Dishormonal diseases of mammary glands: list, causes, diagnosis and treatments


2018-03-26 05:19:24




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The female body is pretty much dependent on the functioning of the hormonal system. The important role played by heightened emotionality, sensitivity. And anxiety, stress, hard work without rest, disorder in the family affect health. Statistics show that diseases of the breast faces every third woman. The chest is a very sensitive organ, so any failure in the body can adversely affect it. Consider dishormonal diseases of mammary glands. What is the cause and how does the test work? And what are the treatment options today?

Target Organ

Mammary glands can be considered a target organ, because any change in a woman's body will affect the condition and functioning of the breast. Disorders in the endocrine system, and pathology are often combined with dyshormonal breast diseases.dishormonal diseases of mammary glands

A Large influence of steroid sex hormones. Diseases of the mammary glands is directly dependent on the menstrual function of the body and the mechanisms that govern it. Every hormone in a woman's body performs its function in relation to the mammaries. The optimal level and ratio of hormones ensure the full functioning. Progesterone, estrogen and prolactin - hormones that have the greatest impact on mammary gland.

Causes of dyshormonal diseases of the female breast

There are several factors that affect the development of dishormonal breast diseases in women that can cause the development of pathology.


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  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Stress.
  • Late first pregnancy after 30 years.
  • Lack of pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Frequent abortions.
  • Spontaneous abortion in the early stages.
  • Excess weight and obesity.
  • Lack of breastfeeding or too long feeding the baby's chest.
  • Early onset of menstruation before 12 years.
  • Gynecological diseases.

If there is a combination of several factors, the risk of disease increases.

why is one breast bigger than the other

Dishormonal diseases of mammary glands

The List Diseases and their types:

1. Mastopathy. There are two types:

  • Hub.
  • Diffuse.

To node include:

  • Cyst.
  • Fibroadenoma.
  • Phyllodes fibroadenoma.
  • Lipoma lipogranulomas.
  • Intraductal papilloma.
  • Hamartoma.
  • Angiom.

Diffuse mastopathy can be:

  • Mixed.
  • Predominant glandular component – adenas.
  • Predominant fibrous component – fibroadenoma.
  • Predominant cystic component – fibrocysts.
  • Sclerosi adenas.

2. Mastodynia disease (Cooper).

3. Gynecomastia.

4. Galactorrhea.

5. Galactocele.

6. Intraductal papilloma. The Disease Of Mints.

Yet there is the involutive form of the disease. Can wear fibrous in nature. Is most common after 35 years.

Let's Consider what symptoms may be present if develop dishormonal diseases of mammary glands. Their knowledge will help at an early stage to recognize the approaching pathology.

Symptoms of mastopathy and mastodynia

To begin To answer the question, what is mastopathy of mammary glands? This is a dishormonal disease, characterized by proliferation of connective and glandular tissue with formation of cysts and various seals.

what is breast mammary glands

Mastitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the mammary glands. They can be aching, dull. Before menstruation the pain gets worse.
  • A Feeling of heaviness in the breast.
  • Pain during examination. It is noticed that 10-15% of women do not experience pain.
  • Discomfort and increase breast.
  • Increased sensitivity of the breast.
  • Discharge from the nipple.
  • Nodes with nodal mastopathy.

At the same time a woman can learn on your own experience, what are mastopathy of mammary glands, constantly testing:

  • Headaches.
  • Tension.
  • Abdominal Discomfort.

These symptoms characteristic of premenstrual syndrome.

Mastodynia, or illness Cooper, can be formed on the background of mastitis. Thus there is a degeneration of the fibrous and cystic formations. Can be physiological, amid puberty, pregnancy or menopause. And can wear pathological character, to be a symptom of diseases of the mammary gland or adjacent organs.

Mastodynia is cyclic, that is manifested in the phase of the menstrual cycle, and acyclic. Under cyclic current characteristic of the above mentioned signs, similar to the breast. For acyclic typical:

  • Pain is persistent or recurrent.
  • Localized pain. You can highlight the painful part.
  • It is Possible redness.
  • Pain in one breast.
  • Swollen breast.
  • The Nipples are painful when pressed, appear discharge.
  • No sensitivity.

The Mastodynia may be a sign of inflammatory processes in the tissues ortumors in the breast.

