Delirium - what is it? Signs and symptoms of the disorder


2018-04-02 10:43:14




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In modern psychiatry delirium (synonyms: The disorder of mental activity, delirium) – is a complex of ideas or notions that appeared as a result of developing the brain disease as a symptom of thought disorder. They mistakenly reflect reality and are not adjusted new incoming information, regardless of whether the existing conclusion reality or not. Often delirium is one of the components of the manifestations of schizophrenia or other mental disorders.delirium synonyms

In some cases, the word “nonsense” synonyms of "mental disorder" and "insanity"

But in order to speak about the patient's mental disorder, it is impossible to start only from the content of his ideas was overcome. That is, if to others it looks like complete nonsense, it can not serve as evidence of the person's mental disorder.

In Brede painful is not the content that falls outside of conventional beliefs and the disturbances in the flow of human life associated with it. Delusional patient is removed from the world, uncommunicative, he is isolated in his belief that totally changes its image and values.

Crazy ideas

Delusional belief is not amenable to any correction. Unlike the misconceptions of a healthy person who strongly defends his point of view, nonsense – is a kind of unshakable idea that requires no real evidence, as exists independently of events occurring in reality. Even the negative experience of following crazy idea does not force the patient to abandon it, and sometimes even on the contrary, strengthens faith in its truth.


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As a crazy idea is always very closely soldered to the previously formed radical personal changes, it necessarily cause a radical change in the attitude of the patient to itself, the outside world, turning it into “other man”.

Delirium is often accompanied by so-called syndrome of mental automatism, or alienation syndrome in which the patient has the feeling that his every action or thought do not occur on their own, and invested or inspired from the outside, external force. In these cases, the patients suffer from delusions of persecution.paranoid delusion

Paranoid delusions – it is the result of distrust of the environment

Paranoid delusions are formed out of opposition to the environment and distrust of other people, being transformed over time, in extreme suspicion.

Sick at some point begins to realize that everyone around him treated unfairly prejudice his interests, humiliated. Due to the inability of paranoid to interpret the actions and words of others versatile this belief grows into a paranoid syndrome.

In psychiatry it is divided into three kinds.

  1. Delusions of control, in which the patient is convinced in outside influence on his behavior and thoughts.
  2. Brad relationship, when a person assumes that others talk about him, laugh at him, look at him.
  3. Paranoid delusions. This state is expressed in a deep conviction of the patient that some mysterious forces plotting his death or otherwise harm him.

By the Way, the last form of the disorder, the thinking in certain situations can easily be transferred to the environment of the patient, which leads to the incident, which is characterized as the induction, that is, the borrowing beliefs of the sick person healthy.induced delusion

What is induced delirium

In psychiatry this phenomenon is called "induced delusion". This induced, informed by the belief that the patient takes over his environment – those who are with him in close contact and have not developed a critical attitude to the pathological condition of the patient, as it is in this group, authority or has the confidence.

Induced in such cases begin to Express the same ideas and apply them in the same form, and the patient inductor. People induzirovanny delirium, – this usually inspires a person, which is subordinate to or dependent on the source of the idea. Often, but not always, the dominant person (the inductor) is diagnosed with schizophrenia.

It Should be noted that the disorder is As well as the initial nonsense of the inductor, is a chronic condition, which according to the plot it turns out delusions of grandeur, persecutory or religious delusions. Fall under the specified influence of most of the group, resulting in cultural, language or geographical isolation.

Under what conditions can be diagnosed

In order to correctly diagnose, it should be remembered that induced delusions –

  • A condition in which several people share the same crazy idea or built on the it system;
  • Support each other in these belief;
  • Such people there is a very close relationship;
  • Even passive members of this group are induced after contact with active partners.

When cessation of contact with the inductor vaccinated thus views most often dissipate without a trace.hypochondriacal delusion

How is hypochondriacal delusions

Inpsychiatric practice is often found in another kind of mental disorder-hypochondriacal delusions. This condition is characterized by deep conviction of the patient in having a serious and incurable diseases, or shameful, one that defies conventional therapy.

What doctors can't find her, amazed at the nonsense people will only accept their incompetence or indifference. Data analyses and examinations for these patients are not evidence, because they have a deep belief in their own unique illness. The patient achieves a new survey.

In the case of hypochondriacal delirium begins to grow, it is joined by the idea of persecution that the doctors organized in relation to the patient. These symptoms are often added, and the previously mentioned delusions of control, which is supported by the belief that the disease is caused by specially organized radiation, which destroyed the internal organs and even the brain. this is nonsense

How is the change hypochondriacal delusions

Sometimes patients with hypochondriacal delirium occurs it change the idea of the opposite of the content – that the patient was always perfectly healthy or, more often, that it suddenly completely healed. Usually, such nonsense – this is a consequence of the mood swings caused by the disappearance of (usually shallow) depression and the emergence of hypomanic state.

That is sick as he was, and remained fixed on the subject of health, but now his nonsense is shifting and becoming a nonsense of health is directed to the healing of others.

By the Way, many so-called traditional healers who spread personally invented methods to cure all ills, have described a category of thought disorder. In the best case such methods are simply harmless, but that happens very rarely!systematized delusion

How the delusions become systematized

Interestingly, crazy build in all these cases are interlinked, consistent and have a logical explanation. The disorder of thinking indicates that we have before us a systematic nonsense.

This disorder is most often seen in people who have a good level of intelligence. The structure of the systematized delusions included material on which is based the idea, as well as the plot – making this idea. With the development of the disease it can be painted, filled with new details and even to change the direction, as shown above.

By the Way, the presence of systematized delusions always confirms its continued existence as acute onset disease, usually has no coherent system.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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