Aggression in the child. How to negotiate with a small kicker?


2018-03-18 17:16:21




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aggression in a childWhat is aggression?

Aggression – is an essential form of behaviour, which to some extent inherent in every person. She is one of the ways of self-defense. If an adult is able to control his outbursts, the child of such ability yet. So how do you negotiate with a small kicker? All parents must be seen at least once while their child screams, it screams… In such moments, you feel especially helpless. What are these “buy, buy!” in stores! And the complaints of teachers about fighting your child? I think to tell more about this is not worth it. Better try to learn how to respond to such attacks beloved baby.


The first step is to learn to control your own emotions. Believe that aggression in a child – this is natural. It is impossible to control or regulate. Also it is impossible to put for a child permanent bans for expression of anger, for example, ‘look out!”, “be quiet!”, “don't go!”. To punish for this, too, should not be, because then the child will be afraid to Express your emotions. This can lead to the fact that he will hide from you their true feelings. Permanent bans can make the child a “weak”, which will not be able to fight back in the right situation. But without attention to such behavior of his son also can not leave. Prior to carrying out punitive measures, you must understand that “origins” what is your favorite son or daughter so often began to Express their dissatisfaction with such behavior as aggression. Children have a lot of reasons for this. For a start look for a problem in itself.


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Lack of attention

Mom and dad are the most important and important people in baby's life. And when the childpassive aggression favorite constantly hears from parents: ‘I don't have time, play yourself», - he begins to think that they do not need. Kid gets hurt due to the fact that mom and dad, as it seems, ceased to love him. And he does what he knows how: screaming, beating fists, throws toys. He needs attention. The child ceases to scare punishment as triggered the principle of “if I scream, I will pay attention”. This situation very often leads to the fact that there is aggression in the child.

What to do?

The Answer is ridiculously simple: pay attention to your little brawler. Sometimes you need to double the power. Despite his busy schedule, fatigue, try to talk to the baby, answer his questions, be sure to cuddle. A sweet feeling very calm overly active children. Love your child and often show just how much you care. 

Passive aggression in a child

If your little one suddenly for no reason began to behave badly, it is a symptom of passive aggression. It is hard to fight, because often the child does not understand the cause of this behavior.

verbal aggressionVerbal aggression in the child.

This form of aggression differs offensive, rude and insulting communication. There are several ways by which you can try to overcome the manifestation. The first and most common is direct censure. The second can be called ignoring the child's behavior. The third method of projecting the good qualities of the baby. For example: “I thought that you're my obedient, and is very misbehave”. Here are a few examples of how parents should behave when they encounter a term such as aggression in children. Good luck and love your kids!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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