Appendicitis in children: symptoms, how to determine the operation


2018-03-23 21:56:24




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Even in our modern times, when medicine has made significant progress, something is still murky. For example, it is not clear the role of the Appendix in the human body, but the inflammation of this Appendix have encountered a lot of people, because it is one of the most common ailments. And they suffer not only adults. Appendicitis in children (regardless of age) – the phenomenon is not uncommon.

As a rule, treatment is urgent and is to surgery, because the time to detect the inflammation process is not often, as I would like. And in relation to children's development of appendicitis is faster, and often the complications are more severe. Therefore, a child's complaints of pain in the abdomen do not leave unattended.

The Role of the Appendix in our body

The Vermiform Appendix or appendage of the cecum, – Appendix. Located on the right side of the abdomen and usually takes the downward position. But for some people, it is located behind the cecum (the upward position), close to the white line of the abdomen (medial position) or is in the vicinity of the peritoneum (lateral position). The dimensions of the process depends on the individual circumstances:

  • Length – 50-100 mm;
  • Diameter – not more than 10 mm.

Many people ask about how important the role of the Appendix in our body. However, some parents are interested in where perception is more important question: could it be appendicitis in a child?

appendicitis symptoms in children 7 years

Despite the fact that the Appendix is considered a vestigial organ completely useless is not one of them. Our body – it is a coordinated system in which each organ works in harmony with the other components. Many scientists from different countries tried to understand what role plays the appendage. In some places it was the practice to remove the Appendix from newborns, to avoid diseases in the future. However, the effects of such measures disappointing: the children grew up with a noticeable lag in mental and physical development, in contrast to their peers.


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Yes, the Appendix is part of the gastrointestinal tract, but digestion is not involved. Nevertheless, it is the most important function because in the process of the present lymphatic tissue which is important for the human immune system. Is only infection get into the digestive system, the important process of calling in an air strike. However, if the immune system is weakened, symptoms of appendicitis in children is not long to wait.

In Addition, the epididymis acts as a storage of bacteria, which creates the proper intestinal microflora. In this regard, those people who have undergone surgery for removal of the Appendix, digestive tract (in the case of infectious attack) recovery is slower. In addition, the Appendix promotes the secretion of sialic acid and the development of lipase, amylase and serotonin. In other words, this Appendix supports the human immune system and helps to normalize digestion.

Features of appendicitis in children

Appendix now everything is clear, but what does appendicitis? This root word refers to the flow of the inflammatory response in this process. The disease can be chronic, but in most cases it takes an acute form. Adults understand the whole situation, if there is suspicion of inflammation of the Appendix, while a child may be scared. In addition, almost all children are afraid of surgery, if such a need exists. For this reason, they try to hide the fact quite a dangerous disease, saying that they are fine. Although in reality it is not.

could it be appendicitis in a child

Therefore, do not need much pressure of the child and scare him with stories not to scare. Parents need time to react to the complaints of his child, to eliminate various complications. But how to identify appendicitis in a child that this is a disease, but not inflammation tricks? This just further will be discussed.

Symptoms pathology

Depending on the age, the signs of appendicitis every child is different. According to statistics, at risk are children aged 10 to 12 years. Infants this disease is practically unaffected, kids no older than five years of age rarely suffer from this disease. As the practice of medicine, every fifth child who is ill with appendicitis – 6-7 years. But most affected are children of school age, in most cases it is children from 7 to 14 years. Consider the signs of inflammation of the Appendix from kids of all ages.

Kids 5 years

Due To this age, the child still can not on understandable language to explain exactly where the pain is, your health and more. Therefore, parents need to be especially careful to monitor his behavior. Normally he gets restless, constantly falls on the right side, you can fold up and is trying to protect the place where it hurts. If you need to change the posture he cries and screams.

To Find out the presence of appendicitis in a child of 5 years can be for a number of symptoms:

  • Weakness (reflected in the lack ofof interest, the child lies constantly, refuses to play);
  • Feeling thirst;
  • Child struggling with anxiety;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Periodically comes nausea and vomiting;
  • The chair's fluid, however, in the presence of inflammation there is constipation;
  • Children shivering and fever.

