Sucking pills for sore throat list, instruction manual


2018-03-26 17:35:24




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Sore throat-trouble, which can significantly spoil life. If the time to start its treatment, the discomfort will pass in a few hours or a few days, but neglected a simple cold can trigger unpleasant complications, get rid of them will not be easy. Especially greater complexity is the treatment of sore throat of the child: the child is cranky, refuses medication, and to persuade him to be treated hard. Come to the aid of the best sucking pills for sore throat – delicious preparations are loved by people of any age, however useful.

sucking pills for sore throat list

Cold – it is always health problems

As soon As the season starts on time, and then – winter, our cities are flooded with an epidemic of colds. Runny nose and sore throat-symptoms familiar to every modern person. Equally the problem, attacking all oblivious of any age or gender. Therefore, sucking lozenges are suitable for both children and adults. Rapid initiation of treatment allows to eliminate the pain almost immediately, but at the beginning can cause problems. If the bark was powerless, need as soon as possible to schedule an appointment to see a doctor to determine an accurate diagnosis and to understand, than to treat disease – perhaps we are talking about something more serious than a simple cold.

Usually some candy from a sore throat with sage or other herbs are useful in any home just in case. This is useful, because the pain come suddenly without warning. However, options on the shelves of pharmacies a huge number, and not all drugs have equal effectiveness. Long known that a good effect give a baby lozenge “Doctor”, but they are quite expensive. And what else is there worthy of trust and worth the money that asks for them outlet?


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Candy: what happen?

Currently, inexpensive but effective throat lozenge jubilee presented in pharmacies in a very wide variety and they are all very tasty. Love these candies for both children and adults, but in addition to taste have the ability to greatly to ease discomfort in the throat, provoked by hypothermia or infection. In addition to the taste of inexpensive but effective lozenges for the throat are characteristics of the composition, which affects the mechanism of their effects on the human body.

The majority of the drugs based on some substance showing good effect to the throat. This is often phenol. It is made of, for example, pills for resorption "Grameen". However, to use them all in a row is impossible: some individuals phenol may provoke an allergic reaction that will only worsen the condition. Generally, in terms of allergies need to be extremely careful: even the simple “Hills” can be the cause of this reaction, and the patient's condition will worsen.

sucking lozenges

Tablets and antibacterial components

There is a sale and a variety of sucking tablets from the throat with antibiotic. This is an effective drugs, the classical representative of which – “Unfortunately, Labels”, although this is not the only drug of this type. The antibiotics help to get rid of sore throat and win even serious, including chronic illness. Good result using this group of drugs gives pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. Help modern lozenges from throat with antimicrobial components and when purulent form of angina.

In addition to the antimicrobial effect of the candy from this category have a good analgesic effect. Creates cooling effect irritated, infected the mucosal surface, and the human condition gets better temporarily. Effective lozenges from throat not only eliminate pain, but also are a means, is effective against colds, infection in combination with other drugs, in themselves.

Essential oil against sore throat

Often the candy from the throat is produced, including the composition of essential oils of different herbs. These drugs help to cope with irritation and help stop the progression of the disease at its beginning. List sucking pills for sore throat of this type – all preparations made for the popular recipes. Typical representatives – “along with”, “carmolis”.

best sucking pills for sore throat

Candy is perfectly safe, they can be recommended to both adults and children. They are suitable for those who have been allergic to chemical compounds. But blindly eat them too much is also impossible, it can cause a negative reaction. As advised by the manufacturers, before using lozenges for sore throat for children and adults it is better to consult first with the doctor (although in practice rarely does). Many candies have a pleasant, mild flavor. They are mint, with spicy notes. Modern quality herbal lozenges for sore throat for children and adults eliminate discomfort, however, freshen the breath.

