Methods and ways of tax optimization


2018-03-21 23:45:26




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Every company wants to get the maximum possible profit. There are many ways – increase product range, market reach, promotion of the products. Or an emphasis on efficiency and profitability improvement of the organizational structure. And as you know, the large amount of spending – tax payments. It would seem that there is no options. But it's not. Here the interest is the minimization/optimization of taxation.

General information

Obligatory payments to the budget take a significant amount of money. There is a tightening of the tax system. And as a natural result – a growing number of entrepreneurs interested in the optimization. Correct work with the tax – a laborious process. It is necessary to consider before opening a enterprise. And when the structure is going to work, you still need to keep your finger on the pulse. It should be noted that there are different methods and ways of tax optimization. Some are very legitimate and are available from the state as benefits.

There are grey schemes, which although not are allowed and welcome, but not forbidden. And there is the option “smoke”. It should be noted that the diagrams in order of increasing their profitability and reducing the rule of law. That is, if someone will take advantage of the benefits offered by the state, then, of course, no one will be brought to administrative or criminal liability. With grey working methods very often used as punishment fines. While “black” approach very often ends with criminal article. But despite this, here and there from mass media you can see that another seeker of happiness was built, such a system of taxation that the state was losing millions.


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tax Optimization

The best option for paying taxes – this is an important moment in the organization of any economic entity. Many believe that the optimization – this is not always legal. But let us talk about legal terms. In this area the greatest attention is paid to tax evasion and the process of bringing the system of payments from the enterprise in the best condition. And it is absolutely different concepts. The main criterion for the differences between them – is a violation or the observance of the law. There is one minus. Alas, but the use of legal methods is not always possible to effectively minimize taxes. Why? As previously mentioned, they are expressed in the form of various benefits from the state. And as a natural result – you can use them not all legal forms of organizations.

Illegal the reduction in payment shall entail criminal liability. That is not approved by the state? Under articles of the criminal codec gets minimization of tax payments, which is conducted with the help of illegal contracts, companies-something ephemeral, the undervaluation of the real revenues, increasing expenditures of the company and a number of other ways. It should be noted that for a businessman (as well as its commercial structure) is much more profitable to be honest. And remember that the system of tax optimization in one form or another can almost always be created.

What to remember?


So, we are interested in how to minimize payments in the budget? When you build a strategy of behavior, you need to remember three points:

  1. Accordingly with the current legislation, it is possible to engage in commercial activities using various organizational and legal forms, which have their individualized taxation.
  2. In some cases, we can choose the mode which will be used to pay contributions to the budget. It depends on the bet size, the amount and time of submission of the documentation.
  3. A Taxpayer may choose different ways to account for business transactions and prepare reports. Of course, according to the current legislation.

Keep in mind that there are different tools of optimization of payments. Besides, constantly changing legislation. Because of this, they have a tendency to obsolescence. It is therefore necessary to keep abreast of changes. After all, what had begun as legitimate, may be considered state agencies as a crime. As already mentioned above, minimization of taxes – this is a fairly expensive process, particularly from the perspective of time and manpower. After all, if there is a desire to have an effective business, you have to constantly monitor changes in legislation and to adjust schemes of work that are applied in the company.

Tax Optimization of the organization – this is not that easy, and to avoid problems, it is necessary to worry before the creation of the commercial structure. And after all the options and choosing the most attractive, not to miss points when you register.

A commercial structure and size of taxes paid


Before open company, the founder can choose for themselvesthe optimal tax system. Not superfluous in this case is a business plan. Well-written document will allow to estimate the possible number of movements and choose the best option of taxation by the state. Consider the case of the individual entrepreneur (SP). In 2014 was launched a lightweight form of work, when instead the BASIS you can choose single tax on imputed income to patent system of taxation and simplified tax system. To make a selection, we need to know the size of the fixed payment that must be paid to the individual entrepreneur. Because it is constantly changing and the intermediate data will be obsolete, let's take what was in the beginning.

In 2014 the fixed amount of payment was 20727,53 of the ruble. Let's say that we – private entrepreneurs who have hired employees that provide services with shipping. They use their own transport. Let's say that we have the imputed income. Then the formula used for the calculation of the amount of payment is as follows: base yield (physical indicator * 12 (number of months in a year)) * K1 * K2 * 15% – contributions (but not more than 50 percent). Let's calculate what we can do, if you put arbitrary numbers. Our formula becomes:

6000 * (3 * 12) * 1,672 * 1 * 0,15 = 54172,8 &- 27086,4 = 27086,4 RUB.

