How to check thyroid? What kind of doctor checks thyroid?


2018-04-01 12:20:18




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The Largest endocrine gland in human body is the thyroid. It is in the front of the neck and appearance like a butterfly. The thyroid gland consists of two lobes and a connecting isthmus.

Thyroid Function

How to verify the thyroid gland

To Understand that there were problems that should be dealt with a doctor alone can not do everything. But to observe the condition of that organ is necessary. Because the thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones such as triiodothyronine and thyroxine. They are called T3 and T4, respectively.

Produced hormones engaged in the regulation of supply in the cells of the body energy that is consumed to maintain life. She is breathing, the heart muscle, blood circulation, thermoregulation.

But it's not all function of the thyroid gland. It also produces the hormone calcitonin. It regulates the metabolism of such elements as phosphorus and calcium. He is responsible for the growth of bone tissue and affects the calcium metabolism taking place inside cells.


If you don't like to go to doctors and are unlikely to go to an endocrinologist just for a checkup, then you need to know on what grounds is suspected of the problem. Start figuring out how to test thyroid, what tests do I have to take, it is necessary in the following cases.

If you notice that have become increasingly annoyed, crying, excessive sweating, you have tremors, paroxysmal palpitations, sleep disturbances, then it is advisable to visit an endocrinologist. These are signs of hyperthyroidism – intoxication excessive amount of thyroid hormones.


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And hypothyroidism may not appear. But often in case of insufficiency of thyroid function indicated a decline in health, fatigue, feeling cold, pale skin and becomes dry. Also people notice a decrease in appetite, but the weight is starting to increase.

Essential studies

Test your thyroid, what testsIf you notice a malfunction of your body, you should think about to visit the doctor. For starters, you can go to the therapist, he will be able to tell you what kind of doctor checks thyroid, and if necessary will give him direction. These problems deals with the endocrinologist.

Specialist can conduct a full investigation of the thyroid gland. It begins with a regular examination of the neck and palpation of the specified cancer. By the way, this study everyone can spend at home. It is important to understand how to test thyroid by yourself. It can be felt on the surface of the neck, it is located in the center of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx. It can feel if you place your fingers in the place on two sides of the throat and gently massage. Soft and stretchy fabric – this is the thyroid gland. Normally it should be the size of the nail phalanx of the thumb.

After the study, even if there are no abnormalities, the doctor may recommend more careful to check the thyroid gland. What tests are needed for that, he will tell you. So, you need to donate blood for hormones T3 and T4. Also important diagnostic test is the determination of the amount of thyroid stimulating hormone-TSH. It does not apply to thyroid, but may indicate certain problems with the thyroid gland.

Blood tests

Where you can check thyroid

Analyses allow us to understand if there are any problems in the endocrine system of the body. It is enough to ask the endocrinologist, how to check thyroid function. He, in turn, should give you the direction to the change in TSH, T3 and T4. But, in principle, quite informative is the determination of the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone. It is produced in response to the amount of T3 and T4. Therefore, if TSH is normal, it indicates that the level of other hormones is not distorted.

But in most cases, doctors recommend to pass all the hormones in the complex. Indeed, in the case of deviations of TSH you will not have to re-figure out how to check the thyroid gland, and to go to donate blood again.

Interpretation of results

If all hormones are within the normal range, then you have no cause for concern. But even a little beyond at least one of the results should alarm you. In this case, it is necessary not only to figure out how to check thyroid gland, but also re-visit an endocrinologist. Only a specialist can make a diagnosis, assessing the results of laboratory tests.

For Example, if the level of T3 or T4 is too low, TSH increases. The pituitary is trying in this way to stimulate the thyroid gland, causing it to increase secretion of these hormones. But excessive levels of thyroid hormones, on the contrary, leads to a fall in the values of TSH. Indicators T3 and T4, the doctor is able to say precisely what you have a violation of: hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. In addition, taking into account the obtained values of the estimated severity of the disorders in the thyroid gland. These indicators also provide an opportunity to assess the impact of treatment on the person. So,for example, if you were able to compensate for hyperthyroidism, during the first month of TSH can be low, but the values of T3 and T4 decrease and fall into the normal range.

Definition diseases

How to check the thyroid hormonesAs mentioned above, there are certain regularities in the ratio of hormones in the body. If you have found where you can check the thyroid gland, passed all the necessary tests and received the results, you can try to interpret them.

About a reduced thyroid function is to say the combination of low or normal level of hormones T3 and T4 with increased TSH. Such a pattern is observed in primary hypothyroidism.

Also about the deterioration of the thyroid says lower levels of T3 or T4 in combination with a decrease in TSH. This situation occurs when secondary hypothyroidism.

But if the number of T3 and T4 exceeds the norm, the value of TSH is reduced, so we are talking about hyperthyroidism and increase thyroid function.