With regard to body temperature, it can reach up to 37,5-38 °C, but in severe cases rises to 39 °C. Since child appendicitis develops rapidly, the account goes on the clock. So do not delay - you need to immediately call an ambulance.

Children 7-10 years

At the age of seven the symptoms are the same as in adults. It begins usually with pains in the abdomen, and gives it in the right side, and with a sharp press on this area it becomes acute. Unfortunately, 30 % of all cases of child appendicitis – this is a manifestation of the typical signs, while the remaining 70 are atypical symptoms. In other words, the appendage is otherwise, resulting in appendicitis in children 7 years manifests itself pain in different places:

  • Lower abdomen;
  • Back;
  • The area of the rectum;
  • The stomach.
appendicitis symptoms in children

Characteristic features may be the following manifestations:

  • Nausea accompanying vomiting (can be single or multiple);
  • The sense of a fever;
  • Fever;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Dry and coated tongue.

As for the chair, it often remains normal, but in some cases it may be constipation, but diarrhea – a rare phenomenon. If one of the above symptoms should immediately call a doctor, there is no more than 2-3 hours. Otherwise, you may begin complications and do not exclude the rupture of the Appendix. If signs observed in girls, before you call the doctor to find out when she had her last menstruation, as in the period before menstruation pain is the same.

What not to do

To appendicitis among children 10 years of age (or younger) did not lead to serious complications, it is important for parents to know what is in any case impossible. In particular, this applies to the following:

  • Do an enema or give laxatives. It could trigger the spread of the infection or rupture of the Appendix.
  • Not a sore spot warm. Heat exacerbates the situation, since it contributes to acceleration of the inflammatory process. The same applies to different trays.
  • Give any herbal infusion or feed the baby. The flow of food in the intestine will increase the pressure on the inflamed Appendix, why he can also burst.

Under Any pretext it is not recommended to self-medicate, otherwise, can only harm. The only thing you can do while waiting for the arrival of the doctor – to put on the sore spot with a wet towel soaked in cold water. It will slightly reduce the pain.


To Identify the definite symptoms of appendicitis in children is difficult because most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract they are similar. Besides, children, especially at a younger age, not yet able to understand exactly where the pain is localized, and to determine its nature. For this reason, feeling of the abdomen will give a lot more responses to pain.

Examine the child needs a doctor, because only he will be able to confirm the presumptive diagnosis, which is made by palpation at home. It is four closely adjacent to each other. And pressure made from the right side just below the navel, then move to the upper abdomen between the ribs, finish the manipulation on the left side, also below the navel. In appendicitis, the child will feel an acute pain in the right side. To establish an accurate diagnosis, the child must be taken to the hospital. Here he has to pass several tests. They show the presence of inflammation and severity of disease.

appendicitis in children 7 years

If, according to the symptoms, appendicitis in children occurs in a complex form, apply additional diagnostic methods. For a start the child examined by a surgeon, then you need an ultrasound of the abdomen. The study will assess the condition of the Appendix and identify the presence of inflammation.

Forms of pathology

Just Like any disease, appendicitis (even in children) can occur in a different form:

  • Catarrhal – this is a simple form of appendicitis, which runs quietly and does not cause complications, life-threatening child. The inflammatory process affects only the wall of the cecum, which causes the appearance of the first characteristic signs. When timely performed the surgery, the child can be cured, and he no longer in danger.
  • Abscess – this pathology should raise concerns: the surface of the Appendix begins to be covered with a purulent coating, the mucus, together with pus gets inside the body. In this case, does not exclude the thrombosis of the blood vessels that nourish the cecum.
  • Gangrenous – even more dangerous phase of appendicitis in children. Occurs as a consequence of thrombosis of vestigial organ. With the result that during the course of inflammation of the intestinal wall begin to die. In turn, thisthreatens to break intestine and release its entire contents into the abdominal cavity causes peritonitis and shock. The Appendix has a dark green hue and foul odor. The child's condition is very heavy. Require emergency surgery, or there will be dire consequences.
  • Perforated – this form is unfavorable for both children and adults. In this case we are talking about the breakthrough of the inflamed Appendix, when the content flows into the peritoneal cavity.
  • Infiltration – the inflammatory process progresses, infiltration increases, which can be a sign of acute peritonitis.