That's how much you will need to pay when operating on imputed income.

In the case of the patent system of taxation annual income multiplied by the tax rate. For example: 720 000 * 6% = 43200 roubles. That is the amount you will need to pay for the year.

And finally – STS. In this case, the calculation formula: income * 6% – contributions (but not more than 50 percent). Consider the previous example but with a slight change: 720 000 * 6% – 21 600 = 21 600 rubles. As you can see, the most profitable option – STS.

Features simplified taxation

Creating a business plan and calculations of possible profits allow you to choose exactly what is most suitable. This was clearly in the example with the individual entrepreneur that established its commercial entity in the field of transportation. But there is one important point – should not be exceeded a certain amount. If the income is greater, then the following quarter will have to move to a common system. Therefore, the options considered can be estimated as gentle treatment from the state for the recovery of the enterprise. And if I think the choice is obvious, then don't. What does this mean?

When you select the simplified taxation, you can select two objects – the income or expense. The first are subject to a rate of six per cent, the second at fifteen. So once again about a business plan – if we have on hand all the necessary calculations, we can see that the business will be profitable pretty weak, you should choose the income. If the benefit is significant, the cost. Knowledgeable people recommend to choose the second option, if the cost of the enterprise does not exceed 60%. But, of course, the residual decision is made by the founder of a commercial structure based on their calculations. These ways of tax optimization is ideal for small businesses. But not only them we live, right? Is there any options for medium and large structures? Of course, where do without it.

General taxation

optimization Methods

The first step is to determine the type of optimization. All of them are two:

  1. Strategic optimization. It is developed with an eye on long-term use. In this case, determine the most effective form of implementation of the performed financial and economic activities. The competent organization the positive effect it will persist for a long time.
  2. Improvement of taxation for individual business transactions. This option is built on the principle of obtaining a one-time effect. Typically, this option is a variety of combinations where there are manipulations with the terms and procedure of execution of contracts.

Implemented tax optimization schemes (legal) note two main points:

  1. The Deferred payments, and transfer their payment to another time.
  2. Tax deductions.

The Practice proved that the greatest effect is achieved if these two points are used in combined mode. Although you can obtain this privilege is still quite problematic. Generally, if tax optimization is necessary to focus on complexity. Then we can talk about more significant and long-lasting result. Besides, our law is arranged in such a way that reducing the payment of one tax, we can be much more different. It therefore follows the optimization measures carried out before the implementation of transactions, but do not pull, then to gallop to the nearest reporting date.

Admittedly, this procedure is rather complicated. Therefore, it is advisable to seek help from a professional. You don't need to hire a person in the state. Now become increasingly popular transfer cases for outsourcing. That is connects firm or an expert with IE, which take care of all the paper work, whereas the entrepreneur can concentrate onthe development of the company. Optimization of taxation of enterprises really need to be spoken separately. After all, the main and the main task of these people – to ensure the timely and accurate filing.

Tax planning

optimization System

This is a very useful procedure, the essence of which – a preliminary analysis of possible consequences before was signed the economic-financial agreement. Because of its conditions affect tax liability. For example, you need to pay attention to the moment of realization (and, consequently, the date of tax assessment), the relationship between the parties, to check whether the counterparty is a resident or not, does it have benefits, is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. All this affects the tax burden. Therefore, at the conclusion of the contract you need to consider all factors that will affect the size of the payments. In order to avoid problems and proper analysis of data is recommended to use a balance sheet method of tax planning. Why use it? The thing is, that it provides all the necessary calculations to minimize the amount paid funds.

There are other methods of tax optimization. One of the most simple yet very effective – this increase in the cost of fixed assets, which in turn allows you to increase the cost of production. This is done by way of depreciation during revaluation. But this scheme is not available for all enterprises. The fact that the high cost of fixed assets leads to an increase of the tax to property of the organization. So you need to be careful not to fall from the frying pan into the fire.

Schema: how is the tax?

Examples are needed, otherwise without them the article will not be complete. It should be noted that there are approaches that can be used by many organizations, and there are purely individual solutions. What is found in practice most often? Perhaps this list is familiar to many who are not even thinking about the business:

  1. Tax benefits.
  2. Legal ways to achieve the abolition of the payment of funds.
  3. Maintain activities using offshore zones.
  4. Postponement of payments in the budget.

