Folliculometry - what is it? On what day of cycle is folliculometry?


2018-03-28 00:29:13




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Often women during pregnancy and prescribe a study entitled folliculometry. What is this testing? How is it done? What possibilities for modern diagnostics? These questions are of interest to many patients gynecological Department.

What is a study?

folliculometry it

Unfortunately, not all women are able to conceive quickly. In some cases, when planning a pregnancy prescribe testing, known as folliculometry. What kind of research? In fact, it is the ultrasonic monitoring to monitor the development and maturation of a follicle from the beginning to the end of the menstrual cycle.

To date, this study is one of the most precise methods to determine ovulation and thus increase the chance of fertilization. This method is widely used in gynecology, not only for tracking menstrual cycle, but also to diagnose some disorders of the reproductive system.

Folliculometry: when to do? Indications for procedure

ultrasound folliculometry

First and foremost, a similar procedure is used in family planning centers. The most accurate results — that's what helps to achieve folliculometry. When doing this procedure? For a start it is worth noting that the monitoring gives the possibility to determine the existence of ovulation, as well as its precise timing. This is extremely important for women that have irregular menstrual cycle.

In addition, ultrasound is used to determine the cause of the disruption of the normal functioning of the reproductive system and failure of the menstrual cycle. The same study administered in order to track the impact of drug-hormonal agents on the ovaries. And the procedure in combination with some other tests used for diagnosis of female infertility. In addition, folliculometry often carried out before in vitro fertilization.


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Do I Need special training?

folliculometry when doing

Of Course, many patients are interested in whether any special preparations before an ultrasound. Folliculometry does not require any elaborate preparation. Girls who have not had sexual intercourse, ultrasound examination, usually performed through the abdominal wall — in such cases shortly before the procedure is to drink 0.5-1 liters of water. A full bladder will provide maximum visibility of the pelvic organs.

In some cases, more extensive information will be transvaginal ultrasound. To ensure maximum accuracy of the study, women are advised at least the day before your procedure to give up foods that increase gas formation in the intestine — it is in the first place, cabbage and legumes, and some fruits and dairy products. It is advisable to clean the intestine through prenosnih candles or enemas digested with water.

Folliculometry: on what day of cycle administered the survey?

folliculometry what day of cycle

Naturally, in order to properly assess the condition and functioning of the reproductive system, it is important to start and to properly diagnose. There are a vital question of interest to all patients: on what day do folliculometry? Immediately it should be noted that the study likely will have to repeat more than once. Women with a normal menstrual cycle that lasts 28 days usually the first ultrasound is prescribed on the eighth or tenth day. Naturally, in this period it is difficult to select the follicle — however, it is possible to determine the presence of some deviations, in particular, to diagnose a follicular cyst.

Patients who have a stable cycle lasting more or less than 28 days of the first examination administered six days before the alleged start of ovulation. In any case, in the future will have to repeat the procedure every two or three days. Repeated studies carried out either before ovulation period or until the end of the menstrual cycle.

How is the procedure?

on what day do folliculometry

As already mentioned, the study can be performed through the abdominal wall and transvaginally — a suitable method is selected by the doctor conducting the test. Basically the procedure is the same as a normal ultrasound. Folliculometry — this is the usual examination of organs of small pelvis. Monitoring of follicles takes very little time, and the procedure is absolutely painless.

Interpreting the results

Of Course, there are some data that allow us to determine how successfully were folliculometry. What are these indicators? As a rule, during the first examination, the doctor may notice one, at least a few enlarged follicles. In any case, only one egg gets Mature — its dominance is determined already after a few days. The average diameter of the follicle is 12-15 mm. But its size is constantly increasing — at the time of ovulation, they are most often 25 mm. on these details and drawsthe attention of a doctor.

Moreover, immediately after the rupture of the Mature follicle and release of the egg in its place formed a yellow body, which is still a few days can be seen during an ultrasound. After ovulation in otamatone space has a small amount of free fluid. In any case, after folliculometry requires a blood test for hormone levels — normally, there is an elevation in progesterone.

Some disorders helps to define such a study?

folliculometry reviews

This technique helps to determine the exact time of ovulation. But it doesn't end there — there are many other discoveries which allows you to make folliculometry. What are the important facts?

In the first place, constant monitoring allows the doctor to evaluate the work of the uterus and ovaries. With the help of ultrasound can identify the presence of different tumors, including, for example, a cyst, etc. There are other diseases that can be detected during folliculometry. For example, some patients are diagnosed with uterine and other diseases. Using the results of this survey at the gynecologist is able to determine the cause of infertility. Moreover, the technique is even used in therapy as it allows you to carefully monitor the impact of certain drugs on the reproductive system.

In fact, to overestimate the importance of this study is difficult, because it helps the technician to put the correct diagnosis and to choose optimal treatment.

Reviews and further information

Today more and more patients assigned folliculometry. Specialists indicate that this is the most accurate and effective method of diagnosis and monitoring. This methodology is essential for couples wishing to have a child, and also for patients suffering from certain disorders. In any case, the procedure is painless and does not take much time. The disadvantages are only that the procedure should be repeated every two days (not all of it comfortable). It can be done in a special diagnostic facilities or family planning clinics. As for the cost, it varies depending on the city used equipment and price policy of the institution. The average ultrasound procedure costs about 300-500 rubles.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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