California shining cat: description of the breed, character, care and maintenance


2020-07-03 06:00:19




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California shining — a very rare breed of cats. It was developed specifically in order to show mankind that wild animals — not the subject of hunting fun, not a toy and not a trophy. It is part of nature, and must touch them with love and respect.

Shining a California cat is remarkably similar to a small leopard. If you want to have a home such an exotic animal, but I'm afraid not cope with his wild temper, she is for you. There is nothing from the “savage”. She is cute, courteous and absolutely safe.California shining cat

A Little history

About the appearance of shining California cats you can shoot a full dramatic pictures. Especially since owes it to its appearance one of the American writers.

Being on the set on the African continent, Casey was just stunned by the brutality with which poachers killed leopards. And all because of gorgeous skins amazing colors. Being literally in shock from the sight of cruelty, he returned home and shared his impressions with a friend the anthropologist Louis Leakey. Together they came to the conclusion that if you get people to see these animals not only fur coats, but also loyal friends, it is possible to stop the extermination. As a result it was decided to bring a special breed of cats, the fur coat which repeated the colors of leopards. After all, if the man of the house will be a pet, it is unlikely he will want to buy yourself a leopard print coat.

For the intended breeding project involved as many as 10 different species of pussies. Among them abissin, Manx, Angora, Siamese, and some others. “the Cherry on the cake” became an Egyptian street cat, who was also attracted to the experiment.

It took 11 generations and years of selection work to the lap of researchers samardala pussy new breed.California shining cat price

Why it shines?

Description California radiant, we should start with deciphering its name. The first part of all clear — she was born in California. But what about the second part? Each “decent” breed has its own legend. There, she and the shining of cats. The gist of it is that the ancestors of this animal were travelling with gold, their masters. Particles of gold dust settled in the fur of cats, it began to glow. Over time, shining hairs become an integral part of skins. This feature was inherited. Hence the name.

This is most Likely just a fairy tale. But the fact that the spotted coat of the kittens of this breed are amazingly smooth and shiny — true.

Another interesting feature of the breed that brings her to a wild fellow leopards, — flexibility and mobility. Kitty is very active and rarely sit in one place. This is a fairly large breed, and you pet will need a lot.


For all its springtime "savagery" of the purring is kind and sympathetic disposition. The nature of California's shining very friendly, sociable and affectionate. She loves the kids and quickly finds a common language with her. With the kids it appeals especially cherished.
California shining breed of cats

Not afraid of the cat and strangers. This cat will never hide, if the home being visited.

Young pussy very fast and very attached to their owner, literally walking after him. In this case they are quite silent and won't cast a vote just like that. California cats get along well with other members of the world cat, but dogs are not too keen. The friendly behavior that they can in this case, just ignore the dogs.

If the house has birds, rabbits, ferrets, fish or a variety of rodents, the owners and before you know it, the cat will demonstrate their hunting instincts. Pussy well-trained, easy to memorize rules of behavior and well-accustomed to the bowl and the tray. Can execute multiple commands, intelligent and non-confrontational.


Shining a California cat is incredibly similar to a mini-leopard. Her body has the shape of a pronounced rectangle. Addition strong, muscles developed great. It's pretty large animals. Weight some individuals able to reach 8 kg. the Average weight – just over 4 lbs.

The Tail of these animals is of equal thickness throughout its length and has light marks on the tip. This is a very important feature that is worth paying attention to in the evaluation.California shining a very rare breed of cats

Rounded head with a convex frontal part is planted on a rather long and flexible neck. The ears are medium-sized,set on high and have rounded tips. Stand out from “Californians’ eyes. They are large, almond-shaped and in harmony with coat color. Along the lower eyelid is white “connections”.
Fur is short, soft and smooth, tightly pressed to the body. On the tail and the belly may be slightly extended.

The main thing that distinguishes “Californians», — it is their way to get around. They literally trail along the ground, as if sneaking up on prey. This is due to the structure of the front legs, where the radius and humerus bones are at a right angle. However, the feet small, round shape.


The shining Colors of California can be very diverse. Paws, tummy and muzzle are usually a bit lighter than the main part of the body. Coat California cats — its main wealth. Breed standards recognize as many as 8 colors: gray, anthracite and black, red and Golden, blue, bronze, silver, and brown. Welcome also the similarity of the coats with the skin of a snow leopard.

It is Noteworthy that the kittens of this breed are born completely black and only as they grow up acquire a particular color.
California shining description

With age, appear and blemishes. They can be of different type and size, can be grouped in elegant patterns, or they can be loose. The main thing that they did not take the form of fish scales. So too are spots rings or marks Crescent shape. On the head, chest or legs is likely to create dark bands.

If you put a number of photographs of wild young of the leopard and home to California shining pussy, the differences will be minimal.

Particular care

Care and maintenance of California radiant does not involve any special skills. Regular trimming claws, brushing the coat and cleaning the eyes for them habitually and does not cause resistance.

Most Importantly, what it takes “the Californian», — the opportunity to throw out his “wild” energy. They love to jump, run, climb every lestnica and transitions. It is best to give the animal more space to play and equip a special area on the principle of “the higher, the better”. Shelves, ladders, boxes and transitions between them — that I love these fidgets.

If you already have any animals, it is better to move to another room. Otherwise favorite hamster can become a delicious Breakfast for the young hunters.California shining care and maintenance

“Defective” kittens

Pets, like people, are not always born beautiful and healthy. If you intend to participate in the exhibition, you should know the criteria by which shining a California cat may not qualify. This does not mean that you will love her less or she's kind of sick. No. Just the standards exist, a mismatch which could prevent your pet be a wonderful instance to reproduce quality offspring. By the way, when you buy a kitten, keep in mind that the cost of “defective” kittens far below the “original”. So if you offer the baby for too low a cost, it is likely that something is wrong.

Among the options for culling can be called such:

  • Too much big the body;
  • Very round muzzle;
  • Bright spots on the coat;
  • Green eyes;
  • Notched tips of the ears;
  • White fur on the tip of the tail;
  • The presence of spots of irregular shape (sickle, scales, ring).

The Presence of such qualities in any case does not mean that the cat is sick. It just appeared in the genes of ancestors that are not relevant to manmade standards. The animal will still love you and delight with his presence for many years, but for breeding is not good.California shining colours

Health and possible illnesses

California shining cat breed can boast a remarkably strong health and good immunity. This breed is quite young, it was little more than 40 years. The breed has not gained popularity and therefore is not grown by nurseries in industrial scale. It is rather exclusive animal. They did not have genetic defects and diseases that can be inherited. Your pet will be alert and active to the elderly.

If you care for an animal properly, regularly visit the vet to prevent a feed, shining a cat can live 20 years. The Foundation of a healthy lifestyle for this breed is a movement. So you need to ensure that the cat had plenty of space for games and walks. On average, radiant Californian pussy live 13–15 years.

How much it costs and where to buy

Is trueshining kitten very well. Moreover, in order to buy a pet, you must first book. This service is paid, and the cost is determined by the breeder.

The Price of California's shining cats can reach 120 thousand rubles. The cat will cost you about 30 thousand rubles.
California shining character

It's so exclusive breed that breeding her are engaged only in the United States. Nowhere else in the world there are kennels for the breeding of the shining kittens. So if you were to buy a cat in Russia, Belarus or Ukraine, it is most likely a hoax.

To avoid unscrupulous seller, ask the breeder to provide a full package of documents. You must give the metric and veterinary passport. They confirm the purity of the breed and health of the baby. Many nurseries provide lifetime support pussy. This means that at any time you can turn to them for advice on any matter relating to your humming.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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