Now all parents should be clear that to ignore the symptoms of appendicitis in children 7 years of age (and not only) in no event it is impossible, otherwise it will end very badly.

What are the causes of disease

Any of us, regardless of age, are not immune from appendicitis. There are a number of factors that, in fact, can trigger the disease.

  • Improper diet. The child eats too many carbohydrates, sugars and harmful foods, but fat his or her body receives very little.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, both in the acute and in the chronic stage.
  • Intestinal bacteria Overgrowth in itself is the cause of infection of the child's body, and there to appendicitis hand.
  • Location and other individual characteristics of the process.
  • In rare cases, the Appendix can get a foreign object.

But heredity there is clearly nothing to do with it. Besides various viral or infectious diseases lead to the weakening of the immune system.

appendicitis in children

As a result, the child's body becomes vulnerable to infection costs nothing to penetrate freely into the abdominal cavity, and thence directly to the vermiform Appendix.


If a vestigial organ is inflamed then the only cure – operation for appendicitis in children. About any medications may not be out of the question, they can only be used after the surgical procedure. And the sooner parents seek medical attention for help, the greater the likelihood that the child will avoid serious complications.

The media have published information according to which the patients were cured of appendicitis with antibiotics. It's just important for the particular form of the disease and applies only to adults. Unfortunately, against children conservative therapy is excluded because of the impossibility of its implementation. And the loss of time is very expensive.

Surgical treatment

Depending on the disease there are currently several ways of surgical intervention.

  • Laparoscopy – more gentle and safe procedure, since instead of a large incision made a few small punctures. The risk of infection is significantly reduced, and the restoration of the child's body is noticeably faster.
  • Laparotomy-is performed in severe cases, when children have acute appendicitis. The abdominal cavity is opened, after which the inflamed Appendix is cut. If the body is broken, the cavity is cleared of pus and mucus.
  • Transluminal surgery – the safest procedure in which incisions are completely excluded. Only is extremely rare.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, then the operation is performed immediately, any delay puts the child's life at risk.


After the operation the child's body is restored within 10-14 days, although for a rest requires up to 5-6 weeks. It all depends on the age and procedures. And after surgery, the child may be prescribed a course of antibiotics to avoid any adverse effects from surgical intervention.

features of appendicitis in children

During the rehabilitation period need to adhere to a special diet which does not overload the gastrointestinal tract. Taking vitamins will help to restore the immune system in a short time. Any kind of physical activity, including sports, is excluded for a month, which requires exemption from physical education.

If you have children in the operation for appendicitis catarrhal form is held safely and they feel great subsequent medical treatment is not necessary. Only when the child suffers from strong pain, the doctor prescribes painkillers. If it is appendicitis destructive nature, but without peritonitis, antibiotic treatment. And in the case of peritonitis increases the rehabilitation period.


After the operation need some time to observe the condition of the joint. Properly it is processed, determines the likelihood of complications. While the child is in the hospital, it is a responsibility of the medical staff, but his discharge of the obligations borne by parents. Treatment of joint after the treatment of appendicitis in children should be performed twice a day with antiseptic solutions:

  • Green paint;
  • Iodine,
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Potassium permanganate.

You Also need to carefully monitor the condition of the seam and in the presence of certain signs to seek medicalhelp. These include the following:

  • Wound dries and it becomes wet.
  • Near the seam visible pus.
  • There is swelling and redness.
  • Around the seam felt pain.
  • Body Temperature rises.

All this may indicate the development of complications, so the delay is not worth it.


Completely avoid the development of appendicitis in children or adults is impossible. However, there is a way to minimize the risks, which you need to adhere to basic prevention. First of all we are talking about proper nutrition. It is necessary to ensure that the child uses: the diet should be full, fatty food should be restricted. In addition, the meal should be unhurried. You also need to look after kids under the age of three – they like to pull everything into his mouth to taste. Small items easily fall into the intestines, leading to blockage of the cecum, and as a consequence – appendicitis.

appendicitis in children 10 years

From time to Time need to diagnose and treat existing chronic diseases. Children with a weakened immune system must be under the supervision of immunologist. Only active and strong body is able to fend off the infection.

In conclusion, we can say one thing: parents should once again be vigilant, this will help to avoid complications. Because children – is the most precious thing we have in this world, so you need to take care of them since birth!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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