Delicious and fun

No matter How the throat hurt, the baby is often cranky andrefuses to take the medicine with an unpleasant taste. Here and come to the aid of lozenges for sore throat for kids. They are delicious, sweet, flavorful – in short, a real gift for any kid. Persuade not working, the child will gladly eat the candy. Many candies contain a honey-enriched with vitamins. With the pleasant taste they are really useful, so you should always keep these houses at hand, so at the first sign of sore throat to give their child a healthy sweetness.

lozenges from throat

Sage for sore throat

Many modern sucking pills for sore throat is made by sage or contain as an optional component. The main feature of this unusual plant – the benefits to human health, in particular, for the condition of the throat. Candy eliminate osiplosti and cropped the inflammatory process. Sucking pills for sore throat with sage freshen the breath. Most of these drugs are designed for patients aged 12 years and older. The most popular are the products from the brand “Permanent”. These sucking pills for sore throat is rich not only with sage extract and other beneficial ingredients. The drug was pleasant to taste and smell, the manufacturer added sugar, aromatic components and citric acid.


There are now in the sale pretty specific sucking pills for sore throat, developed a particularly effective drugs. They are approved for use in a variety of cases, have a narrow list of contraindications, and limitations on acceptance. The majority of these funds go perfectly with any other drugs, because they in no way affect the absorption of the medication. And still the special candy from the throat should purchase first talking to your doctor. Better to give preference to those lollipops, which are sold in pharmacies. In the last few years, there are a lot of manufacturers, offering customers a simple candy under the guise of helpful for sore throat.

focusat lollipops

“Strepsils” sore throat

This medicine contains menthol, eucalyptus and special features that help to eliminate the inflammation in the throat. They are effective against cough, pain triggered by inflammation or infection. Some types of these sweets are enriched with ascorbic acid. You can use the ‘Strepsils” as a method of symptomatic treatment. It is a good antiseptic that is good for patients six years and older.

septolete lozenges

As the manufacturer recommends, “Strepsils” is best used when the sore throat is just beginning. The first time the candy should be consumed every two or three hours. Each piece is carefully resolve. A day should not be consumed more than 12 chocolates. The duration of treatment is determined by patient's condition and tolerability. Usually “Strepsils” does not cause allergic reactions, but in some cases the therapy the kids need to be especially careful. One pack costs about 200 rubles.

“Er” against infections

In infectious, inflammatory processes show a good result, lollipops “Er”. A day can use up to eight candies. Adults are recommended to take them within two hours. On average one pack costs about a hundred rubles.

doctor mom lozenges, children

Pain in throat when “interesting”

In the period of carrying a child, you can apply not all medications, presented on the market of specialized products. It concerns including preparations to eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the throat. A good solution would be pills for resorption "Septolete”. It is usually recommended by doctors if the sore throat hurts a pregnant woman. You can resort to these pills during lactation. At the same time, you need to be extremely careful to read the instructions and ask advice from the doctor.

Multi-component drugs that can eliminate the pain in the throat, especially serious drugs that strongly affect the human body and affect different systems and organs, can have unpredictable effects on the fetus. If possible, do avoid the use of drugs in the fight against colds “interesting” state, is to trust the forces of the body. If you want to help him with external stimuli, then come to the aid of safe candy with herbs and essential oils. You can even buy plain candy canes in a regular grocery store: if they have eucalyptus, peppermint or sage, they have let the short term but a positive effect on a sore throat.

Candy: treat children

Initially, lollipops “Focusat” (and other trademarks) were invented to make it easier to treat a sore throat in young children, capricious and unruly – that is, those who not allow to treat yourself bitter, tasteless drugs. Candy was developed as a method of eliminating the most unpleasant manifestations of infection. At the same time it is not anticipated that the candy canes will become the primary meansdisease. This is the only way to improve the condition and make the child more amenable to treatment. Many drugs contain components to form a coating of mucous that softens tissue and reduces irritation.

sucking pills for sore throat

Any self-respecting manufacturer is required to put into package to tablets the instructions for use of the drug. Before you can use candy to treat the child, you need to read these recommendations to make sure that the detergent is suitable, in this particular case. Many children experience an allergic reaction, in addition, different candies can be used with different ages. You must first make sure that the tool is applicable, only then to treat the baby.

