19 August what holiday in Russia: characteristics, history and interesting facts


2020-07-03 07:43:14




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Living in Russia is interesting and beautiful. All of these sensations brighten numerous events which crowded annual calendar. What holiday in Russia on August 19? The answer to this question is quite difficult, as the options may be few.

Apple spas

If you ask grandparents how to celebrate the holiday in Russia on August 19, you can hear in response: «Apple Saved”. This glorious Christian festival which celebrates more than ten centuries.

August 19 what a day in the Russian

What to do in this day? According to ancient tradition, needed an entire day to devote to the pieces of your favorite fruit to make jam, jams, compotes and other sweets. It is mandatory to bake some tasty Apple pie and give a slice of this dessert each loved one.

what holiday in Russia on August 19

In ancient times the feast August 19, people boasted of their harvest. They are clothed in a white robe, he put in a basket of plums, apples, pears, and walking the neighborhood, handing out treats. Also on this day people visit their relatives in the cemetery with the same fairing.

What not to do to save Apple?

Our older relatives know not only how to celebrate the holiday in Russia on August 19, but and all the traditions associated with this day. For example, it is forbidden any kind of physical activity. Before people were released that day from all work and rest for my soul. Unfortunately, due to my busy work schedule to make it virtually impossible.

It is Also prohibited to harm insects even if they attacked first.

It was Believed that if a person break this omen, he will have to pursue failure throughout the year.

Humanitarian aid

Everyone knows about the celebration on August 19 in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. On this day, three glorious States are United with one purpose – to provide assistance to people in need. In celebration of "humanitarian Day" the government of several countries to decide how they can help the republics, which suffered due to natural disasters, experiencing a crisis or are unable to recover from the fighting.

how to celebrate the holiday in Russia on 19 August

It is believed that this day is not only the head of state, but also every simple man should be a little kinder. The feast August 19, you need to pay attention to the people around: those who do not have permanent residence, single moms, sick children and other needy individuals. The purpose of the event – to provide the other person assistance, and completely without demanding anything in return.

It is believed that after such a ritual the person is entitled to special protection. After that it will be several times less sick, he lost all haters and detractors.

Transfiguration of Christ

Do Not forget about what religious holiday in Russia on August 19. On this day the whole country celebrates the Transfiguration of the Lord. This is a very interesting, vintage celebration is celebrated since the time of the existence of Jesus Christ on this Earth. He read the commandments to his disciples and in a moment he changed the color of the clothes and even the complexion. In connection with this transformation came a nice religious holiday.

It is believed that in mid-August, you need to go to Church and consecrate the family to the heart items. Believers come early in the morning to the temple and laid out under a large cross-grown fruit. Only then can be blank.

On what holiday in Russia on August 19, it is not necessary to remind the elderly. They still have an alarm clock early in order to have time to do as many cases as possible in the kitchen. Recorded an amazing coincidence: the people who covered products to wood, use Goodies throughout the year. They never spoiled and not floated.

Interesting traditions

Unfortunately, young people are now rarely thought about Orthodox events and do not observe tradition at the date of the holiday. 19 August Russia – this is the day when strictly forbidden to eat meat products, eggs and to drink milk in any form. It was believed that the man who brought in the body like food, he brought this all on himself a severe illness.

The Young mistress all the cases had to do in advance. Was considered a great sin, if she started to do the cleaning, sewing or knitting.

People were afraid, if during the day the heat was scorching. The weather predicted a harsh winter.

Help homeless animals

In some countries for several years there is an acute problem withstray animals. Hungry cats and dogs live everywhere: in the hallways, on the streets, in subway stations and other public places. In 1992 it was invented, what holiday is on August 19 in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries will be considered official. Of course, they became the world Day of homeless animals.

August 19 feast

It was during this period 25 years ago there were several open shelters based on the state. Any person could find on the street abandoned pet and bring it to the proper authorities. There they were fed, washed, did the necessary vaccinations and provide complete care. Anyone could come to the kennel and choose a pet.

what holiday is August 19, in Russia the Church

Currently the day going group of volunteers who are looking for the city streets of stray animals and provide them with the necessary support.

Day vest

If you ask the question the young man about what holiday in Russia on August 19, it's likely he'll remember another important event – the birth of the vest. It is in this auspicious day in the middle of the 17th century were made the first model of this versatile garment.

 holidays of Russia in August 19

The event is official for those who wear striped apparel. We are talking about men, some military and emergency workers.

Celebrate the season and people who have a remote relation to the above disciplines. All malls of each city interesting contests related to this event. For example, you need to create the most beautiful way with the use of striped clothing to put on or remove it on time, and to come up with different scenes. In this day people have fun, in the Central squares, live shows and a disco, you can even see unusual fireworks. Many couples whose wedding fell on that day, arrange your holiday in this style. They dress up in appropriate clothing, and style themed design in the Banquet hall. The most important event in their life becomes like a sea party. What a gift to give a loved one on such an event? Of course, an exclusive vest!

Day photos

What is the holiday in Russia on August 19 celebrating the people of creative professions? Undoubtedly, this Day pictures. Who has a direct relationship to this day? People whose profession is associated with this fishery: photographers, models, and creators of photoshop. Thanks to these professionals, each person in the collection comes high quality, vivid and interesting picture. Worth in mid-August to congratulate on a wonderful event colleague and give him the souvenir.

What is happening in this day? Celebrants advertise their best work. Often is the competition to find the best specialist. The winner receives a suitable gift, most often as it used a modern camera. Often on the embankments of the city can be found lovers of surveys that offer to do free photo as a gift.

 holiday date August 19 in Russian

This holiday is actively celebrated and ordinary people. They give their friends the best photos. Traditionally on this day people go to shoot. Many of them are on the gift certificate. In many schools offers free photography lessons, thanks to them, people stop on the choice of their future profession.

What holiday is August 19 in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the world? The answer to this question does not matter. It is important that on this day, all people are United by a special kind of atmosphere: kindness, nobility and purity.

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"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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