Symptoms of galactorrhea and gynecomastia

Describe the symptoms of the disease dishormonal "galactorrhea of the breast". What is it? Any discharge from the nipple and ducts of the breast. It is not considered an independent disease, but may be one of the symptoms of dishormonal disorders in the body. This phenomenon occurs not only in women, but can have children and men at any age.

On the other hand, is the answer to the question in the title galactorrhea breast. What it is possible to understand, if you translate the name from Greek - it means the outflow of milk.

The Pathology is characterised by the following symptoms:

  • Discharge from the Breasts do not contain the impurities of the blood.
  • Can be detected periodically or continuously small allocation.
  • Allocation is done without pressing on the nipple or by pressure.
  • Disorders of the menstrual cycle.
  • The Process of the discharge may be unilateral or bilateral.
  • Headaches and blurred vision are if there is a pathological disorder in the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland.breast nipples

Dishormonal diseases of mammary glands are not only in women but also occur in the male is gynecomastia. There is an increase in breast cancer because of proliferation of the glandular tissue. Not uncommon, and reveals it mainly when the patient appears the question: "Why is one breast bigger than the other?" Let who can occur this disease:

  • Men over 40.
  • Neonates.
  • Boys in puberty.

In these cases, gynecomastia is considered to be physiological and usually resolves on its own.


  • Swelling of the breast.
  • Can with one hand to his chest swell.
  • Nipples and areolas dark color.
  • Possible discharge from the nipple.
  • A Feeling of discomfort, pressure in the chest.

If the answer to the question of why is one breast bigger than the other are not physiological changes in the body, it can be the tumor growth, which is quite rare.

Symptoms and diseases galactocele Mintz

Galactocele breast Is a fatty cyst, benign. It is filled with curdled milk. May occur after 7-10 months after cessation of lactation. And there are cases of appearance in pregnant women and nursing mothers. Usually the process is asymptomatic, but we can highlight some features:

  • If the cyst is large, it can be detected on palpation.
  • Usually found on an ultrasound.
  • Can be single and multiple.disease Mintz
  • The Initial stage of the process is painless.
  • The Physician during the examination notes the presence of oscillations in the tumor.
  • There is a probability of formation of a milk fistula in the cyst rupture.
  • If the cyst is not growing, its walls harden.
  • Delays in treatment can lead to breast deformation.

Galactocele is not a dangerous disease, but requires attention and timely treatment.

Quite different symptoms are present when developing intraductal papilloma. This is a benign tumor that is formed in the wall of the duct of the gland from the inside. Often it is associated with the occurrence of fibrocystic breast disease. One of the names for this disease - the disease of mints. Symptoms characteristic of this disease:

  • Discharge from breast with bloody clots or transparent, maybe greenish-brown color.
  • When the feeling of pressure and a strong pain.
  • To Find possible nodes of round shape.
  • Redness on the painful area.
  • If the cyst bursts, it may develop the inflammatory process. This increases the temperature, there is a weakness.

It is Worth noting that intraductal papilloma can very quickly Mature, and at the initial stage does not show itself.


If you, upon inspection noticed a change in the mammary glands, or do you know at least one of the above described symptoms, you should visit your doctor.

Breast check should be carried out in 2-3 days after the end of menstruation in the 1 phase of the cycle. In the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle inspection conduct is not deemed appropriate, as iron at this time becomes denser. In this case, a high probability of errors in diagnosis.

The Doctor should gather information about the evolution of the disease, with the first manifestations of it. You need to install:

  • How are the manifestations of the disease with the menstrual cycle.
  • Find Out the presence of concomitant diseases. Especially important diseases gynecological, thyroid, liver.
  • Take into Account social conditions.
  • Temperament and character of the patient.
  • Signs of neurasthenia.
  • Hereditary disease in the mother.

During a visual inspection is necessary to pay attention:

  • At development, the size and symmetry of the breast.
  • On the symmetry of the nipples and their deformation.
  • On the color and texture of the skin.
  • Vascular pattern.

Next is palpation. Start with the top square and move in the direction from the periphery to the nipple. It is necessary to conduct palpation in the following provisions:

  • Standing.
  • Lying on its side, the arm from the palpation should be under that head.
  • Lying on back.

