Regression of sleep in four-month-old children - what to do? How to put the baby to sleep


2020-07-03 09:31:20




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Now far behind three months of constant and continuous struggle with gas and colic, who did not want to leave the baby. Finally came the time when the baby can sleep, not kicking his legs and crying. But... It requires constant, every minute of mom's presence she can't sleep without it. Subsides when they receive mom's milk. We can only congratulate the parents, because their pet is growing up, and all that — nothing like The sleep regression at four months old.

Faced with the inevitable

In the life of every child and his parents periods when the behavior toddler very rapidly and seemingly randomly changing. His dream is quite messy, and the baby restless. In this case, adults can not understand the child's behavior — this is the reason for his poor sleep or its result.

sleep regression

Parents are in despair due to the fact that all previously established rules: stability, schedule, discipline action — not working. They can't understand what happened to their child why a smiling and cheerful baby was naughty and completely uncooperative.

If child had already examined the doctor who ruled out a cold, teething in the active stage, an ear infection, and the like, it is most likely The sleep regression. Some time ago, Danish scientists have conducted numerous studies. The result was the following: The regression of child's dream, that is, it bursts occur in certain weeks: 5, 8, 12, 19, 26, 37, 46 and 55th. The most striking regressions come in six weeks, 4 and 6 months.

What can you observe in this difficult period?

Regression of sleep in infants is expressed as follows:

  1. The Kid needs a lot more care, supplemental feeding, and to put him to bed now takes a longer time.
  2. The baby may disrupt sleep: he wakes up regularly and often — in a bad mood.
  3. During this time period children are usually more naughty and manual: the only option to put them to sleep is the presence of the mother, her smell, hugs and warmth. If mom and baby are sleeping together, it is not necessary to wean your baby from this when comes The sleep regression at 4 months.

By following these simple rules, you can get a little to alleviate the situation.

Characteristic features

Four children is the ideal candidate for a test of his above-mentioned crisis. Parents often say that to put him to sleep at this age is much harder than when he was younger. Now the whole procedure can take at least thirty minutes.

sleep regression in 4 month

To Bed now baby can refuse, he is required every minute a mother's breast. In this period greatly increased the number of breastfeeding at night (the figure may be as much as 10-15 times).

This is a typical manifestation of the four-month sleep regression baby. But what will be the duration of this crisis will depend on the physiology of the baby and aging parents. Because that's what mom and dad must help the child to normalize his sleep — night and day.

Oh, those racing development

Stages of child development can be emotional, physical, and neurological. For example, when is the 26th week, the kids, according to the descriptions of clinical psychologists, begin to perceive distance. Now, when is mommy coming to the baby or, on the contrary, moving away from him, he understands it and starts to react. When the mother coming, the child is happy. When away, he is outraged due to the fact that begins to fear, he feels frightened.

If the baby is more sensitive, the jump in development will be expressed more clearly. This is reflected in the huge attachment to the mother and the absolute unwillingness of the child to be without her.

Why there is this regression?

The sleep Regression at 4 months babies starts due to the fact that the Munchkins are now recognizing people they know, are interested in the world around you, slowly begin to roll over. Pipsqueak and would be happy to sleep, but this huge flow of incoming information does not allow him to relax and “off” your brain to rest. That's why people have difficulties falling asleep.

 regression of child's dream

So the mother was able to understand that this temporary crisis, called the regression of sleep has left baby, you have to follow the crumbs, doubling and tripling their attention. However, the exhausted parents are not always capable of it. Then come to the aid of a diary in which they will record in detail the daily routine. One day you may find that finallybaby does not need a lot of time in order to sleep, and he is not as Moody as before.

We are growing!

For six months, babies become more mobile again. They learn to crawl, sit... And it all requires hard work child's brain. In this period, we regress sleep in 6 months. What to do with this?

Some time after the first comes the second time. And here again, the baby doesn't want to sleep and if asleep, the sleep restless and non-durable.

