Blockhead: the meaning of words and interpretation


2018-03-20 18:51:07




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When we do something wrong, we usually shout: “What are you doing, you knob!”. The meaning of the word, which we call in case of failure, we know without a dictionary. But still, sometimes you can't bring into evidence personal experience, so you have to refer to books. Today let us examine the meaning of the word “noodle” and various cultural nuances associated with it.



Homeland everyone starts from their associations, and our research starts with a consultation with a dictionary. In the past said: “stupid person, fool”.

I Must say that the language practice does not give such hard values to the word “noodle”. As experience shows, a synonym for the object of the research – “fool” - even more crudely.

When it is in the course of such a definition? It's pretty easy to explain, harder to find a non-trivial example. Don't know how now, but earlier the parents used the technique of two notebooks – “draft” and “clean copy”. But could it happen that a child mixed up their places, and the entire “dirt” solutions to math was transferred to clean copy. And of course, the parents, seeing this, would say: “Here you are, dummy.” But quite frankly, it is not the most serious problem. In other words, the noun “noodle” (the meaning of the word needs no explanation) reward when they want to lightly chide the person.

Pushkin's fairy Tale

Portrait of Pushkin

There are two almost automatic associations that are associated with the object of study, is the game ‘Noodle” and the tale of A. Pushkin "Of the priest and his workman Balda”. The main character of the classic creations can be called anything, but not a fool. But the pun is certainly intentional. In Pushkin's work that is representative of the clergy behaves very smart.

The image of the priest unattractive, needless to say. In addition, Balda not only a great employee, but also resourceful so that he can play in the WHC.

The position of the bulldozer has the advantages?

Of Course, the modern world did not approve of the behavior of the person who wears the mask of a fool and pretending to be a simpleton or weakling. Our reality loves winners. But if the person itself, it is of little waiting, and so he is free. It does not press the burden of responsibility and expectations of others. Know why a C – this is the most adaptive people? Because they live on the principle of “Yes or no”. They care about the details. And honors, on the contrary, it is difficult to adapt to a changing world, for they bogged down in the details. Of course, this is not a rule, but a definite pattern is observed. This psychological truth is a lot of years.

Therefore, the mask or the position of the bulldozer (and the meaning of the word here plays a role) contains a certain charge of development, some intrigue. When a person does not require or expect, it is even well: the excitement and anxiety less.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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