Here you need to make a small digression. Many people somehow believe that to optimize the taxation can be solely by interaction of several organizations that have different rates. Yes, it's an option, but not the only one. But this scheme, too, should tell. Most often it is implemented in the form of opening a several companies. The focus of the company serves as a mediator. As an example – company in General mode enters into a contract with the simplistic, which buys the necessary goods from the manufacturer. He then resold. This gives the Commission by reducing the size of the value added tax. After all, he is charged only for the General enterprise income. You can also sell the goods for his own firm, which simplified system of taxation.

But beware – these options are the scrutiny by the tax authorities. It is therefore very important that the firm with which it is to communicate, had an independent name and legal address. And be sure – was led by the current economic-productive activities. If it is only on paper, alas, – the probability to go to a not very pleasant place with respective personnel for several years.

The Postponement of payment of VAT

tax Optimization

Now let's start on a very interesting and important point. Perhaps everyone who works in General terms, interested in how it can be optimized to VAT. To reduce the size of payments, it is possible to use the circuit with a delay of shipment. The main thing in it – to enter into a contract with the company, which works on the imputed income. And it is necessary to agree in advance with the contractor about the use of this scheme. To awaken the interest you promised to make a discount. To implement this scheme, it is necessary to include in the contract a penalty clause in case of violation of terms of delivery. Although really already agreed with the partner, and he turns a blind eye. Under the law, penalties are not subject to VAT. Also it does not pay the contractor, therefore, the scheme should not cause him anxiety.

But this is not the only way. To defer payment of value added tax is possible also in case the delivery is not immediate, and parts. In this case, the payment should be made after will be shipped the last batch of goods. Moreover, the delay is a situation when the payment occurs on the day when, in fact, was delivered products. Let's consider an example. A contract was signed with the purchaser that the company will in the first quarter shipped the bulk of production. The rest will be handed over in the second. Because of this, accounts will have to pay VAT only in the 2nd quarter. But, in order to avoid problems, it is necessary on this scheme, mentioned in the Treaty, writing that such deliveries can only be made because of significant bulk or weightgoods. It should be understood that the planning and optimization of taxation – this is not a game. This is a complex job that requires careful and detailed analysis of each situation for the accountants and lawyers.


What is the purpose of tax optimization? It would seem that the answer is obvious, but let us denote the pursued objectives:

  1. Savings on VAT and income tax. Use variations of the extension of the Statute of limitations, optimization of transportation costs, the delay, the creation of a repair and reserve Fund. The second should be to insure bad debts, otherwise the tax authorities will claim.
  2. Saving of taxes on income and property with the help of a penalty. Involves low official income and disbursements of the funds with the status of the fine. But if an agreement becomes known to the tax service – mischief.
  3. Tax Savings in brokerage operations.

Optimization of taxes (net) commercial structures requires a thorough and careful approach. In order not to reinvent the wheel, use what has already been designed and created by other people. For example, these methods:

  1. Replacement tax entity.
  2. Change activity.
  3. Replacement tax jurisdiction.
  4. The Implementation of the accounting policy of the organization with the best possible use of the provided by the legislation of instruments to minimize.
  5. Replace the relationship.
  6. Postponement of tax payment.
  7. Separation of relations.
  8. Direct reduction of the taxation object.
  9. Completed Correctly and all relevant contracts.
  10. The Use of tax exemptions and various privileges.

The Main thing-correctly to apply them. Optimization of the profit tax and VAT if well managed, will not cause problems at the inspection of civil servants.


VAT Optimization

Here comes to an end the consideration of this interesting topic. It should be noted that any considered tax optimization of the organization – this is not a universal guide, but only a pattern of behavior. In developing the plan to consider information presented here as a base that should be corrected, based on real conditions. After optimization of taxation of enterprises should increase the ability of the economic entity in terms of efficiency and further development. If not, then it is necessary to think, whether all is correctly done?

In Order to exchange experiences and thoughts with other entrepreneurs, you can visit the workshop of optimization of taxation. There are other approaches in order to improve their position. Here, for example, why the entrepreneurs on the whole tend to relate to the employees of tax service with certain characteristics? After all, they are people just like us! Include time reporting independently, not using the electronic system, to meet people, make friends, ask him. After all, this tax inspector and will follow up on data, so why not learn how he thinks?

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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