To rush to anything

Some throat lozenges for sore throat recommended only with 10 or even 12 years, but most on the market of preparations suited for application already in the age of five. But the younger children lollipops strongly recommended: baby can choke if they try to swallow a delicious candy. In order not to harm the child, even accidentally, you need to carefully follow instructions for use – the manufacturer specifies at what age you can use their tool. It is known that the rapid and powerful effect when used in children show the above mentioned “Strepsils” as well as tablets “After” to dissolve, they have a pleasant taste and good help against inflammation and cough.

Cold and lollipops

The common Cold is almost always accompanied by a sore throat. Simultaneously amaze mucous inflammation, tissue swelling, and the tonsils can be observed whitish bloom. There are quite a lot of preparations, including tablets, but not all show a good effect, and to swallow with a sore throat difficult. Candy sticks eliminate discomfort, and also go well with other drugs, so the popularity of this category of drugs is increasing from year to year.

lollipops for sore throat for kids

In the General case of lozenges for sore throat should be used early in the disease as one of the primary means of assistance postojannogo person. Will not excess during the cold regularly to dissolve healthy sweets as a preventive tool, they will help to prevent infection and save you from pain in the throat. Pleasant to the taste of the candy cools, freshens breath, soften tissue and a positive effect due to natural ingredients, essential oils. With a rapid positive effect and elimination of severe pain candy are pretty cheap. They can be used during pregnancy when most medicines shows low efficiency. Candy from the throat is always convenient to keep in the kit bag on hand to use in any situation. They do not need to drink, these candies you can take with you to the meeting and the child to put in a backpack, collecting his school. With chocolates you can get rid of the sore, it prevents cough and effectively eliminates associated symptoms.

New market from year to year something special

Every year on the market there are more and more new and effective drugs from the throat, they are faster, more efficient, and show strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. If five or ten years ago on the shelves of pharmacies you can find only a few items, now this diversity has several dozen, and prices pretty much vary. Some medicated candies with interesting additives: honey, herbal extracts, berry essences. At the same time it's the real thing, even has a pleasant taste, and is packaged in a beautiful box. When choosing a candy from a sore throat you need to pay attention to the features of the vending product. For example, antimicrobial candy – this is a fairly easy cure. When using it you need to carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions, do not throw candy, not after the course entirely and not repeat earlier than the doctor advises. Uncontrolled reception of antibiotics can cause side effects – from disorders of the digestive system to severe allergic reactions.

Mostly antibiotics are sold only when prescribed by the treating doctor, but the buyer needs to be careful: a pharmacist may simply overlook that a particular name refers to a category of antibiotics. If the doctor has advised to use this medication, he also explains the optimal scheme for use and gives guidance for determining the effectiveness of the drug. Antibiotics are not suited to fighting viral illnesses, so these lollipops, even if the townsfolk, they do not seem serious medication, make just not: one must first consult a doctor and be tested.

Herbs for the benefit of man

If antibiotics are not recommended by the attending physician, and a sore throat, you need to refer to variants created using extracts of medicinal herbs. The most positive result have candy, which is composed of sage extract. They quickly return to a healthy voice, effectively removes irritation and make breathing much more fresh. When you receive a candy sore throat is swellingsubsides, the inflammation is relieved. The condition of the patient as a whole becomes much better.

candy from the throat of the inexpensive but effective

Others believe that the treatment sweets with sage – grandma's methods, traditional recipes that are real good can not bring. This is a completely erroneous misconception: many official tests have shown that sage really has a strong positive influence on the throat, leads to normal mucosa and improves the human condition, the voice returns.

Physicians recommend the use of lollipops with sage angina, any colds, viruses and infections afflicting throat. Sage extract has strong disinfectant properties, making candy does not have a less powerful effect than pills, but have a pleasant taste and smell. Even better those lollipops, which in addition to the sage there, and the honey. This is a natural antibiotic, efficiently relieves the inflammation and destroy the colonies of harmful microbes. However, candy cannot be used if it is known that the patient is allergic to honey.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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