Pills "don": reviews, application, indications, analogues


2019-02-28 05:00:42




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A degenerative inflammatory diseases of the joints today, heard many. This is one of the most common problems that bring patients to medical facilities.

Among the drugs that are prescribed to remedy disease, certainly are chondroprotectors. One of the most effective tools in this group are tablets “the don”. Specialists confirm that this drug has in its composition only one active ingredient-glucosamine sulfate has a positive effect on the state of articular cartilage tissue with deforming arthrosis.

pills don reviewsBut this cartilage not only removes the symptoms of the disease. After the patient underwent treatment, which included tablets “don’, specialists this drug gets as means of contributing to the reduction in the rate of the process in synovial fluid and also improves its lubricating properties. This complex exposure is especially effective in the initial stages of arthrosis.

Dosage form

Tablets “the don” from the joints produces the well-known pharmaceutical company “Rottafarm" (Italy). In addition to this form the drug is used in powder form, packaged in sachets of 5 g, and ampoules for intramuscular injection (2 ml).

Tablets “the don” are in a cardboard box of white color. Their number may be different. So, there are packages available for 60 and 180 white tablets, which have an elongated shape and film coated.


As mentioned above, the active substance included in the composition of tablets “the don” is the glucosamine in sulphate form. In addition there are additional substances: microcrystalline cellulose and macrogol 6000, povidone K25 and croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate and talc.


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Mechanism of action

How to influence the existing body pathology tablets “the don”? Specialists say that the mechanism of action of the drug due to the presence in its composition of glucosamine. This substance, which is a natural structural component of cartilage of the joints. In addition, glucosamine is impossible without synthesis of biologically active substances, which ensure the durability of the cartilage.

Dona tablet applicationWhat else is needed for this item? With glucosamine there is an active growth of the connective tissue in tendons and in ligaments of joints.

However, with age, the contents of this much-needed joints substance starts to decrease gradually. This leads to the fact that after forty years the person begins to experience failures in the motor apparatus. Especially he is concerned about the disruption of the articular surfaces and reduce their functions.

What is appointed for tablets “the don”? The doctors confirm that the drug prevents premature wear of the cartilage. And in those cases where the pathology has already acquired a running form, the medicine enables you to restore its fabric.

The Pills included in the group of chondroprotectors, Supplement the deficiency of glucosamine in the body, as well as stimulate biochemical processes of hyaluronic acid and the synthesis of proteoglycans in synovial fluid.

The Drug “the don” increases the permeability of the articular capsule. When this occurs, the restoration of physiological and enzymatic processes that occur in the cells of the synovial membrane and articular cartilage. In addition, the pill “the don” allows you to accelerate the process of fixation of sulfur during the synthesis chondroitinase acid to destroy the enzymes that cause destruction of cartilage and prevent the occurrence of superoxide radicals, and reduce the activity of lysosomal enzymes.

Therapeutic effects

“the don” pills, the application of which can reduce joint pain, restore their health, and to suspend the development of osteoarthrosis. The drug stimulates the regeneration of cartilage tissue, providing anti-inflammatory, anabolic, anti-catabolic and chondroprotective effect.

How effectively drugs “the don”? Tablets, the use of which is recommended to those patients who the doctor diagnosed "arthrosis", are primarily the cause of the disease. Taking them allows you to gradually, day by day, to rebuild the destroyed joint. This action is similar to building a house. For its construction it is necessary to lay down brick by brick, but in the end it turns out the building.

Dona tablet manualThat is why sometimes negative get “the don” tablets reviews. The use of the drug should be extended. And only after the patient completed the full course, will become a tangible positive result. So, some reduction of symptoms of arthritis when the pill “the don” becomes visible only after two to three weeks after their admission. And the maximum effect the patient feels only after one or two months. After the end of treatment the result lasts for fifty days.


About who are appointed “the don” tablets, says manual in some detail. To startcomplex therapy with the drug is needed in those cases when the doctor has established the presence of such diseases:

- arthrosis or osteoarthritis;
- chondromalacia nadkolennika;
- osteochondrosis of the spine;
- shoulder;
- system diseases in which osteo-articular system is involved in the pathological process.

