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How to know whether the fetus whether there are any discrepancies, how are the internal organs of the crumbs? The answers can give (when the term to which you approached your pregnancy, 12 weeks) ultrasound. Screening allows you to assess the development of the fetus, provides a clear picture about the genetic and chromosomal characteristics of the future baby. This makes possible the determination of the presence or absence of anomalies.
Basically, the procedure is performed in two ways: transvaginal (through the vagina using a special sensor) and transabdominal (through the abdomen). The latter is more common, and the first is administered to all women in the position, but only some of them, in the following cases:
- if the placenta (or chorionic) low attached;
- if there is isthmic-cervical insufficiency and need to assess its degree;
- if there are signs of inflammation of the cyst and appendages (in order to accurately establish the diagnosis)or fibroids of the uterus is very specific and located, and method No. 2 showed little information;
- when assessing the neck area of the child or measurements of desired sizes, which are difficult to produce due to the fact that the fetus is wrong, or subcutaneous tissue of the abdomen is very thick.
The investigation thus: the woman lies, bending of the knees; the doctor inserts into the vagina ultrasound transducer, which is to protect the wears a disposable condom. Usually everything is conducted with great care, so pregnant feels no pain.
Transabdominal doing in the same position. All of the air between sensor and skin viesnica, so there may be incorrect results. To reduce the probability of error, using a special gel which is applied to the abdomen. Gradually move the sensor in the stomach, so you could see the bodies of the crumbs as well as the uterus and placenta of the mother. Ultrasound is completely safe for the fetus and does not cause him any harm.
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Preparation depends on the method. If transvaginal is used, it is recommended not to eat for 1 day to research those products, which can cause fermentation: white bread, beans, cabbage, peas. The bowel should be emptied, otherwise there are gases interfere with the inspection of the uterus and fetus. If there is a feeling that the stomach is swelled, you can have the drug “Drops”, which is harmless to the fetus.
Before the transabdominal study, drinking half a liter of water 30 minutes before the start. Need it to was a full bladder that will allow us to examine the fetus to assess its condition.
Many major organs of the crumbs had already developed, and some small structures continue its formation. The average growth of a child is 80 mm, and weight-about 20 grams. Also doctors say that the fetus eats the following features:
- heart rate increased more than in the third trimester, and may be approximately 170 beats per minute;
the face of the child no longer looks like a tadpole, and acquires human traits;
you can see the eyelids, ear lobes, slightly downy hair (on the site of the formation of eyebrows and eyelashes);
- most of the muscles are almost developed therefore, the fetus moves all the time, and movements are mostly involuntary and quite chaotic in nature;
- baby grimaces and clenches his hands into fists, the fingers you can see the marigolds;
the child has already developed buds and almost formed the intestine, blood observed red and white blood cells;
- fully formed both hemispheres of the brain, however, “command” while the spinal cord;
- you can see who is a boy or a girl, but since the fetus is not always the way you want mom and doctors can be wrong, so rather talking about the field at the 16th week.
Of Paper with the results of the study you will receive hands on, after having made the screening (12 weeks). Transcript analysis will be provided later.
Since the third month is clearly visible, one child or not. So if in the “the number of fruits” says two or more, this indicates that you will have twins (triplets, etc.) is Also already possible to know whether the fruits of monozygotic (twins) or is it twins (heterozygous).
The So-called part of the fruit closest to the birth canal. At 12 weeks it can be anything: feet, head, or the kid's will be located on the diagonal. The final presentation is evaluated on the 32nd week of pregnancy. If the head is not located for the exit from the uterus, have been taking all possible steps to remedy this situation.
Measurements of the fetus (or geometria)
Transcript of ultrasound and the need to estimate the parameters, but it should do the doctor who will take into account not only numbers, but also on the overall situation of the pregnant woman. All the rules oboznalsya defined letters and numbers. Principal among them are:
There are Also other abbreviations:
All of these parameters 1 screening in pregnancy allows the physician to sonology to determine how to grow and develop the structure of the baby. If measured less than normal, then the total population estimate as they have decreased in proportion and at the same time or not. If not the same only a little reason for panic. Perhaps incorrectly determined period of time, and really it's only 11 week. And perhaps the baby, such a growth due to undersized parents.
