Myxedema: causes and symptoms, methods of treatment. Thyroid disease


2018-03-22 22:12:14




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The Thyroid gland – important organ of internal secretion. Its main function is to produce specific hormones (triiodothyronine, thyroxine), which control metabolism in the human body and affect all body systems. In this paper, we consider a disease such as myxedema. Causes and symptoms will also be described.

What is myxedema?

Thyroid Disease cause the development of two syndromes. Production of hormones may increase – it is a syndrome of hyperthyroidism. However, the most important is the decrease of thyroid hormones that is called hypothyroidism.

Myxedema-extreme hypothyroidism. This condition is characterized by swelling of the mucous tissues. Due to lack of thyroid hormones in the tissues accumulate the polysaccharide residues that attract water. Tissue overly filled with water, and develops edema of mucous.

What is the cause of myxedema?

myxedema causes and symptoms

Myxedema can occur at any age. Women suffer from this disease more often than men, the occurrence of myxedema often accompanies menopause. Of particular importance is hypothyroidism in newborns and children of early age. Due to the slowing down of metabolism is disturbed physical development and mentality of the child. If the hypothyroidism is congenital (aplasia or hypoplasia of the gland) and is not treated, there is cretinism-a special form of mental retardation in children.

In adults myxedema, the cause of tissue damage of the thyroid gland-hypothyroidism is called primary. However, the gland controls the pituitary gland via TSH-thyroid-stimulating hormone. Therefore, if disrupted pituitary (tumor, circulatory disturbance, trauma, congenital abnormalities), occurs secondary hypothyroidism. Very rare tertiary hypothyroidism caused by hypothalamic dysregulation.


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When the disease of "myxedema" causes and symptoms are interrelated.

Dmitry Ulyanov 11 Institute of endocrinology

Thus, the main causes of myxedema following:

  • Atrophic processes in the thyroid gland;
  • Inflammation of the gland (thyroiditis);
  • Tumors
  • Trauma;
  • Removal of the gland tissue (surgery in the treatment of hyperthyroidism);
  • Radiation exposure;
  • Treatment with radionuclides of iodine;
  • Lack of iodine in your diet;
  • Taking certain medicines (amiodarone, corticosteroids, thyreostatics);
  • Infectious diseases (especially pregnant women);
  • Injuries and diseases of the brain etc.

As a result, may develop myxedema. Causes and symptoms are important in treatment choices.

What symptoms accompany the myxedema?

mucous swelling

Because the thyroid hormones affect all body systems, and manifestations of myxedema are varied.

In severe deficiency of thyroid hormones a person acquires a characteristic appearance - formed a “myxedema face”. Face edema, swelling is most pronounced on the eyelids, the lips. Pale skin has a jaundiced hue, cold to the touch, flake, there is loss of eyebrows, eyelashes and the hair on the head. Disruption of facial muscles – the person is sedentary, has an indifferent look.

Damage to the nervous system is a change of psyche. Movements become uncoordinated, sluggish. There is a depression. Bad information is perceived from the outside, the response of low or indifferent. Marked drowsiness, reduced memory and attention. Speech slurred and slow.

There is a fluctuation in blood pressure, usually downward. Disturbed heart muscle, decreases the heart rate – formed a “myxedema heart”. Affected and digestive system – and there is chronic constipation, disorders of motor activity of the biliary tract.

Develops edema of mucous.

reception of an endocrinologist

Decrease the respiratory capabilities of the lungs, causing periods of apnea during sleep. In addition, around the lungs often accumulates fluid, which also disturbs respiration. This phenomenon is called “myxedema of polyserositis”.

Despite the reduced appetite, the patient develops myxedema obesity, determined by increased blood cholesterol. Reduced hearing, there is hoarseness, impaired nasal breathing. Often anemia due to iron deficiency or folic acid. You need a good endocrinologist.

In women is often disturbed menstrual cycle, reduced fertility and libido. Occur arthritis, bone tissue is depleted in calcium, so are easily formed fractures. The children are lagging behind in growth and development compared to peers.

What are the studies conducted?

