Sleepwalking in the child. What is the reason?


2019-05-05 22:00:22




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Sleepwalking or somnambulism-a fairly common phenomenon in medicine. Very often this condition occurs in children six to twelve years. Most subject to this disease are boys. As a rule, over time, the sleepwalking, the child is by himself. The main causes of somnambulism – anxiety, worry and stress.

sleepwalking in the childSleepwalking in children. What's going on?

Despite the fact that the nervous system and the brain of the baby sleep, his body can move. In “slumbering” as a child-a lunatic is able to get out of bed and wander the apartment. While his eyes are open, but since the brain is in a sleep state, the baby can not speak or answer the questions of parents. As a rule, the period “awake” is fifteen minutes. However, some kids this time can be greatly increased.

Sleepwalking in children. Symptoms

The presence of somnambulism, the child may indicate a number of signs. First, if the baby during sleep, sitting on the bed or walks. Second, if he sleeps with his eyes open. Another symptom - talking during sleep, sounds, phrases, etc.

Sleepwalking in children. Reasons

sleepwalking in children causesSomnambulism manifested on the background of severe emotional distress, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, periods of active maturation. Every child has this phenomenon occurs for different reasons. The role and genetic predisposition. Experts believe that the most common cause is the uneven ripening process of the young organism. Some departments are developing much faster than the other, causing the imbalance of various anatomical systems. Often the child sleepwalking occurs during puberty. It is in this period of rapidly developing nervous system. Another significant reason is stress. Cause it can a variety of factors: restless sleep, noisy behavior of others, causing frequent waking baby, trouble in school, fighting in the street, scary movie, etc.


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Fight against sleepwalking

sleepwalking in children symptoms

The first thing to determine is sleepwalking in the child the consequence of stressful situations, or it is a neurotic phenomenon. Note the phrases and words that your child pronounces in a dream, and will make every effort to resolve the disturbing and traumatizing his psyche factors. If, during the “travel” the child twitches, rubbing his hands, smacked his lips, makes a sudden movement, you should show it to the neuropsychiatrist. As these symptoms may indicate a serious condition. In any case, if your toddler somnambule, try to provide your child a healthy sleep. Preschoolers just need a day “quiet time”. Protect the baby from any stress as the children's psyche is very fragile. Before bedtime, limit child TV viewing, mobile and active games. Night to “walk” not ended in tragedy, well, close doors and Windows, put away breakable and sharp items. In any case, do not Wake the baby while walking. Slowly and quietly move him to the crib and put him in the bed. After lunch, do not give your child strong tea or coffee. Prepare the baby coniferous-salt soothing bath, close the Drapes so the street lights didn't disturb sleep, and turn off nightlights in the room. In General, create a supportive, calm environment.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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