Why call a squirrel a squirrel? The answers to all the questions


2018-03-18 20:36:21




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Almost anyone who likes to walk through the woods, ever happened lucky to see a squirrel. This interesting animal is familiar to both adults and very young kids. For what it so love? Brown, fluffy, they deftly run through the trees, again and again jumping from branch to branch. Very interesting to see them kind of game. I want to know about these cute animals more?

red squirrel

The Most interesting thing about squirrels

  1. Proteins day not so energetic than in the morning or evening. This time is considered to be the animals most active.
  2. Proteins required considerable reserves to survive the cold winter. 3000 nuts it will be enough to soak in the season of cold.
  3. Young squirrels are born fairly well developed claws, but they still can not see.
  4. The squirrels Tail helps it to steer, when she jumps from branch to branch.
  5. In General, this animals single, but cold time of the year they can spend together in a group of 3-6 individuals.
  6. Animals do yourself reserves each fall, hiding them in various secluded places.
  7. On the front legs of the animals, too, have whiskers, and ears.
  8. In the wild, squirrels are not often survive even up to 4 years. In the home whites live long enough, about 12 years old.
  9. Squirrels love nuts, but peanuts in their body is not absorbed, so feed them is not recommended.
  10. Squirrels can give birth at a time from 2 to 11 young.
  11. Their teeth never stop growing throughout life.
  12. These animals hear well. Hearing is the most acute sense.
  13. Often squirrels use their tail as a parachute. It helps to survive when falling from a great height.
  14. Do animals molt 2 times a year, and their tail only once a year.

These are unusual, it turns out, red animals.

One Can endlessly read a lot about these charming rodents, learning something new. But do not ask the following question: ‘Why did the squirrel is called a squirrel?” this is to understand.

Why call a squirrel a squirrel?

There are different versions of why she was called. The first version says that the word “squirrel” comes from “white”. But what have white color, if these animals have a red or brownish coat? All accustomed to the fact that the protein red. In fact, not all proteins have a similar color. As you know, these animals live in different parts. Indonesia is home of the white squirrels. Most interestingly, the fur protein in General may vary greatly in color. There are even squirrels are albinos. Meet such specimens are extremely rare.


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old name squirrel

The Second, more plausible version says that the word “squirrel” comes from the name of a coin, which in the old days was called the "Bela". Imposed on the question: “What is the connection between coins and proteins?” the Most direct link. The fact that the pawns were the skins of squirrels. The animal weighs about 250 g, but at the time was in circulation always. Also very valued fur animals. In addition to the proteins used and marten. Money at that time was not invented, but used an interesting, but far from harmless option.

It is Worth noting that the second version of the majority of people. But each chooses which version of the stick and what is the answer to the question of why the squirrel is called a squirrel.

And how else it is called? More on that below.

Other names

Also known As a squirrel? Rather, called. Remember the old name proteins. In ancient ancient times in Russia this animal is clicked veverica. He had another interesting name - Vaxjo. What is more interesting in the world of red squirrels?

Some interesting facts

Squirrels eat a lot. Rightfully they can be called very voracious. During the week they can eat as much food as corresponds to their weight. Everyone knows that there are flying squirrels. In fact, they can't fly, only glide from tree to tree.

As mentioned above, the fur is very different: from white to black. But most often it is red or shades of brown.

Well developed in these young animals hind legs that helps them deftly to run through the trees. Front paws, as you can see, pretty short.

squirrel fur

Weight is also not great. An adult weighs less than 2 kg. And what do these animals eat?Most often they feed on insect larvae, nuts, cones, and even small birds.

How to lure a squirrel?

Is it Easy to see the animal up close? How to do it? These questions are often interested not only children but also adults. Indeed, very interesting to see that little guy next to me, not high up in a tree. There is a solution. A squirrel lure can be, but the main thing here is patience.

why did the squirrel call squirrel

You Can try to give her the nuts on the palm of her hand. As the animals pretty well catch the tone of voice, you quietly have something to say. This method might work, but again - patience.

Here are so many interesting things is fraught with a small animal. Now you know why the squirrel is called a squirrel, what she eats and can I lure her to him. And the last advice is: walk more in the woods, in the Park, breathe fresh air and watch these wonderful animals. The natural world is amazing and beautiful.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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