How to treat acute nasopharyngitis? Symptoms, causes and prevention of common cold


2018-03-25 06:36:19




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Modern medicine knows a variety of diseases. Some are independent, others – the consequence of other pathologies. Some of the common ailments are diseases of the respiratory system. They can appear for different reasons. In this article we will tell you about what is acute nasopharyngitis.

ICD-10 (international classification of diseases, tenth revision) includes the disease. As it is, you can find below. You will be able to familiarize yourself with the basic symptoms and causes of this disease and the ways of its treatment.

acute nasopharyngitis

General characteristics

Acute Nasopharyngitis-is an inflammatory process occurring in the mucosa of the nasopharynx. Pathology may have different origins. Usually the inflammation is caused by viruses. Less frequently the disease is bacterial or fungal in nature. The doctors say that is also found in allergic acute nasopharyngitis. ICD-10 will include this pathology under the number J-00.

The Disease in the acute stage in the absence of timely treatment may take a chronic form. This pathology is much more difficult to eliminate, but do not have severe symptoms and almost not bothering the patient. Consider the basic causes of the disease.

Viral nasopharyngitis

This type of disease occurs most often. It can affect patients of any age. However, more common in children of school and sadovskogo age. The transmission of the disease in normal contact, such as SARS. Acute nasopharyngitis is the incubation period from several hours to 2-5 days. Often the symptoms begin to manifest on the second day after contact with a carrier.


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Viral nasopharyngitis (acute) starts following inhalation of the virus. While pathogenic microorganisms start to multiply on the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. Also a role played by a private defense of the body. When reduced immunity, the disease spreads quickly and runs hard.

Bacterial disease

Another reason that may begin as acute nasopharyngitis, – rhinitis of bacterial origin. Often the pathology is a consequence of sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis. When it comes to the spread of bacteria, not viruses.

The cause of the outbreak of bacterial nasopharyngitis may be the use one things with an infected person. Usually in this situation we are talking about personal hygiene products (handkerchiefs, towels, toothbrushes and so on).

acute nasopharyngitis rhinitis

Fungal nasopharyngitis

Acute nasopharyngitis in children and adults can have a fungal etiology. This is often a consequence of untreated oral thrush, thrush and other diseases. Fungal nasopharyngitis often develops because of low immunity after prolonged use of antibiotics, chemotherapeutic agents.

Fungal nasopharyngitis Transmitted through saliva by kissing. In children the cause of the infection can become dirty toys.

Allergic form

The Cause of allergic nasopharyngitis is the inhalation of polluted air. It can be household dust, tobacco smoke, dry air, or any other allergen. A feature of this disorder is that it cannot be transferred to another person.

Acute nasopharyngitis: symptoms

Regardless of what caused the disease and what form it has, manifestations usually are similar. The main symptoms of pathology.

  • Increased body temperature (a distinctive feature of acute disease);
  • Mucous discharge from the nose that a few days may become purulent;
  • Headache, noise in the ears;
  • Malaise.

In the absence of proper treatment within a few days the mucus in the nose thickens and becomes a breeding ground for other microbes. There is a sense of congestion, edema. During the inspection noted purulent buildup on the back wall of the pharynx and tonsils can be diagnosed inflammation of the Eustachian tube.

acute nasopharyngitis symptoms

Acute nasopharyngitis: treatment

Depending on the age and condition of the patient, the doctor selects appropriate medication to correct the disease. When a viral infection is sufficient to comply with the regime. If the problem is due to bacteria then there can not do without antimicrobials.

In Addition to drugs for oral use need to use local funds. Such processed surface of the larynx and nasal mucosa. Often the treatment connected with additional drugs: vitamin complexes, recruitment of beneficial bacteria and so on. Some patients treated for acute nasopharyngitis grandmother's recipes. However, this correction is not always effective. Remember that an unsuitable therapy leads to the development of chronic disease. Consider the main drugs that are used to combat inflammation of the nasopharynx.

acute nasopharyngitis, ICD 10

Antivirals with immunomodulatory action

Acute Nasopharyngitis often has a viral etiology. For correction of such diseases should use appropriate drugs. It allfamous “but” and “Ariflo”, “cream” and “Alferon”, “Isoprinosine” and “Groprinosin”. They are not only able to eliminate a viral infection but also improving immune protection. All the above drugs are intended for oral administration. Often, however, experts recommend the use of local funds. It sprays and nose drops “IRS 19”, “but”, “Ingaron», «Grippferon», “Interferon” and so on. They can be used for treatment and prophylactic purposes.

