Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy: indications, reviews what is best


2018-09-20 11:00:36




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Today modern medicine and the latest technology enable you to resolve numerous problems arising in the female body. Special attention is paid to the reproductive system. Those women that decades ago were desperate to have a baby now can bear and give birth to the baby. A breakthrough in gynecology were two procedure - laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. They can be performed simultaneously or sequentially. Also these manipulations are independent from each other. Laparoscopy the uterus is very different in technique from the hysteroscopy. It is about these two procedures and will be discussed further.

laparoscopy and hysteroscopy

From the article, you will learn what is different from the hysteroscopy laparoscopy. We also describe the main indications for carrying out manipulations. Separately should be said about the responses of women and doctors.

What is a hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy-surgery that refers to minimally invasive procedures. She held among women sexually active. Manipulation is carried out using a special instrument-the hysteroscope. During the study, the patient is in a sleep state. Less common local anesthesia. In this case the patient hears, sees, but feels.

Hysteroscopy – surgery performed solely within the walls of the hospital. At the time of the procedure, the woman is on the gynecological chair. In the cavity of the cervical canal dilator is introduced and a special tube with a sensor on the end which is camera. The doctor can use this equipment to control the processes taking place inside the genitals. Under the pressure of the uterus extends, and the specialist can explore every inch of it. If necessary, at the time of diagnosis the doctors can take a small piece of tissue for more thorough research. Also in case of detection of a polyp it can be immediately removed. The procedure allows to eliminate some anomalies of the uterus, for example, sinehii.


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laparoscopic uterine

Indications for hysteroscopy

The procedure has its indications. There are two types of manipulation: diagnostic hysteroscopy, during which an overview of the reproductive organ from the inside, and prompt. In the second case, during the manipulation the doctor performs a surgical treatment. Most often, minimally invasive intervention is required for the following reasons:

  • Developmental abnormalities of the uterus (the formation of adhesions, septum);
  • Tumors in the mucosa of the reproductive organ (polyp, myoma);
  • Endometrial hyperplasia and adenomyosis;
  • The remains of the ovum in the cavity muscle organ or incomplete abortion;
  • Excessive bleeding or breakthrough menstruation;
  • Infertility or frequent miscarriages;
  • Several unsuccessful attempts of in vitro fertilization;
  • Increase the size of the uterus for unknown reasons.

Before the procedure, the woman is required to pass the tests. This includes smear on the purity of the flora and analysis on infection, the blood test for the presence of hepatitis, syphilis and HIV. Also we provide additional diagnostics necessary before the use of anesthesia.

The consequences of the use of a hysteroscope

What are the reviews there are about the study? This manipulation in a short time has become so popular now that diagnostic procedures are almost one out of every four women of reproductive age. After the procedure the woman for some time must remain under the supervision of doctors. If necessary, she injected antibiotics and anesthetics. In the absence of surgery, the patient can go home after a few hours. However, if the doctor performed the treatment, everything will depend on the individual characteristics of the organism and course of the procedure.

Patients say that within a few days after the hysteroscopy may experience a slight blood discharge from the genital tract. They usually end on their own and do not require additional medication. Also some patients feel discomfort and slight pain. Doctors do not recommend to have sex within two weeks after the manipulation.

The Advantage of hysteroscopy is that after this operation the doctor with maximum accuracy to determine the cause of the problem and prescribe the correct treatment.

anomalies of the uterus

What is laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy uterine – this study, which is carried through the abdominal cavity. Manipulation is always done with anesthesia and device for lung ventilation. Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are different in that in the first case we can talk about surgical intervention, while the above study relates to minimally invasive.

During laparoscopy uses a special complex instrument called a laparoscope. Using small incisions, the surgeon inserts into the abdomen of the woman tools. In the region of the navel is inserted into the camera. It transfers the screen everything that happens in the stomach of the patient. Also before the introduction of the instruments is carried out filling the abdominal cavity with a special gas. The woman's stomach inflates, lifting the upper wall. Ityou need to ensure that the review was maximum and there was a danger to damage the adjacent organs. Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are not only technique of intervention, but the duration of the operation. So, for laparoscopic surgery takes from 30 minutes to several hours. It all depends on the complexity of the operation. Hysteroscopy can also be held for 10-20 minutes.

hysteroscopic surgery

Indications for laparoscopy

The manipulation can be planned and emergency. Also laparoscopy is diagnostic and therapeutic. It should be noted that in any case you must first examine the woman. To do this, tests of blood and urine, is an ultrasound of the genital organs, it turns out the advice of a therapist and a cardiologist. Of course, if we are talking about the life of the patient, all of these studies are secondary. Doctors possible take all the tests. The indications for the study are the following:

  • Infertility and ectopic pregnancy;
  • Disruption of the ovaries (polycystic);
  • Dense capsule of the ovary;
  • Endometriosis and suspected it;
  • Tumors malignant or benign nature;
  • Adhesions in the abdominal cavity or in the fallopian tubes;
  • Fibroids outer shell of the uterus;
  • Perforation of the uterus, and so on.

After the laparoscopic intervention

For reviews women after surgery is a long recovery process. During the first few hours of the patient coming out from under anesthesia. After that, the woman can permit the doctor to stand up. However, make it very difficult. About the possibility to leave the health facility on the same day cannot be considered. Hospitalization usually lasts from 3 to 7 days. All depends on the speed of recovery.

After the procedure, the woman is required to remove the stitches. This must be done in 2 weeks. You also need to take care of the scars and treating them with antiseptic. To return to normal life and sports activities is possible not earlier than in a month.

laparoscopy and hysteroscopy at the same time

Hysteroscopy or laparoscopy: which is better?

This question often arises from the fairer sex. However, doctors can't answer it. Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy-they are two completely different procedures. One can never replace another. For example, during hysteroscopy the doctor can take the analysis a piece of the endometrium or to remove residues of the ovum from the uterus. During a laparoscopy, such actions could be carried out, as the tools are located in the peritoneum and do not go in the reproductive organ.

During laparoscopic surgery there is an opportunity to dissect the adhesions, to remove the cyst from the ovary, to excise an ectopic pregnancy. All these pathologies can be remedied by using only one of the hysteroscope. That is why fail to say exactly what study better. Often done laparoscopy and hysteroscopy at the same time. It does not require a few times to use anesthesia, and the doctor comes plenty of opportunities to thoroughly examine the problem and fix it.

what is different from the hysteroscopy laparoscopy

Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy: reviews patients

The Women say that when referring to the services of doctors paid medical the simultaneous holding of these manipulations comes much cheaper. If we are talking about public institutions, and here there is plenty of advantages disposable hysteroscopy and laparoscopy.

  • Once you can pass all the tests and do not run several times on the doctors. Because most of the conclusions are valid for the month.
  • The Ability to use one of the anesthesia. It should be noted that the applied anesthetics have a negative impact on the health of the fairer sex.
  • Troubleshooting of all problems from woman receives more effective results from treatment.

The fairer sex say when conducting the above procedures (according to indications) and the addition of conservative treatment, the effect is noticeable almost immediately. The cycle is restored, the symptoms disappear disturbing. Want to have women with good outcome of the operation can start planning your pregnancy the next cycle.

laparoscopy and hysteroscopy reviews


In modern gynecology of the term "hysteroscopy and laparoscopy" are inextricably linked. Also during that, and other studies can be carried out metrosalpingography. This is a study of the status of the fallopian tubes in women. Often it requires infertility and adhesive process. To find out more information about interventions, contact your doctor. Good luck to you!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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