The digestive system of birds. The internal structure of birds


2018-03-20 03:37:13




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Key features of the admission of substances, their transformation, and excretion of undigested residues from the body performs a digestive system. Birds, being animals adapted for flight, have certain features of the internal structure. They are primarily aimed at reduction of their body weight. The digestive system is no exception.

Digestive system of animals

All chordates, which include birds, have a similar structure of the digestive system. It begins with the oral cavity. Further, through the throat, the food enters the esophagus - the tube leading into the stomach. This part of the digestive system is an extension of where the food is quite a long time. The final absorption of nutrients occurs in the small intestine, and the excretion of undigested food residue carries out the final division of the tract. It's called the large intestine that open to the outside by the cloaca or anus.

Features of the digestive system of birds is to have a goiter - enlargement of the esophagus and decreasing the length of the intestine. These features of the structure contribute to a more intensive digestion and reduction of body weight of birds.

The same can be said of other organ systems?

The Internal structure of birds (table).

Organ SystemStructure
RespiratorySubmitted to the respiratory tract (nasal cavity, larynx, trachea, bronchi), lungs and air bags
BloodA Four-chambered heart (two Atria and two ventricles) and a closed system of blood vessels. Birds have two circles circulation: large and small. Due to this venous and arterial blood does not mix, and birds are warm-blooded animals. Thus, their body temperature depends on the temperature of the environment.
ExcretoryConsists of paired kidneys and ureters, the ducts of which open into the cloaca.
NervousThe brain and Spinal cord, of the departments of which the most developed cerebellum.
SexBirds are dioecious animals. Sexual system, sex glands: the testes in males and unpaired ovary in females, it is also a condition to decrease their weight.

digestive system of a bird

What to eat birds

The building, which has a digestive system of a bird, its features and differences, primarily due to the nature of the food. City dwellers eat insects, seeds and remains of human food.


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The Taste preferences of birds are quite varied. Seagulls drink salt water, filtering it through the tonsils.

Poisonous bird Flycatcher is also due to the peculiarities of food. She eats bugs. Their venom penetrates the skin and feathers of a bird. Although the Flycatcher has strong immunity to its effects. People can get burned by touching it. But very small animals die from the harmful action of toxins flycatchers.

the internal structure of birds table

Birds that live in natural conditions, eat delicious fruits, small vertebrates and even carrion. To do this, they have all the tools.


Birds do not have teeth. But they easily cope with hard nuts, and small seeds. Initially, the function of teeth does the beak. With it, birds are ground, crushed or torn food. The beak is composed of solid logopatologii substance, able to withstand quite heavy and long loads. For example, forest woodpecker can do in the bark of trees hole up to 10 cm in depth in order to eat the insect larvae.

The Shape and size of the beak depend on what birds feed on.

what to eat poultry

For Example, carnivores have large, curved beak, which can easily grab and tear the victim. Peregrine Falcon attacks on even the largest foxes and wolves. Forest birds extract insects from the bark of trees, like a chisel, make holes in it.

To Get food helps and language located in oral cavity. It has special Horny papillae, which help to keep food in the mouth.

The Digestive system of birds continues with the pharynx, which is already partially processed food moving through the tract.

The Esophagus and craw

Gullet of a bird has an unusual structure. It's not a tube leading to the stomach. It forms an extension that is called goiter. It is here that the food is delayed for a certain time and subjected to chemical treatment with the help of saliva. As seagulls and pelicans stand to feed the Chicks from feeding in the nest.


What is bird's milk

The Name of this yummy dessert familiar to all from childhood. It got its name from its resemblance to the substance, which is able to allocate only birds.

Some birds Have specialized glands goiter nutritional forms a foamy mass. This valuable product that they use for rearing Chicks.

Bird's milk has nothing to do with the milk beasts. It is not liquid, but like the whipped cottage cheese. But it also contains many valuable organic substances and vitamins that are ableto provide a newborn organism with everything it needs.

Penguins bird's milk is produced in the stomach and in the esophagus, it is most rich in fats. This substance is necessary for the development of Chicks in severe Northern conditions. And adult penguins use body fat not only to warm up the body, but also as a supply of food and energy. Chicks vysizhivaya, search for a few months, males do not leave the place of masonry. In this state, they are simply not able to produce food and maintain viability due to subcutaneous reserves.

Features of the structure of the stomach of birds

The Stomach of birds also has characteristic features. It consists of two parts.

The Divisions of the stomach is called the glandular and muscular. The first food is processed by gastric juice, i.e. it continues its chemical treatment. The muscular surface Department coated with a film of keratinous substances. With it, the food is ground up to a mushy state.

features of the digestive system

I'm Sure many have seen birds peck small rocks. They do this not because I do not know about their taste. Getting into the muscular part of the intestine, the stones contribute to the mechanical grinding of coarse food. Thus, kompensiruet absence of teeth in birds.


From the stomach processed food enters the small intestine into which open the ducts of the liver and pancreas. In this part of the digestive system food is completely digested and absorbed in the blood.

digestive system of animals

Outside the intestine opens to the cloaca. It is a hole through which out shows the undigested remains of food, products of the functioning of the reproductive and excretory systems.

The peculiar structure of the intestine is its short length. It depends on the nature of the food. For example, birds prefer vegetable food, the intestine is longer than the body 8 times. And insect-eating birds - just 4.

By the Way, is considered the most voracious bird - record the smallest sizes. Guessed? Well, of course, is the Hummingbird. During the day she is able to eat pollen, the weight of which exceeds 2 times its own weight.

A Wren in one day brings Chicks up to 500 caterpillars and insects. That's appetite!

Vultures - winners among the most greedy and insatiable creatures. When a large amount of food they eat so that they fly is simply impossible. This problem vultures decide in a natural way, waiting for the body weight decrease.

Birds digest food rapidly, quickly emptying the bowels. This reduces their body mass and ensure the body with the right amount of energy. Ordinary Sparrow is able to digest a caterpillar for 15 minutes, and the grain for 3 hours. That is why a big part of my life birds in search of food.

Digestive gland

Salivary, pancreas and liver - this is a list of digestive glands, which have birds. They secrete biologically active substances - enzymes. They accelerate the process of digestion by breaking down complex carbohydrates to monosaccharides, proteins to amino acids, lipids to glycerol and fatty acids. In that form of organic substance can be absorbed by the body.

stomach birds

Features of the process of digestion of birds

The Internal structure of birds (table presented in the article) suggests that all the features of their anatomical organization aimed at adaptation to flight. This is true of the digestive system.

Instead of the cheeks and lips birds have a beak with which there is a capture and hold food. The oral cavity has hard palate. It covers the mucosa, which is special papillae conical shape. With their help, the food moves into the esophagus. The food did not fall into the nasal cavity, palatal slit is already doing nanocluster muscles.

The Divisions of the stomach perform different functions, promote intensive processing of food. The intestine consists of two segments, thick or thin.

The Digestive system of birds provides all of the life processes of birds. And the features of its structure obuslavlivaet the ability of these amazing animals to fly.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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