How to start preparing for pregnancy. Preparation for pregnancy: vitamins, nutrition


2022-03-02 14:40:57




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The period of pregnancy planning in a woman is called pre-pregnancy preparation. The prefix "pre" in this term means the antecedence of something. And the Latin word gravida translates as "pregnant". Further in the article we will consider the main points that are included in the planning. How to start preparing for pregnancy?

how to start preparing for pregnancy

Main elements

At the beginning of planning, it is necessary first of all to predict the timing. Pre-pregnancy preparation is usually carried out about six months before conception. It consists of the following events:

  1. Examination of both spouses.
  2. Preparation for conception.
  3. Prediction of favorable days for the onset of ovulation.

Visiting doctors

How to start preparing for pregnancy? Of course, from a visit to specialists. The first doctor that every woman planning a pregnancy must visit should be a therapist. You should contact him to examine the body and identify some possible chronic diseases (anemia, kidney diseases, hypertension). Before you start preparing for pregnancy, you need to take urine and blood for analysis, measure blood pressure, and do a fluorography. If any chronic diseases already exist, you should contact the appropriate specialist. The main thing is that it is not allowed to conceive with the exacerbation of such diseases. When using any medications, you need to inform the doctor about this, since some medications are categorically contraindicated during pregnancy. preparation for pregnancy nutrition The main doctor who will conduct a study of the genitals before conception is a gynecologist. This specialist will not only be able to explain the need for certain measures, but also help prevent possible difficulties that may be associated with preparing for pregnancy (after a frozen or abortion, for example).

In addition, an analysis should be carried out for the presence of infections and determine the need for a blood test for herpes, rubella, hepatitis, syphilis, toxoplasmosis. These diseases can be present in the body without manifesting themselves in any way. Also, do not forget about the dentist, since teeth are destroyed during pregnancy due to a lack of calcium in the body. To prevent the infection from reaching the child, their treatment should be carried out before ovulation.

For women who are over 35 years old, and for those who have had genetic abnormalities or radiation in the family, the consultation of a geneticist should be an integral element that includes preparation for pregnancy.


For the proper formation and development of the child, the mother's body must contain a certain amount of useful compounds. Unfortunately, not all of them can be obtained with food. Therefore, when thinking about where to start preparing for pregnancy, a woman should not forget about trace elements. This is especially true for those whose body has been subjected to long diets, smoking, vegetarianism and other influences. The daily dose of these substances should be prescribed by the attending physician. In no case do you need to listen to friends who used certain vitamins during pregnancy. The dosage is prescribed individually and depends on the specific organism. Otherwise, oversaturation of these substances may occur, which leads to negative consequences.


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pregnancy preparation vitamins

Folic acid

This substance is prescribed to almost all women at the stage of preparation for pregnancy. Folic acid takes an active part in the growth of nervous tissue. The duration of its reception is three months before the planned conception. Folic acid can also be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it can protect the fetus from pathologies in the development of the central nervous system.

The daily dosage of folic acid is 400 mcg. That's how much it contains multivitamin preparations intended for pregnant women. In addition to folic acid, they also contain other useful substances. If a woman lives in places with iodine deficiency, 100 mcg of potassium iodide should be added to the complex. If a woman has had abortions or childbirth in the previous two years, her body needs iron-containing drugs.

how to start preparing for pregnancy

Preparation for pregnancy. Food. Healthy lifestyle

A few months before the planned conception, it is necessary to avoid products that contain preservatives, dyes and other harmful substances. It is also necessary to introduce a strict ban on alcoholic beverages.

Considering the question of how to start preparing for pregnancy, special attention should also be paid to the lifestyle of the expectant mother. So, first of all, it is recommended to limit stays in crowded places, since in this case the risk of contracting an infection increases significantly.

If possible, hypothermia should be avoided, because a cold at the initial stage of pregnancy can infect the fetus. Immunity can be strengthened by eating onions and garlic.

A month before conception, you need to try not to overheat the body, not to visit the sauna. Regular walks in the fresh air are recommended, preferably away from highways. Such places are squares, parks, woodlands and others.


pre-pregnancy preparation

The physical condition of a woman is essential in the question of how to start preparing for pregnancy. It must be remembered that during the prenatal period, a large load is created on the spine. This is due to a significant weight gain. Therefore, it is recommended to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles in advance with the help of a set of exercises. They can also be used as a prevention of flat feet, to increase the tone of the pelvic floor muscles and the development of the adductor muscles of the hips. Performing such exercises every day, you can facilitate pregnancy and childbirth, as well as speed up the process of returning to the previous form after the birth of the baby. Physical training will make it possible to bypass the problem of excess weight, avoid varicose veins, stretch marks, ruptures during childbirth.

Treatment of diseases

A certain group of infections can negatively affect the development of a child or the pregnancy process. And although almost all of them have no symptoms and proceed unnoticed, their consequences are very serious. For example, rubella or toxoplasmosis, which took place in childhood, pose almost no threat to the mother. However, infection with such diseases during pregnancy can easily lead to infection of the child. Herpes and cytomegalovirus, to which most people are susceptible, often do not manifest themselves, and their viruses do not multiply, but with the exacerbation of these diseases during the intrauterine development of the child, infection of the fetus is possible. The greatest danger is the penetration of infection in the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct examinations for these pathologies in advance and, if they are detected, carry out appropriate treatment.

preparation for pregnancy after frozen


Before conception, it is very important to vaccinate against certain diseases. These include rubella. In the event that a woman has not been ill with it, it is necessary to get vaccinated 2-3 months before the predicted pregnancy, even if no antibodies are detected during a blood test. Currently, all rubella vaccines are absolutely harmless, give almost one hundred percent results and develop immunity from this disease for more than 20 years. If the vaccination was not carried out in advance, it is forbidden to do it during pregnancy, since it is possible to infect the fetus with this virus. In the case of planning conception at the beginning of winter, a woman is recommended to vaccinate herself against the flu. All medical examinations, various types of injections and any manipulations create a significant risk for infection with hepatitis B. That is why it will not be superfluous to carry out this vaccination at all.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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