How to speed up metabolism in the body?


2018-03-25 17:27:08




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Before trying to determine how to speed up metabolism in the body, you must first find out what causes it to slowdown. The reasons for this situation may be several reasons:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Age;
  • The features of the physique;
  • Hormonal disturbances;
  • Emotional tension.

Of Course, not all causes can be solved, and their solution does not always tell you how to run the metabolism, but you need to seek full recovery. Moreover, the approach to treatment needs to be comprehensive, then its efficiency is very high.

Our objective is to describe the main methods, the application of which in practice will help to expedite the metabolism in the body:

  1. One way, with high efficiency, is an increase in muscle mass. Muscle cells have activity that is eight times more than fat. So at rest they burn more calories than the latter. Moreover, to improve the physical shape of ideal all types of anaerobic activity (running, Cycling, walking (including sports), swimming).
  2. Remember that the high effect after anaerobic exercise exists only when classes are scheduled. For maximum effect you need to make sure that the heart rate during exercise was within 70% of the maximum of its value (the level of maximum heart rate: 220-number of years = your highest point of the pulse). In this case, the highest rate of metabolism.
  3. Don't forget to have Breakfast. In order to speed up the metabolism in the body, have a good Breakfast every morning. In the body, which night gets food, the metabolism slows down. If you do not have Breakfast sufficiently, the cells slow down their work and begin to store fat as a reserve.
  4. The meals should be frequent and fractional. Diet accelerating the metabolism, involves the frequent meals. If the body a long time not getting food, he begins to go into starvation mode and thus slows down the metabolism. Remember that not eating food, you do not reduce the amount of calories entering into your body: as a rule, people eat less if you do it more often. The most successful version of power – the separation of the three main meals into six.
  5. Power should be correct. Approximately 25-30% of the diet should be protein foods (eggs, chicken, dark chocolate, walnut), which speeds up metabolism. Also as a catalyst for the exchange of substances twice a day to drink green tea. In your diet should be high in foods containing fiber. The body breaks down her spending a lot of calories.

The Most optimal products that will help to expedite the metabolism in the body – seafood (especially fish), tomatoes, berries (particularly blueberries), almost all fruit and grain crops.


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Drink plenty of fluids. When the body loses fluid, it reduces the level of metabolism via effects on body temperature. When cells are dehydrated, the body temperature decreases and stimulates cells to accumulate fat.

The optimal type and volume of fluids –approximately 2.5 liters per day. Moreover, if you drink cool water, it also helps to activate metabolic processes: the body needs to spend energy to raise the temperature of fluids. However, this does not mean that water should be ice: don't forget that there is always the risk of angina.

The Last thing that should be noted: if your diet meets all the requirements, and the body weight is reduced, you should contact the endocrinologist. There might be issues with the thyroid gland.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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