Alsoit is necessary to palpate axillary lymph nodes and internal.

To note:

  • The mobility of the gland.
  • Soreness.
  • Outlines.
  • Discharge from the nipple.
  • The Temperature of the skin over the tumor.

If chest found a questionable seal is needed urgently to do a lumbar puncture or extended biopsy, with a histological examination.

Diagnosis of breast diseases

In Addition to visual inspection and palpation for diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe special additional tests.

galactorrhea breast what is it

  • Ultrasound dairy zhelez.
  • Mammografia.
  • Pneumography.
  • Termografia.
  • Galactografia.
  • Doctorate.
  • Pneumocystography.
  • It Seems to a blood test to determine the level of hormones, tumor markers, thyroid hormones.
  • Histological and cytological examination of nipple discharge.
  • Puncture of focal seals, of lymph nodes with subsequent histological and cytological study.

Only after collecting all the information the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment. What methods are there, consider the next.

Treatment Methods

Dishormonal diseases of mammary glands require prolonged treatment. An integrated approach that should be taken into account hormonal characteristics, concomitant gynecological diseases and is also required to identify the cause of the disease.

Each form of the disease and the patient requires an individual approach. But first and foremost it is necessary to eliminate exogenous factors. It's stress, improper diet, Smoking, alcohol, promiscuous sexual life, the use of oral contraceptives.

The Group of products which are used in the therapeutic treatment:

  • Vitamins. The lack of vitamins contributes to the development of mastitis and formation of tumors of mammary glands. Necessary to restore the functions of the thyroid gland, nervous system, ovaries. Strengthen the immune system and have antioxidant effects.
  • Adaptogens of plant origin. Improve immunity, antitumor, resistance, and normalize metabolic processes in the body. It is such preparations as “Tincture of ginseng”, “Siberian Ginseng”, “Chinese Magnolia vine".
  • Sedatives. If the patient expressed asthenic syndrome, emotional arousal. Appoint “Tincture of motherwort”, “Valerian”.
  • Diuretics prescribed for pain and engorgement in the second half of the cycle. As a rule, the drugs of plant origin. Such as, rose hips, motherwort, calendula, immortelle.
  • Phytotherapy. Helps to reduce swelling, normalize hormones, reduce pain. Using drugs ‘Mastodinon”, “Cyclodiene”. Apply if you saved your hormone levels, there are contraindications to hormonal therapy and as the therapy, reducing the dose of hormones.dishormonal diseases of mammary glands treatment
  • Hormone therapy. Used only after careful consideration hormonal background of the patient. Apply various regimens of hormones. Use if ineffective treatment with herbal remedies, physical therapy, and if there are endocrine and gynecological disorders.
  • Combine hormone therapy and herbal medicine.
  • Surgical treatment is required for nodal mastopathy.

I Also want to mention that to treat benign tumors and dishormonal diseases of mammary glands it is necessary, adhering to a balanced diet. To limit the use of fats of animal origin. The diet should contain more fresh vegetables and fruits, sprouts and whole grains. You need to eat liver, eggs, milk, fish, tomatoes, foods with a high content of potassium. How much fiber should be in diet, especially necessary in patients who are prone to obesity.

Prevention dishormonal diseases

Dishormonal breast diseases require not only treatment but also preventive measures. It is primarily an annual doctor's examination. For women who are at risk required an inspection every six months. If you have nodular form of mastitis should be observed and undergo inspection every three months. At the same time to undergo an ultrasound and a mammogram.

Primary Prevention of breast diseases include:

  • A balanced diet, avoid foods, fatty and smoked products.
  • The Use of vitamins in fresh vegetables and fruits. In the autumn-winter period to take a multivitamin.
  • Avoidance of pesticides and chemical additives in food.
  • Timely Implementation of reproductive functions.
  • Control of hormonal drugs. It is desirable to start to receive them only after consulting a doctor.
  • Management of breastfeeding.
  • Regular sexual relationship.
  • Timely treatment of: thyroid disease, gynecological diseases, endocrine diseases, abnormalities in the liver function.

And you also need to avoid stressful situations, to give up Smoking and alcohol. To lead a healthy life, to have daily physical exercise. If a woman ismore attentive to their health, do not miss the first signs of impending disease. Timely pathology much better responding to therapy.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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