The consequences of complications of sinusitis


2018-04-02 19:01:23




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Sinusitis is a difficult disease. Most often it is a complication of previously transferred infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. It requires immediate treatment. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that his running form will cause complications.

If a person's immune system is strong, it will cope with sinusitis. With General weakness of the body to predict the further course of the disease extremely difficult. If left untreated sinusitis, it is acute stage will quickly pass into the chronic form. Chronic sinusitis, complications which is tricky, is hard treatable disease.

Chronic sinusitis complications

What is sinusitis and what are its complications?

The source of sinusitis is the introduction of pathogens into the mucosa of the maxillary sinus (hence the name of the disease).

What are the complications of sinusitis? The symptoms of pathological phenomena caused by the disease varied. It all depends on the area of the lesion and its extent.

When sinusitis impaired nasal breathing and mucus from the cavities in the upper jaw. Accumulating, it promotes the growth of bacteria that causes even more extensive inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses. This forms a closed circuit with the further development of complications.

What types of complications emit

Complications of sinusitis are divided into two groups. The first group includes negative effects on the respiratory system.

Among them:

  • Sinusitis transition from the acute stage into a chronic one;
  • Appearance of the inflammatory process in the throat and tonsils;
  • The development of bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • The spread of sinus infection to other sinuses;
  • The occurrence of inflammation in the middle ear (otitis media).

Complications of sinusitis in adults belonging to the second group, beyond the defeat of the respiratory system. In this case, the hit may make the many systems of the body.


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Among the complications include:

  • An inflammatory process in the meninges with meningitis and encephalitis;
  • Heart damage (myocarditis);
  • Inflammation of the joints (rheumatoid arthritis);
  • Violation of the functionality of the kidneys (nephritis);
  • Blood poisoning (sepsis).

Complications of sinusitis in adults

The Main symptoms of sinusitis

The Transition of the disease from acute stage to chronic it is difficult to establish, because the list of symptoms is quite extensive.

The manifestations of a chronic nature include:

  • Fatigue;
  • Ongoing runny nose;
  • Persistent migraine headaches;
  • Discharge from the nose purulent mucus, they often have an unpleasant odor.

Chronic sinusitis can be confused with simple colds or overwork. One of the clearest manifestations of the disease is unilateral nasal obstruction. This is due to the inflammatory process occurring in one maxillary sinus. After some period of time nasal congestion can spread to the other party in connection with the fact that the inflammation invaded the neighbouring cavity.

The Conditions under which acute sinusitis becomes chronic

The Sinusitis becomes chronic in a variety of reasons, among which are:

  • Late mild disease;
  • Failure to follow doctor's recommendations;
  • Immunosuppression;
  • The presence of concomitant diseases of the respiratory system.

The Transition of sinusitis in the chronic form may be caused by a severe pathology of the cardiovascular system or the respiratory system. Under such conditions the patient may complain of shortness of breath.

In chronic sinusitis mucosa of the nose and maxillary sinuses is thickened and inflamed. The man begins to breathe with a mouth that promotes distribution of an infection in a new field.

The Negative impact of mouth breathing lies in the omission of the nose and throat when breathing process. Dry, not moistened by mucus the air is full of germs. They fall in the throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. Thus, sinusitis facilitates entry of germs through the mouth and inflammation of the maxillary sinus.

Blurred vision when sinusitis

Complications of sinusitis hard to call typical. No one knows what organ or system it affects. It happens that the intensive use of antibiotics contributes to the reduction of resistance to them. Due to improper treatment of the disease can occur blurred vision. For example, sinusitis may cause swelling of the tissue of the eye, retrobulbar inflammation or thrombosis of the veins of the orbit.

If the blurred vision should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Bone Lesions

If the inflammatory process has spread to the bone, it is osteoperiosteal. The disease can be as simple and festering for. This is a very serious complication with severe clinic.

The Therapy is based on the use of antibiotics. While assigned not only medicine common action. Certain drugs injected into the area of inflammation. Sometimes this disease requires surgery.

Neuritis of the trigeminal nerve

Complications of sinusitis are very diverse. Quite often, the disease causes inflammationof the trigeminal nerve. In this state adjacent to the cerebellum nerve endings swell and become inflamed, causing acute pain. The disease is difficult to treat.

Complications of sinusitis

Breathing problems

As a rule, people do not attach importance to the fact that to me there is a runny nose and discharge. In fact, the condition of the maxillary sinus influences the entire body. For example, difficulty breathing through the nose can cause insomnia, which will lead to a drop in performance, asthenic condition and high blood pressure. As a result, you may be sleep apnea (stop breathing during night sleep).

Tonsillitis and adenoids

Complications of acute sinusitis involve the development of pathological processes in the nose and throat. When sinusitis the main blow assume these areas. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses causes hypertrophy of the mucous membranes. Over time, the inflamed surface can occur novoobrazovaniya benign - polyps. They largely contribute to the difficulty in nasal breathing and cause even more swelling of the mucous membranes.

