Medical certificate for replacement driver's license. The medical Board on the right


2018-03-28 19:21:15




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Medical certificate for replacement of driving license is necessary for everyone, who ended the validity of the document. This establishes whether the person at the time of the examination, contraindications for driving vehicles and other moving equipment.

medical certificate for replacement driver's license

About where to obtain the driver's medical certificate

Currently, the easiest way to obtain such a document in private medical centers with appropriate authorization to issue certificates of this type. It should be noted that simplicity and high rate of passage of such a Commission will cost the patient a lot. The fact that a medical certificate for replacement driving licence requires a number of specialists and passing several tests. The cost of the inspection by doctors and laboratory and instrumental investigations in private centers is much higher than in the state. Tests in private clinics proven to be much faster and the queues to the experts there.

the medical Board on the right

The Medical Board on the rights, passed in the state health Agency, would require a much smaller cash outlay. The speed of its passage will be much lower.

Different centers - the result is the same

Many believe that if they the results of the Commission in a health care facility was not allowed to drive a car, in another they can deal with it with a positive verdict. This view is mistaken. The fact that a medical certificate for replacement driver's license will authorize the person to drive only when he has no contraindications. While they all identified the same document. So absolutely no difference in where the person passes the Board to the final result.


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What period of time is issued?

This document is valid only for a certain period. How many years exactly covered by the driver's medical certificate, depends on the presence or absence of various diseases. In the case when the person has no serious ailments, the extension period may be 2 years. If the state of health we examine is the doctor any questions, the time between the medical commissions may be reduced for up to 1 year. After expiry of this document timely must be replaced driver's medical certificate. Otherwise, GAI can be a serious claim to the driver.

help driver's medical Commission

How long?

It depends on the center chosen by the people. If we are talking about private clinics, medical certificate for replacement driver's license can be obtained almost for the day. In that case, if the person expressed a preference for a state Agency, the process can take up to a week.

It is Worth noting that most of the various commissions, including the driver passes in the first half. As a result, the September-November become the perfect period in order to obtain the driver's medical certificate.

What tests and studies have to go?

In order to receive a driver's medical certificate, you may have to pass some tests and research. Among the highlights are:

  • The General analysis of blood;
  • Urinalysis;
  • Blood glucose;
  • Electrocardiography;
  • Chest x-rays.

Depending on whether a patient has certain diseases specialists can refer it for further examination. In addition, you may need further examination in stationary conditions.

What professionals have to go?

Help the driver's medical Board will only be signed if the person will pass all the necessary specialists. Among them:

  • Surgeon;
  • Ophthalmologist;
  • Consultation;
  • A neurologist;
  • Gynecologist (for the fair half of mankind);
  • Shrink;
  • Addiction;
  • Therapist.

On reception at the surgeon

The New driver medical certificate without a visit to this specialist will not be issued. This is because surgical pathology often becomes a cause of failure to the person of the right to drive cars. Most often we are talking about cases where surveyed in the past were any injuries. Also the reason for the ban can be congenital defects of musculoskeletal system.


The Medical Board on the rights necessarily requires a visit to candidate drivers of the specialist. It deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the Central or peripheral nervous system. One of the most common diseases for which a medical certificate to replace a driver's license might put a damper on the Department of motor vehicles is epilepsy.

replacing a driver's medical certificate


Most Often it is the same doctor. Whatfor the psychiatrist, he must ask the passing a Commission a few questions. In addition, the specialist will check is the person for whatever mental illness, not whether he had any suicide attempts in the past.

Speaking about the appointment with the psychiatrist, the human, never abused alcoholic drinks and not taking any drugs, it will proceed very quickly. If previously the patient had to visit this specialist not only to undergo medical examination, then it can cause serious problems with obtaining permission to drive a car funds.

New driver's medical certificate

The Consultation

The specialist engaged in the identification and treatment of diseases of the ears, throat, and nose. In that case, if they reach a significant severity, the person may not sign a certificate of successful completion of the driving of the Commission. The conclusion of the consultation rarely becomes the cause of prohibition of the Department of motor vehicles.

to obtain the driver's medical certificate

Without an ophthalmologist anywhere

One of the key specialists who need to pass the medical Commission, is the ophthalmologist. The highlight of the reception he will have a vision test. The fact that visually impaired people can cause huge problems for the entire road. It is absolutely not necessary that the patient with poor eyesight will not be allowed to drive a car. Ophthalmologist will help him solve his problems. The doctor will prescribe the patient a rational course of treatment or prescribe wearing glasses or contact lenses with certain corrective characteristics.

What will the therapist?

Help the driver's medical Board will not be signed without going through the therapist. The fact that this specialist is most often diagnosed forbidding the person to drive a car. Usually the reason for such restrictions is hypertension, 2nd or 3rd degree. If in the second case the person to participate in road traffic as a driver ban by far, in the first approach an individual. The fact that the second degree of arterial hypertension becomes a ban for driving of motor transport only in case when a person for the previous year are diagnosed at least six hypertensive crises.

In addition to hypertension, the reasons for restrictions on driving be and other cardiovascular disease. Especially if there is a serious insufficiency of blood circulation. In post-stroke and post-infarction periods in 1 year help the driver medical Commission is not issued, even if the person already feels fine. Can not the patient to permit the Department of motor transport during the active flow of the cancer process.

Any acute illness are grounds to postpone the Commission. Just try not to make complaints to the therapist about certain symptoms of different kinds of colds and not worth it. The fact that in acute respiratory diseases in the vast majority of cases at least increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate. As a result, the doctor still will not sign a certificate, and maybe even to take on the additional studies that will also have to pay.

action driver's medical certificate

How much?

The price of the medical driver's Commission largely depends on what kind of healthcare institution asked people. In public clinics the cost typically ranges from 800 to 1200 rubles. With regard to private medical centers, this service there will cost from 1500 to 2000 rubles.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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