As symptoms of low blood pressure?


2018-03-27 21:18:07




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Speaking of bending pressure, often referring to his promotion. But people often complain of low blood pressure, or hypotension. This disease mainly prevails in the female sex.


Early hypotension was considered almost normal and almost not treated. Doctors discovered a link between low blood pressure and poor health. The fact that it causes fatigue, and the emergence of frequent headaches that entails a reduction in performance.

The Pressure is considered low if the upper limit of blood pressure below 100 mm Hg.St., and the top - below 60 mm Hg.St.

If the low pressure worries during pregnancy, then this is the risk that the fetus may suffer from lack of oxygen, which is detrimental to its development.

In the reproductive age, low blood pressure increases the risk of infertility, as hypotension is most likely to occur hormonal disturbance and, as a consequence, irregular menstrual cycle, and delayed maturation of the egg.

Symptoms of low pressure: weakness, dizziness, fatigue, headaches and heart pains, reduced appetite. People with low blood pressure are pallor and increased sweating of the extremities. Often women have irregular menstruation, men - reduced potency. Also may be palpitations when the body temperature drops to 36 °C.

symptoms of low pressure

But it happens that the disease does not affect overall health. In this case we can speak about individual human characteristics. If, however, constantly experience symptoms of low pressure, such as headaches, insomnia, systematic, and reduces the life activity, you should seek help from a doctor.


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If the identified symptoms of low pressure in women, it needs urgently to be examined to determine the main reasons that provoked the appearance of hypotension. Some diseases can affect the overall condition. In order to get rid of hypotension, you must first identify and fix the underlying cause of this disease. Often the reason lies in the dysfunction of the vessels.

Another cause of the low pressure - neurosis, which develops on the background of depression and stress. If hypotension complicated by loss of consciousness, in this case, it is necessary to apply the medication.

how to raise low blood pressure

How to raise low blood pressure? To normalize the pressure point massage helps. 

Sometimes prescribe the drug kordiamin. This drug stimulates the blood vessels of the brain. Many helps tincture of Eleutherococcus (you can substitute lemongrass)

Unfortunately, with age, hypotension goes into hypertension, that is, the pressure becomes elevated.

If you experience symptoms of low pressure or often lose consciousness, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as this disease requires not only treatment but also surveillance. 

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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