The structure of the human muscle


2018-03-19 20:20:16




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Muscles are the organs of the human body that consists of muscle, capable of contractions under the influence of nerve impulses. It is an active member of the musculoskeletal system, enabling the movement when moving the person in space, and respiratory motion, balance, voice, reduction of the walls of internal organs, etc. In the body of about 600 muscles, their share of the total mass is approximately 30%. Muscles are also called skeletal muscles as they are connected with a skeleton almost all over its surface.

Muscle Build

A Muscle is a collection of bundles of striated fibers, which are bundles of the first order through the loose connective tissue. Further, the beams of the first order are combined to bundles of the second and so on. They are all United by a connective sheath, in the end, form a muscle belly. Between the muscle bundles at the ends of the abdomen are connective layer that attach to bone through tendon tissue. This is the structure of muscles. While reducing the muscle belly shortens and its ends are closer together. At this time, the muscle pulls the bone, acting as a lever. So things are all sorts of movements.

Every muscle is a single integral body which has a certain structure, form and function. Each developing in a special way and has its position in the body. As suggested by the structure of the person, the muscles supplied with nerves and blood vessels. Each movement is performed by several muscles.


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Now consider more specifically the structure of muscles. Those that act in the same direction together and cause a similar effect, are called synergists. The same muscles that move the opposite direction, are called antagonists. For example, the elbow flexes, the biceps (two-headed muscle of the arm), extends – triceps (three-headed). When bending the elbow alternating contraction and relaxation of muscles-flexor muscles and extensor muscles, i.e. they act as antagonists. But at a static load, for example, while holding the weights in a horizontal position at arm's length – and the flexors and extensors acting as synergists. From this we can conclude that the structure of muscles excludes fulfil only one function, on the contrary, it provides them the versatility. Due to the fact that participation in every movement take muscle of both groups, our movements characteristic of precision and smoothness.

The basic steps they perform, and their effect on the joint, the muscles are divided into the following types:

- leading, outlet,

- flexors, extensors,

- lift, lowering,

- torque etc.

There are Also the mimic, respiratory and chewing muscles.

Distinguish them by size and shape: they can be long, short, and wide. Long muscles are located mainly on the limbs, short – between the vertebrae and ribs; broad – on the body. Almost all of them are moved a few joints, producing in them while reducing traffic.

How muscles work

While reducing muscle performs bone as a lever, producing mechanical work. In order to carry out work, requires energy, produced by the decay and oxidation of received cells of organic substances. Nutrients and oxygen to the muscles delivers blood, she also carries the waste product resulting from the dissimilation. Long-term work leads to fatigue and decline in their health.

To maintain them in good shape requires regular muscle work, which increases their blood supply. Which in turn leads to an increase in muscle mass. Strong muscles support the body perfectly, preventing curvature of the spine, the appearance of a stoop.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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