Griffon is a small Belgian dog. Description of the breed, personality and care


2020-07-28 03:00:17




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The Griffon is a powerful dog that will fit in a small body and looks at everything around with their wise eyes, as if the all-knowing old man. Belgium is the country of origin of the breed. Griffonties van Beigiei – her original name. The Brussels Griffon, Petit Brabancon and Belgian Griffon – other names.

Small Belgian dogs: description

The One who never had to meet Belgian Griffon, having heard the name of the breed, could present a solid big dog, but such an opinion erroneous. This is a group of ornamental lapdogs modest size, similar to the Pekingese breed. Contrast - the endless vitality.small Belgian dogs

Small Belgian dogs are rather strong, funny and energetic. In addition, they are intelligent and cheerful. Effectively compete with rodents. Their barking is heard very rarely.

Small Belgian dogs – a little history

The history of the breed very long, she is already about 500 years. The ancestors of the small Belgian dogs was a bearded street dogs that lived at that time in the territory of the Flemish region of Belgium. They were known in the 17th century. The Belgian Griffon as a breed has appeared as the result of crossing a pug and Brussels Griffon. It is assumed that the creation of the breed took part the Terriers.small Belgian dogs

Originally these dogs were kept in the stables, using for catching rodents. At the exhibition they first came in 1889, it was held in France. Finally, the breed was formed only by the early twentieth century. Officially recognized in 1928.

Currently, in many countries around the world meet small Belgian dogs, as well as brought them from the USA in 1993. There in the same year, breeders formed a national breed club, the popularity of animals began to grow.


Appearance dogs of this breed attractive. They are short, compactly folded, elegant. You can recognize them by the bearded, as in monkeys, the face.

The Head with its rounded forehead, round, wide, chin thrust forward. Nose black, large. Large round eyes, the eyelids are also black. Small ears after the relief of a standing, in their natural form just hanging on the cartilage.coloring small Belgian dogs

The Trunk is square, with a deep, broad chest and straight back. Medium length limbs have small round-shaped paws with black pads. The tail is commonly docked to two-thirds of the length, it is set on high.

The coat is rough, long, standard, after trimming it should fit snugly and be short. The peculiarity of the breeds in that they have different coloring. Small Belgian dogs have three main types of color: black, black mixed with red markings on the chest, above the eyes and on the paws, and red with a black mask.

Character of the Griffon

One of the characteristics of the Belgian Griffon – poise. He is always in a good mood, but the voice in this rarely delivers.small Belgian Griffon dog

Another good trait is inherent in the representatives of the Griffon's observation. They quickly memorize and learn the rules by which the family lives, and always be where could be the desired host. Devotion helps them become pleasant companions and friends.

The Extraordinary cleanliness distinguishes the small Belgian breed of dog from others. It so happens that the Belgian he brings a host tissue, so that after a meal could wipe off food residue with a bearded face.

This trait as shyness at the sight of strangers, perhaps, is the only Belgian Griffon.


The Small Belgian dog suitable for keeping in a city apartment. This does not mean that she all day to sit at home alone and bored. Pet should always be with their master or family members, for it is of great importance.small Belgian dogs Russian

For a pet you need to determine the place where he can relax and sleep at night. There it will store your favorite items. It can be socks, children's toys, Slippers master. So he will be able to teach family members to order. For this character trait Griffon was given the nickname by a Ghost (or Hugo).

Dog needs regular walks, which help her to maintain the normal health and well-being. To walk the dog need a long time, he was able enoughto run.

The Owner it is important to know that a little Belgian dog is unwell in the heat. So, we need to create such conditions under which its existence in the hot summer months would be safe and comfortable.

The Griffon can be called happiness in the house, but to pamper him not!

Caring for a small Belgian dog

The Belgian Griffon applies to clean animals, despite this, to care for him is necessary. Especially this requires the dog's coat. She's got very thick. The procedure that should be done regularly, is cleaning and brushing. During the shedding season, which happens twice a year, the coat of the Griffon is updated at this time, it follows to remove the old locks.

It is also advisable to do the trimming, to trim the hair around the eyes, bottom of the belly, the ears, edges of feet.

I should care for eyes and wrinkles on the face. The teeth should be given special attention because of the dwarf breeds often suffer from periodontal disease. When Tartar problem should be resolved by the vet. In addition, the teeth of the pet should always be cleaned with a special toothpaste and toothbrush for dogs.

Feeding small Belgian dogs

Griffons eat all that they give. They like to eat, but excessive completeness is not affected. This does not mean that they can treat different tidbits, not knowing when to stop.small Belgian dogs

What food should eat Belgian Griffon? Breeds of dogs differ little among themselves in this respect, it is only necessary to refer to the diet of Pets with the utmost seriousness to keep them health. The griffons need a menu of natural foods or special dry food of high quality. Hoping diet when feeding natural products or selecting ready food, you should consider the age and condition of Pets. Active healthy puppy need to be fed more nutritious food, and the puppy and the old dog food to give more light to feed little and often.

If the owner of the animal preferred to use for feeding your pet organic food, you should know that they should always be fresh and useful. Breed Belgian Griffon have a sensitive stomach, thrown stale meat or food from the table cause them to have indigestion.

Meat is considered a staple in the menu of any dog, including Griffon. The NMC is recommended to give different raw meat, except pork. Chicken is allowed only boiled. In the diet of pet meat shall be 40%.

Dairy products can be given only kefir, yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese. Whole milk is well absorbed only in puppies. Dairy products are source of protein, which are readily accepted by the body of the animal.

If every day to give the dog fish is rich in phosphorus and fatty acids, its fur will look beautiful and skin healthy. Before feeding the fish need a few minutes to boil.

It is Strictly forbidden to feed the Griffon beans and potatoes.

Diseases of the small Belgian dogs

The Belgian Griffon has good health and is considered small for a long time. On average, it lives for 12–15 years.

Hereditary diseases have bypassed the rock side, though they are, but in rare cases.

The Main problems of these dogs to health arise from the head, its uniqueness. It creates problems during childbirth, which are often a complication, it is necessary to perform a cesarean section. Head shape is blamed for problems with breathing, some dogs emit strange sounds, snoring, and wheezing. The body of the Griffon's cool, the reason for this — short respiratory tract.

Features Belgian mating small dog

Experienced breeders do not recommend breeding the early dogs. Griffon (small Belgian dog) should be well formed, strong. Only healthy parental couple will be able to give good offspring.

Dogs are able to reproduce in 8-12 months. The practice proved that the most favourable timing of mating during breeding can be considered for males 24 months for females – 20 months. When planning the first mating should take into account the individual characteristics of each prospective parent.

Because of the small size of reproduction of a breed is not easy. Well, if at the time of birth will stay close to the vet.Belgian Griffon dog breed

Litter is three puppies. The griffons parent instinct is developed much, they make great mothers, who feed their inheritance to their own milk. In the first days after birth they don't leave puppies alone for a minute, from time to time you lick ' em and turn.

Very devoted to their children small Belgian dogs. Puppies grow up veryfast for 12-14 days they begin to see to the end of the third week you receive a hearing. So, it's time to give them solid foods.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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