Toothache treatment


2018-03-18 08:16:04




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Each of us faced at least once in life with a problem like a tooth ache, she is accompanied by unpleasant and unbearable sensations. Occurs when damage to the tooth enamel, inflammation of the tissues of the tooth, gums and neuralgia of the nerve.

The Role of the teeth


Teeth play an important role in human life. The physiological function of them is mechanical processing of food and thorough chewing of her. Teeth are crucial for proper human speech. When the loss of speech the person becomes slurred, distorted words. The aesthetic side of this issue should not be forgotten. Remember! Healthy teeth give the confidence when dealing with people and increase self-esteem!

Preventative dental care

A Few tips to prevent pain in the tooth. To do this:

- to use dental floss after each meal;

two times a day brushing teeth;

- to change your toothbrush regularly (every two months) to prevent microbial growth;

- include in your diet foods rich in calcium, phosphorus, fluorine;

- at least once a year to visit the dentist.

Varieties toothachethe gargle for toothache

Dental Pain can be:

- pulsating;


- intensive

- the aching;


- paroxysmal.

Causes of pain in teeth

Toothache occurs because of many reasons. We list the most common:

- flux, abscess (suppuration in the gums, sometimes accompanied by pulsation);

- the decay (the gradual destruction of a tooth);

- periodontitis (gum disease) - occurs aching pain;

- teething;

- a bad tooth.

- pulpitis (inflammation of the pulp of the tooth) -the pain occurs mostly at night;

- periodontitis (causes the disintegration of the tooth);

- cracks in the teeth;

- mechanical loads;get rid of a toothache

temperature effects.

How to get rid of pain

If you are at home is to start is to brush your teeth, thus you will be free from food residues mouth, and then rinse the mouth. The question may arise about what to gargle for toothache. For pain proper to use the following folk remedies: sage, oak bark, raspberry leaves, chamomile, eucalyptus, oregano, calendula. Can be applied to the aching tooth propolis, a mixture of garlic and onions, slice of bacon, ice, alcohol tincture. Or use a medicinal method. You need to take painkillers, for example, the drugs "Aspirin", "Ibuprofen", "Analgin", "Ketanov" and others. Quickly get rid of a toothache will help and the old way – water with baking soda. In a glass of water dissolve a half teaspoon of baking soda and prepared solution to rinse your mouth. If the tooth ache you caught outside the home, and there are pharmacies that will help you unconventional method – massage "shiatsu”. Push down with three fingers on the following points: carotid artery, on your temples and cheek. This method for a while will ease the condition. The use of these funds is appropriate only for the temporary pain in the tooth, they are in any case can not be a substitute for therapy. The best advice to relieve the pain - you need to hurry to the dentist. It is not necessary to self-medicate! The doctor will examine, will do x-rays of the teeth and deliver an accurate diagnosis.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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