An archaeologist is... the Profession of the archaeologist. Archaeologists


2018-03-19 21:08:16




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Mention of archaeology began in Ancient Greece. For example, Plato under this term is understood the study of antiquity and in the Renaissance meant the study of the history of Greece and Ancient Rome. In foreign science, the term is associated with anthropology. In Russia archeology-the science that studies fossils, which are associated with human activity in ancient times. She is studying the excavations and at the moment collaborates with many academic disciplines and has several sections dealing with the different epochs and cultural areas.

Profession archaeologist – is a versatile and interesting work

People study the culture and lifestyle of ancient civilizations by restoring the distant past the remains carefully excavated the layers of the earth. This work requires great care and painstaking. As over time the remains of the past become more fragile and old.archaeologist's

The Archaeologist – is the man who does excavations in search of sources for new studies. This profession is often compared to detective work. Archaeologists work creative that demands attention, imagination and abstract thought – to recreate a pristine picture of the ancient world in the past.

Profession became popular in Greece and Ancient Rome. Already in those times was known for stone, bronze and iron ages, there were many excavations and were even more ancient architectural monuments. In the Renaissance the main goal of archaeologists was – find the antique sculpture. As a separate science, it was formed in the early 20th century.


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What are the qualities of an archaeologist

You Need knowledge of many facts accumulated by scientists in the chosen field for their activities. It can be Neolithic or Paleolithic, bronze, early iron age, Scythian period, antiquity, could be Slavic-Russian archeology, etc. the List is not complete, so it can continue. Archaeologist – the profession is interesting, but requires erudition of scientists and the ability to compare different sources.

A person should have an opinion and be able to defend, to argue, based on logic and not on emotions. It is difficult, but it is necessary to abandon their hypotheses, if there are facts that refute them. Archaeologists work requires important qualities – the patience, diligence, accuracy. They are extremely necessary during excavations.the work of archaeologists

Need a good stamina and physical fitness, as the work of archaeologists most often associated with the excavations, which take place in different climatic conditions. Plus no allergies to organic materials. Archaeologist – is the man who should be steady, calm, able to work in a team.

Knowledge required

Professionals must be able to draw, paint, photograph. To know the basics of not only restoration but also conservation, metal, stone, clay, and organic materials (leather, bone, wood, fabric, etc.). Necessarily need a broad knowledge of anthropology, linguistics, Ethnography, surveying, topography, Geology and paleozoology. Those archaeologists who study the historical antiquities should be familiar with the history and auxiliary disciplines (textual criticism, numismatics, paleography, sphragistics, heraldry and much more).

Archaeologists, the field researcher needs to be economists, good organizers, educators, and psychologists. But the most important thing – they should be able “to see the land”, to read it for the layers and layers and to correctly map the found antiquities.what do the archaeologists

Occupational disease

People-archaeologists have their illnesses to acquire in the expedition. Most often it is the gastritis or gastric ulcer, which directly depends on the quality of food, as often a normal conditions for cooking no. Also common rheumatism and sciatica, as very often archaeologists have to live in tents in different weather conditions. Because of this, there are various arthritis and arthritis.

What is the job of an archaeologist?

What do the archaeologists? Excavations not only global, but individual mosaic fragments which are necessary to properly select and carefully fold into one. Often, unlocking the secrets of the past takes many years. But the final result is worth it. Since this is the only way to recreate a past that is seemingly forever concealed in the bowels of the planet.

What do the archaeologists? They study the sources, analyze them and subsequently complement a variety of already known facts. Studies include not only excavations but also part of the Cabinet when work takes place directly with the artifacts and documents. Scientists can work not only on land but also underwater.the archaeologist profession

The Most famous archaeologists

Heinrich Schliemann – is a German researcher who discovered Troy. This is one of the first archaeologists first began to study antiquity. He was born 6.01.1822. Horoscope-Capricorn. Has led excavations in Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Greece and Turkey. Almost half of his life, Henry tried to show the historical importance of the Homeric epic. He triedto prove that the events described in the poems-not fantasy, but reality.

Norwegian scientist and anthropologist Thor Heyerdahl was born in 1914, 6 Oct. He wrote many books. His expedition was always bright, full of heroic events. Many of his works caused controversy among scientists, but thanks to Round the interest in the ancient history of the peoples of the world have greatly increased.

