The day of the glass industry in Russia - Nov 19


2020-07-24 07:30:12




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Every day mankind enjoys the fruits of labor of workers of the glass industry. Now the material has become commonplace and widespread, and buying another piece of utensils, made of glass, it's no surprise, and admiration is only a fine artistic work. It is hard to imagine that once instead of the usual plate glass Windows of ordinary people closed bullish bubble or skin of burbot. Mica okonnitsy was the height of luxury and the envy of, not to mention the glassware, which was valued at its weight in gold. Ancient masters sometimes had to pay for the secrets of their manufacture, the usual for us glass of their own lives.the Day of the glass industry worker

Day of the glass industry

In Russia, a professional holiday of glaziers Do not accidentally has a date of November 19, because it is the birthday of Mikhail Lomonosov, the greatest Russian scientist. He managed to create a unique technology of producing porcelain mass and multi-colored glazes, which were used to create multiple mosaic pictures. Giving merit to the outstanding Russian scientist, 2000-the Day of the glass industry Is celebrated on the day of his of glass industry in Russia

How got the glass

Primitive man enjoyed a glass of natural origin, manufacturing of obsidian and tektites simple tools and weapons - arrowheads and spears, knives, scrapers and axes. It is believed that getting a glass, like many other discoveries, happened by chance, and we owe to those ancestors who for cooking and firing of pottery arranged the hearth in sandy pits. The temperature during the combustion of firewood and straw were sufficient that the sand began to melt. He mingled with the ash and form a glassy mass. Talking about this found on sites of ancient settlements of the clay pots with glaze elements on the sides and on the of glass industry

History of glass production

Glass, discovered during archaeological excavations in Egypt and in the South of Iraq, show that the Sumerians and Egyptians more than five thousand years ago had mastered the art of making jewelry and mosaics out of glass. Creations of the ancient masters had a special grace, but was not transparent.


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Glass making received a big impetus to the development during the Roman Empire. Glassware have become a great commodity for trade, which had a beneficial impact on the development of its production. Alexandria under the Roman protectorate, became a major center of glass production at that time. Masters were able to achieve transparency in the manufacture of glass, adding to the ancient Egyptian recipes manganese oxide. The discovery that distant day, might claim the title of "Day of the glass industry in antiquity".

Glass began to be widely used in architecture, beginning the era of stained glass. In the middle ages, European craftsmen have mastered the manufacture of sheet glass. They blew a hollow rectangular form and then cut and rolled it, receiving flat sheets.

A great contribution to the development of the glass business has made the Venetian master. They used all the latest technology of the time. The notion of "Venetian glass", itself speak about the quality and demand for these products. Secrets of glass making were strictly protected, so foreign workers to take on the job is strictly forbidden. Later, all the main production was moved to Murano island. To this day, when visiting Italy, travelers try to purchase products made from famous Murano glass.

when the day of the glass industry

Production of glass in Russia

Archaeological excavations suggests that the masters of Kievan Rus was well known to the art of glassmaking, but it's a craft that like many others, has been lost after the invasion of the Mongols.

The Day of the glass industry Was still far from approval, but in 1630 there was a glass factory in the village Dukhanino near Moscow, and in 1669 began production of glass for the Palace needs at the plant in Sochi. Peter the great invites the best European masters, and glazing business in Russia is developing rapidly. There are many state-owned and private enterprises for the production of glass, and Russian mater seriously compete with the European.

Of Course, the Day of the glass industry Then not mentioned, but our craftsmen did not become to work less and completely mastered the ancient art. Famous creators of the diamond pattern in the form of plants and frost Zubanova praised glass business in Russia. And the town of Gus-Crystal became a symbol and pride of Russian crystal production.

when the day of the glass industry

Day of the glass industry in Russia

Nowadays, the industry is developing rapidly. Produced and mastered various kinds of products, annual growthown production is 10 to 12 %. According to experts, the domestic glass industry is developing successfully and is an important component of the economic potential of the country. The day of the glass industry is noted at the enterprises of festive events and concerts, it is celebrated all the people whose jobs are somehow connected with the glass.

In Saint-Petersburg on 19 November of which year an exhibition dedicated to the craftsmanship of the glass blowers. Look at their excellent work brings together people from different parts of the country.

We know when the Day of the glass industry Is celebrated in Russia, and heartily congratulate our contemporary masters with their professional holiday.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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