Also find out whether there are any defects in the development of internal organs, is there suffocation by an umbilical cord, what is the frequency of the heartbeat (150 to 174 beats per minute), whether there are deviations in the characteristics of amniotic fluid.
Reading the conclusion of ultrasonography of a pregnant can deal with such concepts as ‘polyhydramnion” and “oligohydramnios”. What is it and is it worth anything to fear? Nothing wrong with the words there. This is just the definition of the number of those waters in which the fetus floats: if there are more than a fixed polyhydramnion, if less - oligohydramnion. Often this indicates any violations: intrauterine infection (IUI), disorders of the kidneys, the Central nervous system. Look also, whether the muddy water. If Yes, then this is a clear pointer to the infection.
The Basic rule when it detects deviations from the norm is not to panic and to go to a specialist.
The ultrasound shows where the attached “kids”, how Mature it is, whether there is pathology, and more. Best option is to attach to the back wall of the uterus. But the placenta can “trailer” and to the front, and even to the bottom. Thus it should not block the inner mouth of the uterus. This condition is called horonai, or Central placenta previa. In this case, following the change of situation, and if not, then carry out a cesarean section for delivery. If the mouth is not completely blocked, it is called an incomplete breech presentation; delivery in this case is conducted in the usual manner.
If the placenta is “stuck” near the outlet (less than 70mm), it is low lying. So how can it be a threat of bleeding, it is recommended pregnant less active mode. Then see whether the rise of the placenta up. If 32-36 weeks this happens, the threat will not, and the woman gives birth in the usual way.
The Maturity of the placenta at this period is equal to 0. “Lobed" placenta – this is the second level of maturity, and in such a situation, you should consult with your doctor. Deposits of calcium salts is called calcification. The norm is, if they are present in the placenta of the first maturity.
If there is death of an area of the “child seats”, it is called infarction of the placenta. In this case, it is urgently necessary to consult with your doctor to determine the cause and prescribe treatment, because if it goes on, the child will lack the oxygen necessary for its development compounds.
At 12 weeks to measure the size of the cervix, which shall not be less than 30 mm. the longer, the better. If it is very short, less than 20 mm, a pregnant hospitalitynet, and may be used to treat surgery. Mouths of the uterus should be closed, both external and internal.
The Myometrium (or state of the muscle) indicates whether there is a risk of miscarriage. If the diagnosis indicates that this term is hypertonicity of the uterus, the woman is treated. Especially alarming facts such as "petrification" belly, “pull” in the lumbar region.
Using a special table at the CTE calculate the duration of pregnancy. It may be that such a function built into the software of ultrasound device. Compare the time – calculated from the last menstruation and ultrasound issued. If the difference is small (one or two weeks), I believe the exact term, a certain midwife. In the case of greater discrepancies (more than 2 weeks) take for granted the period of ultrasound.
Be especially careful when the pregnancy is 12 weeks. Ultrasound screening - all of these studies aim to evaluate the development of a fetus. In this first ultrasound is done, and then prescribe and screening (dependent on performance). It is carried out if:
- the Pregnant woman 35 years or older.
- Before it ever had a stillbirth.
- During the examination of the former fruit were detected intrauterine infection.
- a child was Born, who discovered the chromosomal anomaly.
- it is Established that such anomalies are the relatives of both parents.
Only in special centers perform screening (12 weeks). How to do? Collect all the tests: ultrasound, blood, external data. The evaluation study is made of genetics, and the attention is mainly drawn to the collar and theseindicators: free β-HCG and PAPP-A. In General, these markers are investigated in a pre-established combination. If any of them have changed, this does not mean that the fetus has some disease.
So when are screened at 12 weeks of pregnancy, it uses the characteristics of these markers. It svarochnye proteins. If they have deviations, then the child will have genetic disorders. Free β-HCG – subunit of human chorionic (CVS – embryo) of the human gonadotropin and PAPP-A – pregnancy-associated protein A. To examine these indicators are used an ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay).