A Good endocrinologist already in appearance the patient can make a diagnosis of myxedema. However, to clarify the causes of the disease and determine the tactics of treatment it is necessary to conduct a series of studies. Diagnosis of myxedema in General is not difficult.

Allocate basic and auxiliary methods of diagnostics. The main methods allowto detect the myxedema, and helper methods are used to find the causes and clarify the form of the disease.

For the survey, you can contact us at the address: Moscow, street of Dmitry Ulyanov, 11. Institute of endocrinology carries out the following diagnostic procedures:

1. Highlights:

  • Clinical examination by a consultant endocrinologist;
  • Blood test for TSH and free thyroxine.a good endocrinologist

2. Subsidiary:

  • Thyroid ultrasound;
  • Scintigraphy with radioisotopes;
  • Biopsy of the thyroid tissue;
  • Identification of specific antibodies to thyroid cells.

Implying each of the studies?

Welcome endocrinologist is inexpensive.

The Doctor starts the examination, palpated and listened to the internal organs (heart, lungs). The symptoms described earlier can greatly help the doctor in diagnostic search.

In the analysis of blood revealed a decrease in the content of free thyroxine, however, the most significant detection of elevated TSH. Isolated subclinical hypothyroidism, which is not accompanied by any symptoms and is detected more often by accident. It elevated the TSH level is the first “alarm bells" in relation to the development of hypothyroidism and myxedema in particular.


Thyroid ultrasound allows you to visualize the various formations in prostate tissue (nodes, tumor, calcification). This method is easy to perform and relatively inexpensive when it is informative enough. If there is evidence of myxedema, treatment should be immediate.

disease myxedema


The Essence of radioisotope scintigraphy involves the insertion of radioactive isotopes of iodine intravenously and its accumulation in thyroid tissue, the characteristics of its distribution in and elimination. If during the ultrasound the physician can evaluate only the structure of the gland, scintigraphy evaluates function. If you have a disease "myxedema", the person is often marked by a reduced accumulation of iodine is local or diffuse. In addition to the function, using this method is estimated the treatment of various diseases of the prostate.


Biopsy of the thyroid involves the intake piece of tissue with special needles for biopsy. Subsequently, he subjected to microscopic and histochemical studies. It allows to reveal various diseases at the cellular level and to recognize the neoplastic process.

The detection of antibodies to thyroid tissue acquires its importance in the absence of visible causes myxedema. It is important to know what the normal thyroid gland does not cause formation of protective proteins, because it is limited to the layer of connective tissue. But in some diseases this capsule is thinner, and the tissue of the pancreas is in contact with the immune cells. As a consequence, produce antibodies to the cells of the gland that inhibit its function, without changing the structure.

What is the treatment for myxedema?

Welcome endocrinologist before therapy is required.

Treatment of myxedema is not difficult and is a hormonal therapy with the aim of substitution. However, be aware that the restore function of the gland is often not possible, so supplementation is compulsory and for life. Improvement in condition is observed after 2-3 weeks of use of special funds.

For relief of symptoms of drugs used L-thyroxine (“Levothyroxine”, “Eutirox”) and their analogues. These drugs are synthetic substitutes natural thyroid hormones. The dose chosen physician individually in each case.

It Should be noted that an overdose of the drug can lead to myxedema condition – hyperthyroidism, and low dose will have no effect at all. The intake of other drugs can also disrupt the absorption or speed up metabolism of L-thyroxine so need to consult other professionals about the combination treatment.

Where to go for help?

myxedema treatment

To Suspect the disease can the physician during the examination. However, the treatment of myxedema by the doctor-endocrinologist in specialized hospitals. It can be endocrinology Department of urban or regional hospitals. To perform complex methods of examination of patients are often sent to research centres in large cities. One of these objects is “Endocrinological scientific centre" (Moscow, ul Dmitriya Ulyanova, 11). Institute of endocrinology known fact that it assists in the treatment of myxedema and other diseases of competent experts to carry out complex diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

What is the prognosis?

In General, myxedema (causes and symptoms) – completely correctable condition. The medication completely eliminates the above symptoms. However, a late appeal to the doctor and failure to do so can lead to disastrous consequences.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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