The drug "egilok": instructions and warnings


2018-03-18 07:55:51




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The Cure "egilok" (international name - Metoprolol) refers to those drugs that are at the correct destination and use of great benefit to the body, and in the wrong dosage - irreparable harm.

The Drug is "egilok" (instruction contains this information) is a selective beta1-blocker. This means that the main effect of antihypertensive. The drug reduces the frequency of attacks, typical angina, reduces their strength and tension. Means "egilok" (reviews most patients say it) greatly facilitates the patient's condition, greatly reduces the risk of primary and recurrent infarction.

What is so good about this drug? How does the "egilok"? A description that contains the user manual in detail explains the mechanism of action of the means. Without membrane stabilizing action, it reduces the intracellular calcium flux, reduces anxiety, normalizes the number of contractions of the myocardium. Medicine "egilok" is a tool that helps with arrhythmias. The drug makes your heart rate (heart rate) is more rare, that is due to the decrease in sinus node automaticity, inhibition of the excitation pulse, decrease the contractility and excitability of the myocardium.

In addition, the drug is able to act as a prophylactic: it prevents or relieves migraine attacks.

Unlike other drug "egilok" (user provides this information) does not affect muscles of bronchi or arteries.

Who and treatment of any disease prescribed medicines "egilok"? Here is a partial list of cases in which the drug is effective:

chronic high blood pressure. The drug has a positive effect on the disease even in patients of advanced age;

- extrasystole and supraventricular arrhythmias, i.e. diseases associated with the violation of contraction of the heart muscle;


heart disease;


- ischemic disease.

Why the medication cannot be taken without the advice of a doctor? Because it has no side effects, to predict and prevent the manifestation of which is capable of not just a specialist, a doctor, knows the body of his patient.


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What are the likely side effects? The drug "egilok" (the manual contains information about this) can cause:

- poorly controlled weight gain;

- thrombocytopenia;

- the alopecia, photodermatosis, pruritus, rash, changes in skin (psoriasiform and dystrophic);

- shortness of breath, spasms in the bronchi, cough, shortness of breath. Rarely - rhinitis;

- heart failure, excessive reduction of the frequency of heart muscle contraction. Sometimes it may be triggered by Raynaud's syndrome, which suffer the blood vessels of the hands and feet, causing bruising and cold extremities;

the liver, kidneys, intestines. Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting;

- headaches, fatigue, dizziness. It is also possible drowsiness or insomnia, nightmares, reduced concentration, cramping.

Does this Mean that we should not take the medicine having so many side effects?

Means "egilok (the instruction specifies it) can cause a negative reactions are quite rare, and most often in the wrong dosage or treatment scheme.

To avoid such cases, doctors carefully monitor the condition of the patient, choose an individual course of treatment. 

In the group of patients who are contraindicated to medication "egilok" are - people with a history of:

- reduced (up to 50 BPM) heart rate, sinoatrial blockade, sick sinus node weakness;

- disorders of peripheral blood flow;

- low (100 or below) the pressure;

- individual intolerance.

Any medicine able to bring benefit and harm. Only compliance with doctor's recommendations to improve the state of health of the person.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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