Complications of acute sinusitis

In the throat infectious lesions susceptible to tonsil. They are lymphoid tissue. The amygdala has a complex branched structure. Due to this structure, the infection they easily take root and multiplies rapidly.

The Inflammatory process in the tonsils is called tonsillitis. With the defeat of the tonsils adenoids are formed that resemble polyps. But the place of localization is SIP.

The defeat of the bronchi and lungs

The result is that the infection spreads from the maxillary sinuses down, it can affect the bronchi and lungs. In the end, can develop bronchitis or pneumonia.

Pneumonia-a serious illness. But if it was preceded by sinusitis, the symptoms of intoxication of the respiratory tract are more pronounced. Recurring bronchitis can trigger the development of asthma.


All the paranasal sinuses, frontal, ethmoid and maxillary, have a message. So the localization of bacteria in one of them, can get inflammation in other areas.

As a rule, the inflammation of the maxillary sinuses in the first place react to the frontal sinus, causing sinusitis. In severe cases, the pathological process may spread to all of the sinuses. This condition is called pansinusitis. It is characterized by the weight. The disease is accompanied by high fever and severe intoxication of the whole organism.

The Occurrence of otitis media

Very often, the inflammatory process localized in the maxillary sinus spreads to the ears. As is known, SIP is reported from the middle ear through a channel situated in the area of the temple. This cavity is called the Eustachian tube.

Infection of sinus spreads to the throat, and thence to the auditory tube. The penetration of microbes contributes to bismarckiana, which creates in the throat high blood pressure. Infection with mucus enters the ear. This provokes the occurrence of otitis media.

The Patient complains of stuffiness in the ear, then the pain appear, which disturb the patient at night. The pain is accompanied by pus from the external auditory canal.


Otitis media is terrible not only the appearance of pain and pus. Middle and inner part of the ear is near the meninges. Purulent process can easily spread to this area. Developing meningitis that can be fatal.

At First the patient complains of severe headache and sudden fever. Then there are specific neurological symptoms, characterized by partial or complete loss of consciousness. The inflammatory process can affect the substance of the brain, and meningitis is burdened with encephalitis.

The Impact of diabetes on the internal organs

The Maxillary sinus, filled with pus, are a source of infection. Blood and lymph can spread it to all organs. In this case, there are complications of sinusitis, as a defeat of the myocardium, kidneys and joints.

When exposed to the myocardium is the destruction of the connective tissue structures of the heart valves. With the defeat of the joints, degeneration of cartilage. Getting an infection in the kidneys causes complications such as nephritis. This disease, in turn, provokes renal failure.

Complications of sinusitis

The Occurrence of sepsis

The Most serious complication of sinusitis is infection of the blood. The development of sepsis contributes to a weak immune system and primary purulent focus. In this case, it represents the maxillary sinus.

Blood bacteria spread to all the organs, in which there are secondary foci of inflammation.

Sinusitis in children

Children often adults suffer infectious and respiratory diseases. Not cured before the end of the infection can be complicated by sinusitis.

Children in infancy is not concerned, as the maxillary sinus they are small. Children older than 4 years can be ill with sinusitis. Due to the small size of the sinuses, symptoms may not be so pronounced.

Complications of sinusitis in children

The Main complication of sinusitis in children is otitis media. Unlike adults, in children, the ear is inflamed much more often.Therefore, treatment of sinusitis should be performed as quickly as possible. You should pay attention to the long nose in a child. If you notice that the selection has acquired a yellowish-green color, and from them comes a putrid smell, it is an occasion of visiting the doctor's office.

In children sinus infection does not always cause pain and temperature.

Complications of sinusitis in children are as follows:

  • Inflammation of the bronchi or of the lungs;
  • The appearance of otitis media, or sinusitis ethmoiditis.

In Addition to these diseases may be sepsis, kidney failure and heart, inflammation of the joints.

Complications of sinusitis in children

General Recommendations

How to prevent to develop complications of sinusitis? First and foremost, should be timely to treat the disease. Comprehensive therapy involves the administration of drugs possessing anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. Also antibiotics are used.

Treatment of complications of sinusitis sometimes is difficult. It all depends on the area of localization of the pathological process and the extent of inflammation.

Medicines against microbes in the sinus (antiseptic) are used topically in the form of rinses, drops or irrigation.

Good effect have folk ways. But these funds must be used in combination with drugs prescribed by your doctor.

It is Very important hygiene. The process of bismarckiana should not be intense. It is desirable to keep the mouth open so that mucus does not penetrate into the Eustachian tube.

Treatment of complications of sinusitis

You Should be aware of bracing methods based on application of multi-vitamins and stimulants of the immune system. The diet should be complete, and the atmosphere at work and at home is optimal.

At the first suspicion of the development of sinusitis should immediately contact laryngology.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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