Archaeology - what is it? Forbidden, forbidden archeology. News of archaeology


2018-03-18 14:05:19




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Archeology – it is a discipline of history that studies historical past of a man was found on physical evidence. These include works of art, instruments of production and material good of humanity. Unlike writing, these sources do not tell directly about the events. Evidence-based conclusions about the labour activities of man be scientific reconstruction. We can say that archaeology is studying the results of the labor of mankind in the past.

Historical monuments

Thanks to archaeological research, the story is incredibly expanded temporal and spatial horizon of knowledge. Writing, as the news of archeology, was born about 5 thousand years ago. And the whole previous history of mankind, and it is not much is not enough 2 million years, has become known only since the beginning of the development of archaeology. what is archaeologyArcheologists found and the first written sources for 2 thousand years of their existence. This Babylonian cuneiform, and line of Greek writing and Egyptian hieroglyphs. The history of archaeology is of great importance for eras literature, medieval and ancient history. The information that the study received from real sources, are the perfect complement and confirm in writing.

Why it's hidden so deep?

The Remnants of human activity are called archaeological sites. They are considered treasures, canals, ancient mines, settlements, burial mounds, burial grounds and other facilities. As a rule, they are under the ground. The history of archaeology has proved that not all the mounds and mounds covered with earth, as, for example, was covered with ash from the eruptions of Pompei and Herculaneum. Most of the graves are buried under the ground as a result of human activity. In some coastal cities you can find piles of shells. They represent the remaining ruins of ancient settlements under the clam shells which served as food for the ancient inhabitants.


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forbidden archeology

Ancient houses

In areas where clay was the primary building material, and now you can find towering residential hills. They arose from the destruction and decay of the mud buildings. On the foundations of the houses built a new one over those others, and so for many years.

Remains of ancient buildings are always recessed into the ground a few meters. Archaeologists give the following explanation: on top of old new bridge was laid, covered ditches, erected temples, inside of them were old foundations. Formed as a result of human activity layers called the cultural layer. Archaeology explains that such a study of the cultural layer is its main purpose, namely: tracing the sequence of formation of layers, stratigraphy and history of archaeological sites.

Dating of the artefacts

news of archaeology

Distribution of the sediments of the cultural layers it is possible to determine the chronology of finds. In the lowest layers must be ancient things, at the top – finds of relatively recent use. The task of archaeologists is also setting Dating. They determine the exact date the real age of the objects found in the years, centuries and even millennia.

forbidden archeology

Sometimes turns out to determine the exact date. Thanks to the stratigraphy, for example, as in the story of Pompeii, from written sources it became known that the city was razed to the ground after the legendary eruption of the volcano mount Vesuvius. It happened in August of 79 ad, the surviving written sources it is possible to determine with accuracy the exact date of fires, destruction, enemy grabs and other incidents. But individual cases show that the principles of Dating are not always correct.

The definition of the period the coins

Institute of archaeologyVery often the date of creation of the monument of history is determined by the coins of the cultural layer. To mint coins began only in the 8 / 7th century BC on the Greek island of Aegina in the city of Lydia. So archaeology is, what the natural science methods of absolute Dating, knows firsthand.

First of all, use radiocarbon or, as it is called, the radiocarbon method. In coal, wood and any other organic remains, which the archaeologists find during excavations is radioactive carbon. He has a well-known half-life, i.e., carbon content can determine its time of contact with soil, up to 250 years. This method of determining dates is good for periods of past millennia.

Method Kolchin

With the help of archaeologists recently came a new method of determining the exact dates of the ancient period. Dendrochronologically method was discovered by American archaeologists and first used by the Soviet scientist – archaeologist Boris A. Kolchin during excavations in Novgorod. Archaeology has proven that such a calculation is one of the most accurate ways to determine date.

The Americans noticed that the width of the rings saw cut tree is the same in all trees that grew in different periods. Everyone knows that the one ring is fully enough to form a year. In order to establish the exact date you need the archaeologists of the period, it is sufficient to find a saw cut of trees of that time. For example, if you find out the size and number of rings of shells, laid in the Foundation of the Church, the date of construction of such facilities will already have surely known from historical sources. Thus, as the news of archeology, you can get the dial rings, which you can easily calculate any date.

Forbidden archeology

Along with the permitted excavation is underway and the secret - the results of which are not to say aloud. Here are some of the undisclosed secret finds.

The Butcher

history of archaeology

Archaeologists have discovered lived 230 million years ago upright walking crocodiles. Latin scientific name translates as “the butcher of the Carolinas”. Such a horrendous name alligator is derived from its three-meter height, huge teeth and jaws. He could break any bones. The latest technology and three-dimensional scanners have helped scientists to reconstruct an animal and realize that this monster was the most fearsome of predators for many millennia. Today the skeleton of a bipedal crocodile keeps American Museum of archeology.

Lost treasure

archaeology examines

Not one year, scientists are struggling with the deciphering of the map to the legendary treasure Lou. Card encrypted Masonic symbolism, and who will be able to unravel the codes will receive 14 tons of pure gold. According to legend, the gold made in the USA with the Nazis during the Second world war.

In 1940 in the Bacuit Bay stopped the Japanese army soldiers. The island of Bacuit Bay is famous for its lost treasures. General of the army decided to hide on this island won jewelry, for Japan had to capitulate, and take home the treasure was dangerous. General buried gold and jewelry in 172 places in the Philippine Islands. He planned later to go back and pick up the jewels, but it didn't happen. Today, the cost of hidden treasures is one billion dollars. Part of the treasure found in the 70-ies.


Science is skeptical about the existence of a huge people, however, forbidden archeology proves the opposite. For many years, has discovered mysterious footprints of great people. Abnormally large size of the bones and skulls found in different parts of the world. Nowadays human growth more than two metres, but even photographs of the nineteenth century testified to the fact that already at that time there were people much higher than 2 meters.

In 1911 in Nevada was suspended mining guano. Scientists have discovered human bones of enormous size. Institute of archaeology, collected the bones together. Turned out that the skeleton belonged to a man, whose height was 3 meters 65 see Also archaeologists surprised his jaw: it is three times the size of the jaw of the ordinary modern person.

Museum of archaeology

A sensation of forbidden archeology received in Australia. During the production of Jasper was discovered a human tooth, whose height was 67 mm and the width is 42 mm! Scientists have created a sample skeleton, it was found that the growth of the owner of the tooth was not less than 6 meters.

In India, was discovered a fantastic find. The military has found well-preserved skeletons of giant people. The bones were transferred to the Institute of archaeology, and scientists accurately measure their growth. He reached 12 meters! The place of detection of remains of the immediately closed, as it's forbidden archaeology.

Evidence of the existence of giant man

Australian excavations conclusively proved the existence of huge people. Found stone tools are the silent witnesses of life on earth. The weight of the knives, axes, blunts, chisels, plough ranged from 5 to 10 kg. Similar items were found near the Okavango river. Amerikans...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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