Fracture of the sacrum: diagnosis, treatment, consequences. How long to heal a fractured sacrum


2019-08-02 10:20:45




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The Sacrum is a large and important bone in the human body. It assumes the maximum load and helps one to move around, so a fracture of the sacrum - a very unpleasant diagnosis.

fracture of the sacrum consequences

What is the sacrum

The Sacrum is a large single bone, which is formed by fusing five vertebrae. Its shape is triangular. In the human body it is top down.

A Healthy sacral region is very important for normal human life. It helps the body to move, being in a vertical position.

If you look at the sacrum, its anterior part is smooth and curved. It clearly highlighted 4 lines along the bone. The inner part of the bone rough.

Why you may feel pain in the sacrum

Complaints from patients the doctors at disturbing the sacral region do very often. Doctors say that most often, the pain in this place is experienced by women. The fact that in females the sacrum is developed worse than in the male, so it is more exposed to various injuries and damage. In addition, a heavy load, the bone experiences during pregnancy and childbirth.

fracture of the sacrum

So why still can hurt the sacrum and coccyx?

  1. Osteochondrosis. The most common cause of pain in this area.
  2. Anomalies in the development of bone. However, this happens very rarely.
  3. Metabolic disorders can also cause pain in this location.
  4. Infectious disease.
  5. Tumors of various kinds.
  6. Extension of the pelvic veins. Mostly this disease is recorded in females.
  7. Problems of a gynaecological nature.
  8. Injury of the sacrum or fracture.

It is Worth noting that women also often experience recurrent pain in the sacrum during menstruation. Such painful feelings are not considered to be a manifestation of any disease, however, is to make sure that it really is recurring pain.


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How to recognize a fracture of the

Fracture of the sacrum has a very bright signs. Knowing them, it's easy to suspect the violation of the integrity of bones, but the final diagnosis can only be made after further assessment.

So, the main signs that really was a turning point:

  • Sharp low back pain;
  • Swelling;
  • The formation of a large bruise with bruises;
  • If the fracture is usually impossible to get;
  • The pain goes into the legs;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Pain during defecation.

It is Worth noting that it is impossible to suspect a fracture if the patient provides only one symptom. With such a serious injury symptoms are always a few.

sacral region

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor sends the patient for x-rays. How do x-ray when fracture of the sacrum? Need some pictures in different projections to assess the scale of the damage, and to exclude the presence of the offset.

What doctor you need to visit first

Of Course, when a sore sacrum and coccyx, it is necessary to consult a doctor. If there was a fracture, then you need to visit a surgeon, and then challenges the patient doesn't have. And if the cause of the pain is not trauma? Where you want to run and which doctor?

So, it is recommended to seek the advice of a neurologist, since most patients having pain due to degenerative disc disease. After that you should visit urologist or gynecologist and be tested. If the tests are bad, then it is necessary to establish the cause. It is possible that this tumor. Then you should make an appointment to see a surgeon or oncologist.

If it's still not a fracture, no swelling, no problems gynecology or urology, and low back pain, then you should daily go to the gym as often as possible to swim in the pool or indulge in massage sessions. Often the doctors prescribe physiotherapy. A visit to their course significantly improves the patient's condition.

Symptoms of fracture

The Main symptoms, if there was a fracture of the sacrum, have been listed above, however, there is, in addition to swelling and pain, few signs, when the doctor may suspect it is a violation of the integrity of the bone.

how to make x-ray

Very often, pain from a fracture so severe that a person may be nausea, vomiting and intense headache. For very severe fractures, perhaps even exfoliation of the skin, but this is very rare. Contusion of the sacrum, as a rule, only hurts on palpation and during sudden movements. The same fracture is accompanied by very severe pains, which are felt even during respiration.

If the patient was indeed fixed a broken, the relief he will bring only the horizontal state, while lying that it will be easier on the stomach or side, but not on the back.

In any case, if the patient has recently experienced a trauma to the sacral, it is necessary to address urgently to the doctor. The fact that sometimes no is a complete fracture, and the bones formed only a crack. It isn't troublesome and usually heals on their own, but in the future it incorrectly healed-over crack canto bring a lot of health problems.


First, it should be noted that the fracture of the sacrum is divided into two groups: indoor and outdoor.

A Closed fracture involves a partial destruction of bone. While the skin remains intact and visible damage other than swelling, no. Sometimes you may receive a bruise, and bruises.

Open the fracture is much more dangerous than closed. Broken bone ruptures the skin and tearing it. From this point of view, open fractures worse affect health. Damaged tissue slow to recharge, and due to the fact that the person has an open wound, it is possible to get blood poisoning at the lack of quality processing.

Once the doctor has determined what group is the fracture, need to do x-rays. How do x-ray when fracture of the sacrum? This is usually the in two projections. In severe injuries are recommended to have a CT scan.

After the diagnosis of a medical worker makes a finding, a diagnosis, and may appoint (if necessary) for the desired procedure.

a bruised sacrum

The Necessary treatment

The Healing of fractures requires time, especially if it is a fracture of the sacrum. The treatment is prescribed by a doctor, based the nature of the damage.

If the fracture is closed, then the patient is assigned to only rest and bed rest. To bed and must lie on a solid surface, which among physicians called shield. If the bed of the patient allows, you can put a simple piece of smooth plywood. If this is not possible, then care should be taken to purchase a special couch. Under a broken pelvis need to put a soft cushion.

If the patient was diagnosed with a compression fracture, in this case, a recovery can be expected only after the establishment of special brackets. Due to compression fracture of a vertebra is pinched, and the victim feels a lot of pain.

sacrum and coccyx

If the fracture is mixed, in this case, it will help only surgical intervention.

At any stage of healing the patient is prescribed painkillers. However, they should not get carried away and make too often. Their regular use minimizes analgesic effect, and some drugs type "Ketanov" adversely affect the heart muscle on the stomach.

Reconstruction Period

From the first day after injury the patient is assigned to strict bed rest. Compliance was particularly important in the recovery phase, because few injuries more dangerous than the fracture of the sacrum. How long to heal similar damage and what else can help the patient?

First we need to consider a range of physical exercises. Overexert the patient should, but the light loads just needed even to muscle after prolonged inactivity is not atrophied.

What else do I need to do for speedy recovery?

  1. To Consume dairy products. Yogurt, cottage cheese, natural yogurt is rich in calcium. Calcium helps bones to knit together faster. It is worth remembering that calcium is absorbed only with fat, so fat-free kislomolochny better not to get involved.
  2. When a patient goes on the amendment, it is desirable to record his courses restorative and therapeutic massage. If it's hard for him to move, then you can call a masseuse at home.
  3. For quick removal of edema, you can make tampons that have been soaked in a decoction of calendula and chamomile. These packs are only shown in closed fractures.

Patients Usually recover fully within two or four months, but failure to comply with the recommendations of the recovery period may be increased.

fracture of the sacrum treatment

Possible complications

Some injuries are very tricky, such as fracture of the sacrum. The consequences can be serious. If the bone is much splintered, the possible damage by fragments of the rectum or the abdominal cavity.

In case of untimely treatment sometimes patients damaged spinal cord, which is also very dangerous.

But more often, even after recovery, patients notice the effects of a neurological nature, such as pain syndromes, numbness of the site or its poor mobility.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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