Prepare for tests

If the endocrinologist has given you the direction of the survey, he also had to tell not only about where to check the thyroid gland, but also about how to prepare for the examination. To carry out the necessary venous blood. Take it in the morning on an empty stomach. In this case, after the last meal should take at least 8 hours. But it's better if the break is 12 hours.

If on inspection and palpation, the doctor noticed a specific problem at a time with testing, you can still enroll in ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland. An integrated approach will help to identify all problems.

It is Also important to know that on a background of reception of preparations of thyroxine, it makes no sense to check T3 and T4. But the TSH level is indicative. It is possible to determine how the treatment on the patient.


How to verify the thyroid glandIf you receive disappointing results, then you will also need to go for an ultrasound. With it we study the structure of the gland, revealed the pathological education, measured its dimensions. It is important to conduct this survey in the dynamics, to see how the body responds to the treatment prescribed.

Evaluating the image on the monitor screen, the doctor is checking thyroid, can detect even slight changes in the tissues of the investigated organ. If they were revealed changes in the structure or visualized nodules, watchful waiting is a must. This will help prevent more serious problems. Because the nodes located in the thyroid gland, the combination of a number of adverse factors can malignities – to degenerate into a malignant tumor. On ultrasound, you need to go as soon as you feel pain or notice an increase in cancer.


Quite often, doctors-endocrinologists in their practice are faced with insufficiency of thyroid function. This disease may initially be asymptomatic, but over time, everyone notices a feeling of weakness, constant lethargy and drowsiness, swelling. But, unfortunately, not always these symptoms suggest people an idea of how to check thyroid gland. They blamed poor health on the weather, space storms and other factors.

But if the time to seek help, then all these problems in the body can be resolved quickly. Selection of the correct dosage of the hormone thyroxine allows for rapid compensation of the disease. The first time for the TSH levels need to be monitored on a monthly basis. If the lack of thyroid hormones cannot compensate, with time enough to pass TSH once a year.

Hypothyroidism in children

If in adults the weakening of the function of the thyroid gland only causes poor health, kids these hormones are responsible for physical and mental development. Therefore, if you notice a change in the child's behavior, then it is advisable to figure out how to check the thyroid hormones in children, and to hold in case of necessity such a study. But first, of course, you must see a endocrinologist. He may recommend an echo. Given the fact that the inadequacy of thyroid function leads to irreversible changes in mental and physical development of the crumbs, then monitor it as needed. Also it is important to notice a congenital form of hypothyroidism.


How to check thyroid gland independently

Excess of thyroid hormones is no less dangerous than the lack of them. Noticing increased irritability, increased heart rate, increased sweating, it is better to go to an endocrinologist for a consultation and to check the level of thyroid hormones. If it is elevated, it is important to find a competent specialist who knows the type of treatment, which can be compensated thyrotoxicosis.

The situation is Complicated by the fact that modern pharmacology has yet to develop antidotes that eliminate thyrotoxic crisis – a condition in which significantly increases the amount of hormones in the blood. Treatment in this case is aimed at detoxification of the body. Of course, in the initial stages it is still possible to compensate for this disease, but the situation becomes complicated if it is alreadyrunning.

Treatment of excess thyroid hormones

If the endocrine system failed, without a timely and competent care is not enough. It is therefore important to know how to check the thyroid gland and which doctor to contact if you have any problems.

For the treatment of thyrotoxicosis can be used three methods:

  • Receive thyreostatics, for example, the drug “Merkazolil” or equivalent;
  • Surgical removal of the thyroid gland;
  • Radioiodine destruction of tissue.

The Drug “Merkazolil” will help only when the disease was detected early. He is able to block the production of hormones, but can not deactivate previously allocated. Thus it adversely affects the liver and can lead to cirrhosis. Therefore, the means “Merkazolil” is used only to compensate for the disease. After that, in most cases, still the question about the necessity of removal of the thyroid gland. In the post-Soviet countries practice only surgical intervention.

Thyroid nodules

Where to check thyroidOne of the major problems faced by the regular patients of the endocrinologist, is the definition of tactics when any of the formations in the tissues of the thyroid gland. They can be found in conventional ultrasonic inspection.

In most cases in the doctor's office, patients know that they have benign nodes. But to know whether they will be reborn into a malignant, impossible. That is why doctors in some cases recommend to remove them. Of course, it makes no sense to go under the surgeon's knife with a little education, in such cases it is better just to regularly visit and ultrasound study to remember how to check thyroid gland. But if a node more than 3 cm in diameter, it raises the question of the need for surgery. In addition to the size, the physician should assess the density and duration of existence. But in any case, no one can force the patient to remove the benign, the matter is settled by the doctor with the patient.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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