What is the impact on all these pathologies pills for joints “the don”? And reviews patients, and the doctors say that this drug is very effective. Because diseases of degenerative character, which occur in the joints, be a result of a violation of metabolic processes in tissues. In older age these disease develop due to the mismatch between physical exertion and resistance of the joints themselves. Gradually, the cells of the cartilage, which is a kind of natural shock absorber, start metabolic disturbances. This leads to necrosis and tissue destruction. After erased the bone tissue, as during exercise begin to activate the process of its growth.

A Negative process reduces the amount of synovial fluid, which serves as a lubricant for the joints. A person experiences pain. Occur dysfunction of the joints. Reduced quality of life. Developing primary osteoarthritis.
This disease may be a secondary character. Sometimes osteoarthritis develops in young people. This happens due to trauma or inflammatory diseases of the joint. Such osteoarthritis occurs slowly enough. However, he does not disturb the function of the joints (except the hip).

The Pathology is treated by means of improving blood circulation, pain relieving drugs. Also prescribed physiotherapy. But still the main drugs prescribed for the above described pathologies are those that affect the metabolism. This list includes tablets “the don”.

Indications for use indicated in the instructions, as well as clinical studies confirm the high effectiveness of this tool.
Applies cartilage and also when changes in the spine that occur with degenerative disc disease. Effective tablets “the don” and chondromalacia of the patella, when there is a softening of his cartilage, which is possible after operations on the joints and previous injuries. Also, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of patients suffering from inflammatory and autoimmune (causing allergic to its own tissues) diseases of the joints.

pills don from jointsAs a preventive measure also recommends the use of tablets “the don” instructions for use. Reviews patients after the age of forty years and athletes confirm a decrease in pain symptoms with significant exercise.


How to take means “the don” (tablets)? Instruction for preparation elaborates on this issue. Dosage funds depends on the degree and severity of the disease. That's why she should be appointed by the attending physician. However, generally the pills are used orally for 1-2 pieces three times a day and always during meals. Course duration can be from one to three months. In each case the reception time designated doctor. If necessary, the therapy can be increased or decreased.

Cases of overdose, tablets “the don” is not revealed. However, this pharmacological drug to abuse his appointment is not necessary. The course of treatment should be based on the doctor's instructions and explanations the instructions.


As with all pharmacological drugs, some limitations on its use have tablets “the don”. Instructions for use and patient feedback suggests that great caution is required in the presence of hypersensitivity to one of components and symptoms.

Do Not prescribe pills to children, whose age has not reached the age of 12. This is due to the lack of clinical studies about the safety and appropriateness of such therapy.

There is No such data about tertogennogo the impact of tools on the fetus during pregnancy. There is no information about its negative impact on child during lactation. That is why the use of the drug is prohibited for pregnant and nursing women.

Due To the fact that the composition of the tablets “the don” there is sodium, they are not recommended to those people who have to comply with sodium diet. During treatment the patient is also required to refrain from significant physical activity.

Side effects

The Body of each of us is so individual that no one with certainty can not say how we will respond to the introduction of a drug. Various unwanted effects may occur in the case when used pharmacological substance “the don” (tablets). Instruction manual warns that sometimes the patient appear:

- vomiting
- constipation
- headaches;
- dizziness;
- General malaise;
- allergic reactions
- blurred vision.

In this way, it may respond to medication in the Central nervous system.

Special instructions

Tablets “the don” with special care should be taken to peopleallergic to shellfish. Because the drug is glucosamine phosphate, which is mined from the shells of shellfish. You should not take pills without supervision of a doctor and those who have a chronic disease by type of diabetes.

Comprehensive treatment

What else tells us about the drug “the don” instruction? Reviews pills on their compatibility get a variety. In some cases, combined use of drugs greatly increases the effectiveness of treatment. In others, on the contrary, will direct the healing process in the opposite direction. Therefore, a comprehensive treatment should be under the direct supervision of a specialist.

