Candles with belladonna. The solution of delicate problems


2018-03-23 04:24:07




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Belladonna (belladonna) is a perennial plant from the family Solanaceae. Has a robust branched rhizome, strong stem, large leaves of oval shape. Flowers of belladonna purple in color, while ripe fruits represent a dark berry color. In the wild the plant is found in the Caucasus, in the Crimea and the Carpathians. Habitat: forest, mountain slopes, river banks and road shoulders. The belladonna is cultivated in many European countries. The leaves of the plant contain scopolamine, atropine, belladonna, hyoscyamine. From the roots get the alkaloid Kashirin.

The Preparations of belladonna are used as an analgesic and protivospazmaticheskim tool. The pharmacological properties are due to the alkaloid atropine, under the influence of which decreases the tone of the biliary tract, intestines and stomach, uterus and bronchi. Belladonna refers to poisonous plants, so the use of these drugs without medical supervision is unacceptable.

Strictly forbidden drugs with deadly cardiac diseases and glaucoma. They should not be used and lactating mothers because lactation is deteriorating.

Diseases of the digestive tract, accompanied by increase in stomach acid, used pill"Bellalgin", "Becarbon", "Bepasal and Besalol".

The Drug is "Soliton" is used in asthma, tracheitis and bronchitis, as an expectorant and a bronchodilator agent.

The Cure "Belloid" in the form of pills appointed in VSD, dysmenorrhea, nervous disorders and insomnia.

Candles with extract of belladonna

This dosage form is indicated for topical application in hemorrhoids to heal cracks and relieve pain. Also, candles with belladonna can be prescribed in the postoperative period to accelerate the reconstruction of the walls of the anal canal. In addition to the medical treatment of patients, it is generally recommended that a diet high in fiber as to prevent constipation.


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Candles with belladonna, in addition to plant extracts that contain phenol with laxative effect. According to the instructions indications for the use of the drug is external, internal, and residual hemorrhoids, fistula and fissure in the anus. Today, however, candles with belladonna prescribe to their pregnant patients gynecologists. Thanks to the antispasmodic action of the alkaloid atropine, this drug relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus, contributing to effective preparation for childbirth. However, in this matter, not all doctors agree on everything. It should be noted that in this matter, gynecologists were divided into two camps. Some administered candles with belladonna almost all his patients prior to delivery. Others believe it is not only necessary, but even invalid.

Manufacturers of preparations containing belladonna is often among the contraindications to the use indicate the state of pregnancy. The reason it has a relaxing effect, which has belladonna. No negative impact on the fetus drugs do not have, but on low timing may cause miscarriage.
As a rule, candles with belladonna are prescribed in combination with another spazmolitikam - with no-Spa. This not only helps to prepare the uterus for a safe and rapid solution delivery, but also to avoid subsequent complications. However, the response to rectal supository all women individual. If the patient is not suffering from constipation, phenol, contained in candles can have too much. But loose stools is not just a discomfort, and additional dehydration.
Therefore, in appointing these drugs the pregnant woman is recommended to more closely monitor their condition and inform the doctor about side effects such as dry mouth, constant thirst, heart palpitations.
If necessary, candles with belladonna may be substituted for the rectal suppositorie with the content of papaverine.

Medicines which contain deadly (candles and tablets) are also used as analgesics for painful menstruation. It should be noted that in folk medicine, belladonna is always widely used for the solution of delicate women's issues, because this plant not only relieves pain but also calms the nervous system. And in the critical days of irritability observed in almost all of the fair sex.

Drugs with belladonna sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but they require some advice. We remind our readers that our articles are not comprehensive or Advisory in nature. This is just an overview of the drugs, made accessible and understandable language.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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