The drug is "ferro-Folgamma": reviews, instructions for use


2019-03-22 10:20:32




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A Drug called “ferro-Folgamma” is anti-anemic agent and has a combined composition. The drug is a complex of vitamins with trace elements. Let us consider in detail this medication, and also know that about him telling people.

ferro folgamma reviews

“ferro-Folgamma” - composition

Let us Consider what informs us about the composition of the manual. One capsule of the drug contains the following components:

  • 100 milligrams of ferrous sulphate anhydrous.
  • 100 milligrams of ascorbic acid.
  • 5 milligrams of folic acid.
  • 10 micrograms of cyanocobalamin.

Auxiliary substances was ingredients such as solid fat, canola oil, soy lecithin and semidesyatiletiyu sorbitol solution. Also in the composition of the drug include red and black iron oxide.

Pharmacological action of medicine

Sulphate of iron, part of the funds, compensates the deficiency of this trace element in the human body. Directly to the iron contained in hemoglobin, myoglobin and various enzymes. Iron, as a structural component, taking an active part in erythropoiesis.

Ascorbic acid, which is part of the medicines, improves the absorption process of iron. Cyanocobalamin together with folic acid participates in the formation and maturation of red blood cells.

The Active components of the drug “ferro-Folgamma” were made in a special shell that provides the best suction components. The process of absorption takes place mainly from the upper area of the small intestine. The absence of any irritant effect on gastric mucosa conducive to a good tolerability of the drug on the part of the digestive system.ferro folgamma manual reviews


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Indications for use medication

Through the use of medication treating the following diseases and disorders:

  • Anemia, which is caused by a combination of several forms of iron deficiency, folic acid along with vitamin “B12".
  • Anemia that result from chronic blood loss. As an example in this case can cause stomach and intestinal bleeding, and discharge from the bladder.
  • Chronic alcoholism.
  • Various infectious diseases.
  • When taking anticonvulsants, it is desirable to designate "ferro-Folgamma".
  • When using oral contraceptives.
  • Treatment of anaemia that occur during pregnancy and during breast feeding.
  • Prevention of iron deficiency in the postpartum period.

Instructions for use "ferro-Folgamma”

ferro folgamma the usage instructions reviews

Reviews of the drug acknowledge that it is usually well tolerated. On the background of light leakage of anemia this drug is prescribed to patients in the amount of one capsule three times a day for three-four weeks. In the presence of moderate or severe forms of anemia “ferro-Folgamma” should be taken one capsule three times per day for twelve weeks. The treatment of a severe form of anemia this drug is prescribed at two capsules three times a day for sixteen weeks or more.

For preventive purposes when Troubleshooting a deficiency of folic acid and iron, including in the presence of a pregnancy, the drug is administered one capsule three times a day. Typically, doctors prescribe it to pregnant women in the second trimester and in the postpartum period during breastfeeding. The cure in all cases should be taken after meals.

Overdose medication

ferro folgamma reviews during pregnancy

According to the instructions and reviews to the “ferro-Folgamma”, and overdose following symptoms occur:

  • The Appearance of pain in the epigastrium.
  • Painful condition, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Development of sleepiness along with pale skin.
  • It is possible the development of shock, up to a coma.

If these symptoms are observed, you should immediately contact your doctor. As part of treatment in overdose medication required urgent gastric lavage. Not superfluous the implementation of symptomatic therapy.

The Antidote is the tool called “Deferoxamine”. In order for a patient to not have any of the above state because of an overdose, it is required to strictly adhere to medical dosage of the drug and in any case not to abuse the quantity. This confirms the instruction to “ferro-Folgamma”.

Possible side effects of the drug

On a background of reception of means does not exclude the development of side effects. Especially side effects may affect the functioning of the digestive organs, as well as on the functioning of the Central nervous system.

According to reviews, "ferro-Folgamma" sometimes provokes on the part of the digestive system epigastric pain, diarrhea and constipation. From the nervous system the body may react with a sleep disorder, and in some some cases, the emergence of agitation and depression. Sometimes there are various kinds ofallergic reactions.

Contraindications for the drug

ferro folgamma reviews doctors

Like any drug, there are contraindications. Drug “ferro-Folgamma” are prohibited to take in some of the following cases:

  • Anemia not related to iron deficiency. Most often there are hemolytic and megaloblastic anemia, which doctors are associated with a deficiency of vitamin "B12".
  • When hemosiderosis, in which the body is celebrated excessive content of iron.
  • In that case, if the violation of the mechanisms of recycling of iron. This form of anemia can be caused by lead poisoning.
  • If there is sideroahrestical anemia.

This drug to women who bears a child, shall be appointed only after a thorough examination. For reviews of pregnancy “of ferro Folgamma” is a very effective tool. It is really in a short time can compensate for a deficiency of iron.

Special instructions for using the tool "ferro-Folgamma”

During the reception, "ferro-Folgamma” observed dark staining of feces. This can be explained by the elimination of the part of iron which is not absorbed into the body. This phenomenon is not a threat, no measures to take is not necessary.

Drug Interaction with medicines

You Need to keep in mind is that the organic acid salt of calcium, phosphorus, cholestyramine, antacid, and components that contain aluminum, prevents the absorption of iron. The same effect is magnesium and calcium, because due to them is a violation of iron absorption because of the formation of insoluble complexes. The use of “ferro-Folgamma” shall be carried out strictly according to instructions.ferro folgamma manual

Salt iron gives the absorption of antibiotics from the tetracycline. In turn-based formulations of pancreatic enzymes can reduce the absorption of iron. Concurrent use of drugs "ferro-Folgamma” with the following components is reduced, the process of absorption of folic acid

  • "Phenobarbital".
  • Folate Antagonists.
  • Sodium Valproate.
  • Hormonal contraceptives.
  • Carbamazepine.
  • "Sulfasalazine".
  • "Trimethoprim".

Terms of

The Drug “ferro-Folgamma” need to be stored at room temperature, which should not exceed 25 degrees. Shelf life is five years. The tool released by prescription.

ferro folgamma application


Here are the reviews about ‘ferro-Folgamma” from patients. It should be noted that people who happened to undergo drug treatment, pleased with his effect and misleading that it actually manages to fill the iron deficiency in a short time.

To prove the benefits of this drug people give the following arguments:

  • Helps in the presence of iron deficiency anemia.
  • Easy to carry without causing any side effects.
  • Increases hemoglobin in a short time.
  • Includes ascorbic and folic acid, which favors the absorption of iron.
  • Pleasant taste.
  • The results from the treatment.

Reviews of "ferro-Folgamma”, is the probability of side effects, but they occur because of individual intolerance of certain components. Some report that this drug is not always possible to find in sale. Also people don't like that one pack is not enough capsules.

In General, reading the reviews, we can see that the tool is effective and quite popular today.

Reviews of doctors about “ferro-Folgamma”

The Doctors about the drug respond well. The tool efficiently deals with the problem of low iron levels. Well tolerated, rarely cause the appearance of side effects.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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