We Can say that this period is full, if its duration is more than two weeks. Very serious regression can occur, when the General state of the baby added pain from cutting teeth, or fear of separation from the mother.

four children

One of the main characteristics of the onset of regression is the transition from three NAPs to two. In General, the features in this case are the same as in the previous year.

Through this difficult period by using the following steps:

  • Parents should remember that all this is only temporary, so don't get mad at the kid, simply to observe relaxed rituals in the evening;

  • Day to give the baby more opportunity to move and exercise: first, as a baby will practice with new skills, and secondly, he is tired and at night will sleep;

  • To put toddler to sleep not by the hour and his fatigue.

  • It is not necessary to create a new “bad habits" - rocking, pacifier, etc.;

  • If the regress baby already asleep on their own, and now he is not, my mother would support him gonna sit in bed until he falls asleep.

These simple rules will help the baby survive a difficult period.

regression of sleep a year

Regression of sleep per year Should not be so sharp as the previous one. The baby is almost independent, knows how much — to crawl, walk and even run. In any case, the duration of all regressions from two to six weeks. And then the sleep again becomes established.

Special ritual of falling asleep

At Home we must develop the same schedule certain actions before going to sleep baby. For example, the procedure may be as follows:

  • To bathe a baby;
  • Change into the clothes in which the baby will sleep;
  • Feed him;
  • Baby sleeps.

Mom can sing to the baby lullaby, stroking it while going to sleep. If a family does not practice a separate sleep crumbs from mom, most likely, it will be to fall asleep with the breast. In this situation the last will be an indisputable advantage.

Sleep with mom

It Should be noted that those mothers who practiced co-sleeping with a toddler may not notice the regression of child's sleep. The kid always feels that mother is near, so it feels more comfortable and not afraid. As soon as the baby woke up, mom immediately it can gently Pat, to reassure or to offer the breast.

But the day can be some problems. This is due to the fact that the child gets used to the fact that mommy is near. So, stacking it in the daytime, it is best to stay with him for about twenty minutes, because this duration of phase of a superficial sleep. When baby falls asleep stronger, the mother may go about their business.

Trying to overcome the crisis of sleep

The Main rule to overcome the crisis is a very simple rule: you only need to forget about all that and how it was before. Little changes, hence changing the usual rituals.

Making adjustments to routines. Crumbs under the age of three months old usually sleep most of the day. But after four months, everything changes a little bit. From this moment on, every waking lasts about two hours, and the day the baby is asleep four times.

sleep regression at 6 months what to do

During the regression is not always possible to put a baby to sleep without tears and without hysteria. Mom needs to proceed very cautiously and try not to miss the moment when the baby is ready to sleep: he become silent, rubs his eyes, laid on my mom's shoulder.

Night's sleep, at a time when the baby difficult period (the sleep regression), shall begin not later than seven or eight o'clock in the evening. After all, falling asleep in this time period is very useful for the baby.

Are going through a difficult time together

The duration of the growth spurt (respectively of the same duration and regression of child's dream) is strictly individual. One term for all, and one recipe for recovery, no. Roughly — one week. Some experts suggest that this condition may last for approximately a fortnight or a little more.

Anyway, parents should not be afraid and to panic. After all, it's not a disease. It's just another growth spurt their baby andfor any child it is completely normal. This difficult for the toddler period should try not to create stressful situations, new acquaintances, sudden journeys. We need to surround him with even more concern. Will provide very real assistance to the pendulum in the crib or slow walking mom in the apartment with the baby in her arms — to calm. Such simple steps may lead to a little to deal with the situation.

 regression of sleep in infants

As soon As four-month-old child will begin to emerge from the regression, the mother should gradually nullify all the auxiliary procedures, which she began to apply during this period. Thus, the baby will not have habits, which will interfere with falling asleep independently.

And despite the fact that the sleep disorder in children up to one year — a very common phenomenon, should not be given the possibility of a jump in growth to negate the established schedule after the jump will end.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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