There is a known archaeologists in Russia. These include Boris Piotrovsky, he was born in 1908. Zodiac sign-Aquarius. This is a famous Russian historian-orientalist and academician. He explored many of the monuments of the Northern Caucasus, Transcaucasia, and Central Asia. Already since 1949, was appointed Deputy Director of the Hermitage for scientific research.scientists archaeologists


Archaeologists allocate 10 most significant discoveries of the world, which were found during excavations.

  • The Rosetta stone, discovered near the village of Rashid. It is a granodiorite (rock) with the inscription of Ptolemy V (king of Egypt). The inscription is in Egyptian hieroglyphics, Greek and demotic script.
  • Venus de Milo-a famous statue of ancient Greece. The period of late Hellenism. It found a Greek peasant in 1820 on the island of Milos. But the statue's hand to detect and failed.
  • Angkor Wat (city temple) – is an outstanding monument of Buddhism in Cambodia. Is part of a complex of temples. Opened his French traveler Anri Muo in 1861. The name of this town was later named an entire era.
  • Troy, Ilion-ancient city on the Peninsula near the Dardanelles Strait. Troy became very famous in the poems. Excavations revealed cultural layers 46, subsequently divided into several periods.
  • Mycenae-an ancient city in South Greece, in Argolis. It is considered the largest center of Aegean culture. During the excavations were found many tombs, in which were the treasures – swords, rings, gold and silver objects, masks, plates and discs of coinage.
  • Minoan civilization was discovered by Arthur Evans-British archaeologist. In excavations were found the Palace and city buildings, cemeteries. One of the most famous discoveries – stone disk with inscriptions in an unknown language scholar.
  • Machu Picchu-Inca fortress, the city-sanctuary. Found his American scholar Hiram Bingham III. These picturesque ruins – one of the best examples polianskov stone construction. The monument was kept 200 different premises and buildings, temples, residential buildings, defensive structures.
  • Tomb of Tutankhamun under the Luxor was opened by the British archaeologist Howard Boat. In the tomb were a great treasure, and the mummy was buried in three coffins that were nested within each other.
  • Birch bark – scratched and stamped on birch bark. The first time they were found in Novgorod. And already in 2012, there were over a thousand.
  • Princess Ukok-ancient mummy found in Scythian burial mound in the Altai, on the border with Mongolia. Its age – more than 2.5 thousand years.people archaeologists

Unexplained findings

Archaeologists from the ordinary? There are a number of excavated exhibits, which explain logically impossible. Alarmed the scientific society of the Acambaro figures. First found in Mexico, the German Waldemar Julsrud. Figures, it would seem, had ancient origins, but has caused a lot of skepticism among scientists.

The Stones Drop – the remnants of an ancient civilization. Hundreds of discs of stone found on the floor of the cave, on which was engraved the history of space ships. They ruled creation, the remains of which were found in the cave.

Scary findings

In archaeology there are also some rather terrible findings. For example, screaming mummy. One of these were tied hand and foot, face frozen Creek. There have been suggestions that she was buried alive, tortured, poisoned. But studies have shown that the jaw was just a bad tie or not done at all, so the mouth of the mummy was opened.

Archaeologists found a huge claws of an unknown beast. And found the skull and beak of enormous size only convinced scientists that it won't be pleasant, if this monster will meet someone on his way. But it later turned out that it was the ancient ancestors of the MoA bird. Growth exceeded human 2-3 times. They say that it is likely that this bird has survived to the present day, and it is possible to try to find in parts of New Zealand. The natives of this country are many legends relating to the MoA.what archaeologists

Tools of archaeologists

Excavation is mainly used such kind of tool: spade, shovels and shovels of different sizes of picks and hoes, garden shovels, broom, sledgehammers, hammers and different size brushes. The work of the archaeologist can be quite heavy, especially when you have to dig up large mounds.

The Important point is to work correctly on the object. And the ability to pick up a necessary tool you also need. The head of the excavations not only monitors the health of archaeologists, but also helps to use the right brushes and shovels.

How to become an archaeologist.

To Learn on day-time Department and correspondence. Archaeologist – is a profession that can be purchased by any who have a thirst for antiquities and excavations. To do this,to go to College, which trains historians. It graduates in this discipline can then be engaged in excavation and other areas. Archaeologist – this is historian. However, unlike the latter, it deals not only with the study of the theory, but personally seeks and explores antiquity.

Salary of an archaeologist

The Russian average salary is about 15 thousand rubles. But only one expedition archaeologist may receive up to 30 thousand rubles. Wages in different cities may vary. For example, in Moscow it varies from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. In the regions it is roughly 5-7 thousand below.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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