HCG stimulates the synthesis of steroid hormones (the placenta and the yellow body). Physicians have found that HCG protects the fetus from rejection. Exploring the level, you can make predictions for the further course of pregnancy. According to medical statistics, HCG gradually increases until 10 weeks and then remains roughly at the same level (5000 to 50,000 IU/l) to 33 weeks, then may rise slightly.
1 screening during pregnancy is from 10-th to 13-th week of the term. To calculate all the risks, take the data set: the date of ultrasound, CTE and TPV (nuchal translucency thickness).
These tests are very important to identify existing abnormalities in the chromosomes. However, if the reading is a little high, don't worry and jump to conclusions. Just need to go to genetics, which will tell you what to do next. Also there is a possibility that wrong read the ultrasound. Screening 12 weeks of pregnancy can be repeated – to update, or the doctor will prescribe invasive diagnosis, which will more accurately determine the genetic makeup of the child. Depending on what the term, or do a chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis.
Even If 1 screening showed a very low risk of having abnormalities of chromosomes in the fetus, it is not necessary to abandon the survey, conducted on 4-5 month of pregnancy. In addition to HCG and AFP, to determine the level of free estriol (triple test).
To determine indicators β-HCG and PAPP-A, pass the blood screening. 12 weeks is a sufficient period in order to biochemical analysis to identify the presence (or absence) of abnormalities in the chromosomes.
Depending on the results of a blood test reveal why the figures differ from the norm. So, screening 12-week of pregnancy can detect are as follows:
- the down Syndrome.
- Not one fruit, and 2 (3, etc.). More fruit – more levels of the hormone.
- morning Sickness.
- Incorrectly prescribed period of pregnancy. For each week of the development of the child corresponds to a figure that defines the exact age of the fetus.
- the Presence of diabetes in the mother.
- an Ectopic pregnancy.
- high risk of miscarriage.
Of Course, there is! Learn their you can, making research such as ultrasound screening (12 weeks). Norm Will be known after the analysis of the data, doctor. However, there are srednemultinskoe indicators are clearly established for each week of pregnancy. For example, β-HCG at 11-12 week must be from 200,000 to 90,000 IU/ml.
However, keep in mind that the screening 12-week pregnancy gives, of course, very high, but still not one hundred percent results because every woman has its own characteristics of the organism, necessarily taken into account by the doctor. If the fetus is not one, then it is more difficult to diagnose. Looking at the figures. If they are in one and a half or two times, it can be concluded that embryos of 2 or more. Each of the fruits of its own chorion and different production of hormones. Therefore, the indicators are high, and the mother sent for an ultrasound to confirm a multiple pregnancy.
As soon As screening (12 weeks), normative values are immediately cross-checked with the data obtained, to calculate whether there is pathology. Physicians for this purpose, a special coefficient called IOM. It is calculated according to a formula: amount of the hormone, which was established by the results of the screening, divided into HCG (corresponds to the norm in this period of pregnancy). Should get one (ideally). Well, based on the results of all studies judged to include the mother in the risk group with chromosomal abnormalities or not. It is worth noting that even if this happened, this is not a final verdict, but only one of probabilities. Therefore, the remaining indicators are compared and only then make any conclusions. Review its screening 12-week pregnancy ultrasound, hormones, TVP may designate a second study in the second trimester.
Protein PAPP-A is responsible for immunity of the pregnant woman and also it helps the placenta to work. As the border of the thresholds are clearly established, then its deflection is highly undesirable. The fact is that such “jumping” indicators'm not just talking about a possible miscarriage, but also about such terrible anomalies as down syndrome, de Lange syndrome, etc are the numbers: from 11-th to 12-th week of 0.7 to 4.76; with 12-to 13-week - 1,03 - of 6.01.
The Women who did the screening (12 weeks), respond differently. Someone incorrectly identified the sex of the baby. This is the explanation – the period is too smallfinally it will be possible to say who will be born: a girl or a boy at 16 weeks. Also talk about different prices. Some tests are free, others pay from 1000 to 3000 rubles.
However, most mothers say that ultrasound and screening help to understand how the development of the baby. Now that these procedures are required, it is possible to diagnose and time to begin to treat the underlying disease, so the baby will be born healthy.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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