The continental blockade


2018-03-18 15:15:19




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Continental blockade-a measure to restrict or ban on the import of certain goods.

Since the early 19th century began a major transformation in the economic sphere of many countries of Europe. International processes which began to develop from this point on, played a role in conflicts, which eventually resulted in the First world war.

Special influence on the life of the European States at that time had a intense confrontation between France and England, in both economic and military-political spheres.

The Success of the French army in 1805-06. (of Jena and Austerlitz) on one side and the historic battle of Trafalgar in the autumn of 1805, on the other formed a kind of situation. Confirming the status of "mistress of the seas," Britain has become an obstacle to the French invasion of the British Isles. At the same time, Napoleon's victory during the battle, deprived England of its main allies in Europe-Prussia, Austria and Russia – and, as a consequence, the possibility to continue the fight.

The second half of the 18th century the main foreign trade partner of Russia is the United Kingdom. During a confrontation between the revolutionary, and later Napoleonic France, these two powers (Russia and Britain) were in some way "natural allies". An armed force, Russia supported the action of the British fleet, and subsidies. But in the course of military events between the allied Nations began to emerge contradictions both political and economic.

France sought to dominate Europe. However, the methods by which this could be achieved, was radically different from the measures used earlier concerning England.

The Main purpose of Napoleon's policy at that time was the desire to strike a blow for the UK economy. Thus was made the continental blockade of England. This measure forbade the entry of goods from UK to other countries. However, the continental blockade could be effective only under harmonious performance of major European powers.


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It Should be noted that Britain by the mid-19th century was several times better developed economically than most countries. But its economic supremacy has not contributed to the development of military-political domination in the world. UK had only strong Navy, and ground forces were not well developed. In addition, according to historians, from England, and sought to dominate then.

France, having tried for almost a decade the different ways of conquering great Britain, tries the direct occupation of space in Europe.

Continental blockade very clearly reflected the idea of Napoleon. The French ruler was anxious to close Europe from the advanced industry of the British Isles, inhibit the development of the UK economy.

In the years 1810-12 in England began a severe economic crisis. Significantly decreased exports, greatly aggravated the situation in the country. From 1811 to 1813, has expanded enormously the movement of Ludd, whose main objective was the destruction of the foundations of the power of England – weaving machines.

In 1812, America is entering into an Alliance with France against Britain.

However, until the final victory over England, Napoleon had to conquer the whole European continent. That is why the French army went on without stopping, conquering the country in its path.

It Should be noted that the continental blockade was ruining not only the economy of the UK. Suffered the whole of Europe, including France. Established by Napoleon tariffs between European countries caused discontent. Thus, France had acquired many new enemies.

Of Great importance was in this situation, the actions of the Russian government. Alexander First broke all the blockade, then banned the import of luxury items from France. Napoleon, meanwhile, is taking the campaign to the East, intending to get Russia to participate in the continental blockade. However, his campaign ended in a complete collapse of the French Empire.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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