So, our medicine knows many drugs whose action is similar to that is pill “the don”. However, each of these pharmacological agents has its own characteristics. The most commonly prescribed medical treatment includes the use of one of the members of the group chondroprotectors and drug from a different category. This approach is quite understandable. So, tablets “the don” will affect the joint from the inside, and another medication will ensure the supply of nutrients to the area, getting rid of pathology. This will ensure a quick elimination of the problem, the effect of which will be provided from all sides simultaneously.

pills don analoguesTablets “the don” thanks to its compatibility with the drugs in the NSAID group as well as with other chondroprotective agents. At simultaneous reception with drugs intended to relieve inflammation, is increased effects of coumarin anticoagulants. To combine pills “the don” with sedatives only after prior consultation with the doctor. Otherwise possible deterioration, and the emergence of side effects.

Treatment Outcome

After a therapeutic course in patients observed:

- the normalization of metabolic processes in the damaged cartilage.
cessation of development of processes of destruction of the cartilage pads of;
- return to the normal level of synovial fluid;
- reduced the risk of osteoarthritis;
- reduction of pain syndromes;
- normalization of motor function in the problematic joints;
- improve the quality of life;
- reduce the cost of treatment;
- eliminate the need for surgical intervention.


The drugs “the don” it is highly valued both by professionals and patients who took the drug. Doctors often prescribe this remedy, as it is characterized by the following advantages:

- has a high efficiency of the whole;
- reduces negative symptoms;
- actively nourishes cartilage;
- speeds up regeneration processes;
- has a minimal list of constraints.
- rarely causes side effects;
- easy to use;
- can be used along with drugs belonging to the NSAIDs group, and analgesics;
- can be used for adolescent patients.
- has a large number of positive reviews professionals and patients;
- long time retains its therapeutic effect.

Patient Testimonials

Most Often on tablets “the don” people respond positively. After a course of treatment of the feet. many decline crunch in the joints. Knees and elbows began to bend and straighten so much easier. This will reduce the pain.

The Negative reviews about the drug men rarely leave. Because this tool is quite effective and the side effects from its use do not occur frequently. However, some patients remain unhappy with the outcome, which they received after completion of the therapeutic course. They believed that freedom from pain and stiffness will come faster.

Dona tablet instruction manualIt is Worth remembering that the reduction of symptoms during the pill “the don” observed only two weeks after starting this drug. Perhaps these people prior to the commencement of course not studied the manual to the facility, which indicates on its cumulative effect.


Joint Diseases are very common. That is why pharmaceutical companies produce quite a lot of funds, the impact of which is similar to that produced by the drug “the don” (tablets).

Reviews analogues are usually also positive and may be considered for inclusion in therapy. Among these drugs are:

1. the "Alflutop". Its main component is a concentrate obtained from fish sardines. Is a tool designed to relieve inflammation and eliminate pain. The tool is available in the form of a solution, which is used for injection.

2. the "Chondrogen". This drug increases the recovery rate of patients of joints and increases their efficiency This drug is also used for intramuscular injection.

3. "Unicum". For those who for some reason are not suitable pills "don" counterparts can always be found online pharmacies. One of the cheapest of them – drug "Unicum". It is composed of 750 g of glucosamine sulphate. The use of the drug allows not only to prevent the proliferation ofthe process of destruction of cartilage tissue, but also to stimulate its recovery. However, to obtain the effect the tool will need to take at least six months. With regular use of this analogue pills "don" improves joint mobility. This reduces the need for other funds included in the group of NSAIDs. Taking this means it should be given with caution to those who have increased sensitivity to substances contained in its composition. Not prescribe it for pregnant and lactating women.

4. the "Suttilak". This is another analogue tablets "Dona". It consists of all the same active substance. Prescribers in primary and secondary osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, chondromalacia patella and scapulohumeral periarthritis. The reception facilities is recommended twice a day. The average course is 6 weeks.

pills for joints don and reviews

To Pick up by yourself that any other analogue pills "Dona" is not worth it. To determine the best drug suitable for treatment of joints particular person can be a doctor.

Article in other languages:

AR: https://tostpost.com/ar/health/15761-pills-don-reviews-application-indications-analogues.html

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/zdaro-e/29473-tabletk-dona-vodguk-prymyanenne-pakazann-analag.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/gesundheit/29129-tabletten-don-g-stebewertungen-anwendung-indikationen-analoga.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/la-salud/29021-la-p-ldora-del-don-los-clientes-el-uso-de-testimonios-an-logos.html

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ZH: https://tostpost.com/zh/health/5558-pills-don-reviews-application-indications-analogues.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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