13 week pregnancy details


2018-03-18 17:35:44




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Women who are expecting a baby, very curious attitude to what is happening with their body at each week of pregnancy. Literally every day the baby grows in size, learns something new, and the body shows its amazing capabilities, flexibly adapting to the growing uterus and fetus. At 13 weeks of pregnancy, many expectant mothers to relax a little and begin to enjoy his position. They gradually let go of the first fears over the health of the baby, are morning sickness and other unpleasant symptoms of the body changes and the risk of miscarriage at this deadline is approaching to almost zero. Therefore, experts called the 13th week of pregnancy one of the best periods, when women are fully able to feel happiness your particular situation and share it with the people closest.

Brief about the thirteenth week

The Stomach at 13 weeks pregnant still not visible, however, depending on the body of the expectant mother, he may have to start a little bulge, which makes it impossible to wear your favorite skinny pants and skirts. So many moms are at this period sent to the first shopping for things that will from time to time to hide the interesting position. However, most women haven't noticed in your body of any major changes and continue to lead habitual way of life and use all items of clothing.

belly at 13 weeks

It is Important that 13 weeks pregnant is a kind of transition period. Ends the first trimester is filled with worry for the life of the baby, poor health and review of life values. We can say that the beginning of the second trimester most women is perceived as a relief, because now they can not be so anxious to listen to your body, in fear that he might reject the baby. Also pregnant at this time probably already stood on the account in female consultation, passed the tests and made sure that the baby is all right. From this point on it will only grow and develop, and not all kids do it the same way. The development of the fetus at 13 weeks of gestation may be slightly different from data from textbooks on obstetrics and gynecology. This nuance, you notice, talking with other moms and comparing the results of the first ultrasound. But don't worry if your baby is slightly smaller than the girlfriends. Most likely, in a few weeks he will catch up and perhaps even surpass.


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As the 13th week of pregnancy, delivered in the antenatal clinic, obstetric is, it is not necessary to forget that from the moment of conception your baby after about eleven weeks of real. Experts say that at this period of pregnancy can be considered and days. For example, 13 weeks pregnant – ninety-one day with that happy moment when there was a fertilization.

How did your little one?

Most moms give birth to a special pregnancy calendar and take great pleasure in watching how each week they grow their baby. The size of the fetus at 13 weeks of pregnancy close to 10-12 see Also considered normal size starting from sixty-five millimeters. Baby weighs about twenty grams, it is considered normal for the specified period. If you compare your toddler with the fruit, then the size of the fetus at 13 weeks of pregnancy is most like the average peach.

the size of the fetus at 13 weeks

It is Remarkable that from this period the body of the crumbs will grow faster than his head. Every month the proportion will be close to those who have a newborn baby.

Child development

13 week of pregnancy your baby's development is progressing rapidly. For example, he has fully formed the beginnings of the twenty teeth, and the head is in proportion to the body is approximately one-third.

Despite the fact that the skin of the baby are still remarkably transparent, and through it you can see all the vessels and internal organs, it already has its own unique fingerprint that will distinguish it from others throughout life.

The Fetus at 13 weeks of pregnancy is not just the fruit – he is a boy or a girl. It is at this stage the sex of the baby, but to see it right on the ultrasound and could not every specialist. So typically, parents learn the sex of their baby is not the first, and one of the following ultrasound examinations.

We Can say that at this period the most active development of the digestive and skeletal system of the fetus. Baby at 13 weeks pregnancy becomes visually similar to man. Ears take his usual place on the head, eyes shifted to the nose and extremities laid hundreds of small bones. The intestine of the baby is shifting into the abdominal cavity, where it will occupy the final position in a few weeks.

the ability of the fetus

What can a baby?

Development of the fetus at 13 weeks of pregnancy characterized not only by the formation of internal organs, but also new skills and abilities. Also do not forget that the child at this period of improved and psychological reactions, it starts very responsive to the mood and condition of the mother. He tries to listen and respond to all external stimuli, the voices of the mother and the father of the baby is able to distinguish and categorize from a variety of other sounds.

In the thirteen weeks, the baby begins to taste the amniotic fluid and to Express their emotions about their taste. For example, if mom is fond of spicy food, the baby may well begin to wince, swallowed amniotic fluid. She will have a distinctively bitter taste. But if amniotic fluid is sweet, it will blink from pleasure, and even to smile.

On the ultrasound at 13 weeks of pregnancy you can see baby sucking thumb. This important skill will help him in the future to find the mother's breast and to suck milk, but he lays it at this time.

What's going on with the baby at 13 weeks pregnancy? He starts to make grimaces, yawns and hiccups. His movements cease to be chaotic and becoming orderliness. Despite the fact that most of the time the baby is asleep, in those few moments when he is awake, the baby is trying to master the space around them and to get maximum information about the outside world.

health of the mother

The Health of future moms

Ultrasound at 13 weeks of pregnancy partially relieves mother's fears about the health of your unborn baby, so after this procedure, many women find some relief of your physical condition. Also moms become more calm and balanced, this fact experts are also associated with the end of the first trimester and transition to the second third of pregnancy.

Usually this period women completely forget about such an unpleasant phenomenon as morning sickness. In rare cases, can still remain nausea, but she appears very rarely and accompanies the ingestion of certain foods which are very easy to calculate. Many moms begin to experience intense hunger and absorb at one time large quantities of food, explaining that what is happening with the baby at 13 weeks pregnancy, namely its rapid growth and development. However really should not do this. If a pregnant would be to overeat, you risk to get overweight, which is hard to get rid of after childbirth. Also, it can cause problems at the stage of carrying crumbs, so carefully watch your diet and do not be insatiable hunger.

Many women begin to do their photos at 13 weeks of pregnancy, in order to make an interesting photo collage. They feel tremendous burst of energy and try to make maximum use of this potential. If you have no contraindications, start to exercise, of course, choosing special exercises for pregnant women. Be superfluous and long walks, they can last more than two hours. Such duration is considered to be the most useful for the health of the mother and her baby.

As the stomach 13 weeks pregnant continues to grow, women should start prevention of stretch marks. Do not be lazy every day to lubricate the skin nourishing cream or special remedies for stretch marks. Pay special attention to the stomach area, thighs and buttocks.

In addition to increasing belly and Breasts. Of them may start to stand out colostrum, it is the first food of the baby after birth. But the body is preparing to develop it long before the crumbs.

baby development

Possible health problems of a pregnant

Most women can tolerate 13 weeks of pregnancy, development baby still can not affect the expectant mother and quietly replaced the toxemia come other problems.

The Growing uterus increases the pressure on all the organs, which leads to heartburn, bloating and constipation. Initially, these problems may seem insignificant...

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BE: https://tostpost.com/be/dom-syam-ya/20790-13-tydzen-cyazharnasc-padrabyaznasc.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/das-haus-und-die-familie/20800-13-woche-der-schwangerschaft-zus-tzliche-informationen.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/la-casa-y-la-familia/20810-el-13-de-semana-de-embarazo-detalles-de.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/y-zh-ne-otbasy/20783-13-apta-zh-kt-l-k-toly-yra.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/dom-i-rodzina/20750-13-tydzie-ci-y-szczeg-y.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/a-casa-e-a-fam-lia/20749-13-semana-de-gravidez-os-detalhes.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/ev-ve-aile/20790-13-hafta-gebelik-detaylar.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/d-m-s-m-ya/20779-13-tizhden-vag-tnost-podrobic.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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