is impossible to find another ancient country that existed for such a long time.

Good conditions for human habitation, rich in minerals land, poultry – that was the economic Foundation of Ancient Egypt. They later joined the craft and trade. But pursuit of stability is considerably hindered development, although it was too rapid for that time.

Favorable conditions for growth

Most Often in a typical example of the ancient society put Ancient Egypt. Economy it has developed due to good location. Neil provided all the possibilities for human habitation since the stone age. The waters of the river carried with them the mineral and vegetable Il. Therefore, this area has always been fertile soil, they do not have to be additionally processed.

ancient Egypt economy5 thousand years ago the climate of Africa was more humid than today. In this regard, the fauna of the Nile valley was much richer. In addition, the living conditions conducive to the population. Thus was born the cattle. And the fertile soil allowed agriculture to develop.

The Egyptians learn quickly, they used the rest of the cast tools and weapons from copper. However, the main reason for the development of the economy is not that. The fact that Neal, in accordance with the seasons is filled and shallow. Therefore, with minimal effort, the Egyptians were able to develop their irrigation system. They dig basins where water accumulates during the flood period of the Nile. And then use it when watering.

The emergence of the civilized society and its impact on the economy

An Ancient country existed for almost 3000 years, and in the history course, she went through a lot of changes. The birth of civilization began in Upper Egypt. After it gradually spread to the North. To the year 3000 BC Egypt occupied the entire Nile valley. Around this river and was concentrated in the life of the population.

economy of the civilization of ancient EgyptThanks to the excellent conditions the economy of the civilization of Ancient Egypt developed quickly. The rich harvests of the earth, the possibility of using modern methods of water control, the surplus of agricultural products – all of this caused the growth. Received from the trading activities of the funds were built unique architecture. Temples and pyramids still excite the minds. Scientists still can't understand how an ancient civilization built them.


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The Society was divided into elite and ordinary citizens. However, freedom of action here was much more than in other countries. For example, a group of mercenaries were able to capture the land. She then handed them over to the state the use for which each soldier received the award.

The achievements of civilization – are numerous, ranging from the invention of writing and ending with the judicial system.

Economy Features

Thanks to irrigation agriculture Egypt achieved unprecedented for the time of development. In addition, the population is engaged in handicraft, creates a large number of different practical features. Not to mention the presence of jewelry. They were not all, but manufactured ordinary craftsmen.

the economy of ancient EgyptDespite the fact that the state fully controlled the land, the people who work for them, are considered to be free. Slavery itself was not. If the person did something bad or did not bring benefits to the country, he was responsible. The judiciary and responsibility for its work was the responsibility of Pharaoh and the elite.

Science is also evolving. Scientists create writing, study astrology, so they could make a calendar. There are also mathematical and medical notes found during excavations.

Features of the economy of Ancient Egypt was the fact that the population was divided into classes. Every structure of society, like peasants, priests, or artisans, doing my specific job. Were carried out each business function in the system of civilization.

The Impact of equipment used by the army on the economy

Each country needs to be protected. In particular, such an advanced civilization like Ancient Egypt. The economy of this state withstood a lot without the help of the army. Pharaoh himself was sure that her equipment was the highest for that time. In the fighting, used bows, spears, shields, and special protective mobile structures made of wooden frame and stretched animal skins.

features of the economy of ancient EgyptAfter the unification of Egypt in 3000 BC, the army virtually ceased to participate in the conquest of the land. Its content is focused on protection from enemy invaders, and there were many. So the economy has developed steadily and, as artisans, merchants, traders, agricultural workers and all the other enemies are not disturbed. No one ventured to attack so strong a civilization.

Politics and Economics

It is considered that Oriental despotism determinesall of Ancient Egypt. Economics and politics are inextricably linked, and this applies not only to antiquity. Therefore, the authorities and the country's elite is forced to go to extreme measures in order to ensure maximum stability. And involved not only the protection of the army and free trade.

ancient Egypt Economics and politicsThe Economy is starting to have a global state in nature. Social life is strictly monitored, there is the world's first bureaucracy. All products produced by humans, is strictly regulated. Therefore, the observed stability because no one can afford to go beyond what is permitted. Communities are very important, no family can live without them. There is a reverse situation.

The desire for stability has significantly slowed the development of the economy. If at the beginning it grew quickly, now standing on the place. But even so, in comparison with the neighboring States of Egypt was highly developed.

Features of the trade

Almost the center through which constantly followed the caravan route, was the Ancient Egypt. Trade here systematically developed, both within the country and abroad. Various products transported people along the Nile, so it was cheaper to deliver them to the right place. Domestically city have exchanged a variety of goods among themselves, as monetary policy did not yet exist. Then there is the first currency equivalent - deben. It was a bit of copper, which was the whole system on the valuation of goods.

ancient Egypt economy and industryTrade between States was more formal. The rulers of the countries presented various gifts to which they replied in kind. So there is no exchange of price categories.

After the emergence of the monetary system created whole expedition to the South, to get unique products. This ivory, ostrich feathers and gold. The availability of such products has brought Egypt to the top of the trading chain, which gave him political and economic advantage in the middle East.

Distinctive traits of Egyptian economic development models

If to consider as the Eastern model of development of Ancient Egypt, and economy will be determined by the following factors:

  1. Lack of Moral slavery. Many believe that slaves worked for the Pharaoh built his pyramid and cultivated his land. Actually worked and free people, and they did it as a tax to the state.
  2. Earth were not of a private nature. It is fully owned by the state. However, the harvest got not only the ruling elite but also ordinary workers.
  3. Government amounted to despotism. It was called the society of Eastern slavery, but only because the subjects had no rights before Pharaoh and the elite.
  4. The Resilience of communities. Riots and revolts were very rare, and in some places they are entirely absent.

All of these factors have had a positive impact on the economy of the country, they favored its development.

The Prosperity of Egypt

The Basis of the economy was agriculture, specifically – agriculture. Grown various crops. Plowing tools were used, but they were primitive. At first they were made from silicon, then replaced by metal.

Of Pastures and areas for their development was not enough, so the breeding has been limited. However, the development of the economy of Ancient Egypt, it also affected. The population bred those animals that quite comfortably felt in stall conditions.

ancient Egypt tradeProsperity contributed to the early development of metallurgy. Tools were made from copper and lead, and bronze used in the manufacture of weapons and jewelry. Later appears the iron. But he was regarded as a precious metal.

Developing craft. There is an opportunity for scientific research. As economic development reaches its peak quite early, it contributes to the growth of trade.


Thus, there is the more advanced of the ancient state than Ancient Egypt. The economy is slowly growing due to good management, favorable conditions, fertile land and, of course, politicians. Despite the fact that the government headed by the Pharaoh elected dictatorship, the people felt the country well enough. Most of them were free, but they were obliged to pay tribute to the government physical assistance. However, due to this, along the Nile were built temples and pyramids – unique at the time of construction, every year the cultivated land, there were goods to trade. No other civilization could not boast the same set of tools for growth and development.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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