To enhance the body's resistance may be administered vitamin complexes: “Multitabs”, “Vita Bears”, “alphabet” and many others. Always pay attention to the dosage of such funds. It should be selected in accordance with the patient's age and individual characteristics. Important role in enhancing the immune defense plays vitamin C.

acute nasopharyngitis ICD

Do I Need antibiotics?

If nasopharyngitis acute has a bacterial origin, the treatment includes an antimicrobial agent. They were appointed only after carrying out of laboratory researches. For this you need to take a swab from the cavity of the nose and throat. After that, the technician will identify the sensitivity of microorganisms to a particular medicine.

Antibiotics for oral administration are usually assigned on the basis of azithromycin and amoxicillin. This means “Amoxiclav”, “the resorption of”, “Sumamed”, “Azarus” and so on. Rarely (with the ineffectiveness of these) recommended antimicrobial compositions-cephalosporins (“Suprax”, “Cefotaxim”, “Ceftriaxone”). The use of antibiotics lasts for about 5-10 days. Even with a sharp improvement of health not to interrupt the designated course.

Antimicrobials administered in the nasal cavity. The most commonly used – “Izofra” and “Polideksa”. Safer can be called “Protargol” and “Sailor”. Also for the treatment of nasopharyngitis recently used the drug “Bioparox”. Currently, however, try not to assign.

acute nasopharyngitis in adults

Antihistamine medicines

If the acute nasopharyngitis caused by an allergic reaction, treatment is necessary to connect the antihistamines. They are available in tablets or drops for ease of use. The most popular trade names – “Zyrtec”, “Zodak”, “Effective”, “Her”, “Powder” and others.

Remember that the use of such medicines may cause side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness and fatigue. So don't make the responsible cases during therapy. Or you can consult a doctor and choose for themselves the most appropriate mode of reception, for example, before going to sleep.

Remove the swelling in your nose

Acute nasopharyngitis in children is often accompanied by severe edema. Thus the younger the child, the more difficult is the situation. In babies often, the disease goes on the ear: starts the inflammatory process, accompanied by edema. It is therefore important to use the medication for the narrowing of the blood vessels.

The Most popular drugs on the basis of Oxymetazoline and Xylometazoline. Less commonly used is not effective. Trade names of these drugs are the following: “producer”, “Otrivin», «Cold», «Linestop”, “Glycine” and so on. All drugs are used not more than 3-5 days strictly in the specified dosage. Kids frequently prescribed medication “At”. You can use it in the period up to one week. The active ingredient of the drug is phenylephrine. It also contains a drug “Polideksa”. By combining these compounds is necessary to adjust the dose.

To reduce swelling of the nasal cavities will help in some way and antihistamines. However, they are not as fast as drugs for local use.

Lavage of the nasal passages

Before applying any drugs on the mucous membranes of the nose, the surface should be washed. During the procedure, fluid flow removes all pathogens. The result of the medicine is better absorbed and produce greater effect.

The wash Procedure helps in some measure to reduce swelling. Saline solutions pull fluids. To prepare the cleansing of the nasal passages can own. To do this dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a liter of water. You can also buy a ready-made tool in the pharmacy. This drugs ‘Dolphin’, ‘Linestop”, “other means”, “Physiomer” and so on.

Prevention activities

To avoid Contracting nasopharyngitis, you need to carefully monitor their health. Regularly hygienic procedures to cleanse the nose. For this fit the above mentioned medicines. It is also necessary to humidify the air in the room where you are. Do not allow drying of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages and throat, drink plenty of pure water. Do not forget about nutrition. The benefits of fruits and vegetables is undeniable. Using these products you can get a lot of vitamins and minerals. Choose your mode. Wake up at the same time, more walk in the fresh air. This will helpto prevent the common cold and its effects - nasopharyngitis.

acute nasopharyngitis treatment

During outbreaks, avoid visiting of crowded places. In case of involuntary contact with an infected person use antiviral agents in the prevention. However, this topic should be discussed with your doctor.

If you feel the onset of the disease, you should not try to transfer him to his feet. Be sure to use medication and rest. The sport also increases the body's resistance, but the classes should be reasonable. When the first symptoms do not attempt to remove it yourself. Remember that timely appeal to the specialist – guarantee a quick recovery. Not get sick!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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